Dr. Lana Asprey started to pay attention to her own hormone function when doctors were not giving her the answers to the roots of many symptoms she had. She took charge and started researching. Now she shares her discoveries with listeners, as well as fast, easy tips for every woman to approach perimenopause in the right way. Listen to this podcast and find out the reasons behind those uncomfortable symptoms and how to deal with them!

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Key Takeaways:
[:40] Lana Asprey´s background.
[3:28] What do we know about hormones?
[4:10] What are the symptoms you should pay attention to?
[6:38] What to do when doctors tell you everything is OK with your hormones, but you feel bad?
[9:44] How do you look at your hormone receptors?
[10:20] There are three levels to look at regarding your hormones.
[10:44] Hormones fluctuate throughout the day.
[11:30] Progesterone goes down towards the afternoon.
[11:58] Bad sleep is a symptom of hormone fluctuation.
[13:13] New research showing that women who have their children later take longer to recover hormonally.
[14:14] Importance of a recovering diet after pregnancy.
[15:24] Besides diet, what else can you do for hormone recovery?
[15:44] We have two systems in our body, “fight and flight.”
[16:53] Blood sugar stability is the key.
[17:51] What is the one thing you do every day that makes the biggest difference in your life?
[18:03] Start the day in gratitude.
[20:28] Number one reason for food intolerance is leaky gut.
[20:57] JJVirgin.com/products
[21:08] Listeners’ questions.
[21:18] How to keep your hormones in balance.
[22:30] The adrenal system needs to be in balance.
[23:20] Diet is super important.
[23:54] How to use supplements to create hormone balance.
[24:48] @jjvirginofficial facebook page

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