JJ Virgin interviews Tony Wrighton about simple, amazingly quick Neuro Hacks (NLP techniques) to reduce stress and put you in a position to take better advantage of any situation. Whether it’s a job interview, traumatic memory, or getting to sleep quicker, Tony has a technique to shift you from stress and fear to a relaxed and confident mood. JJ & Tony explore tapping, The Rock Star Phobia Cure, The Betty Erickson technique, and more!


Key Takeaways:
[1:15] Tony Wrighton’s career briefing.
[2:35] What is NLP? Neuro Linguistic Programming or Neuro Hacking intro
[4:55] The “hero’s journey” behind the influence of NLP in Tony Wrighton’s life.
[7:22] The value of reducing your stimulation level to increase performance and identifying what works.
[9:44] You can reduce your cortisol level up to 27% by tapping.
[9:58] Creating a “Relax” playlist to use music as a healing power to flip from stress to relax.
[12:08] How do you treat long-term stress? It’s all about how you perceive the world.
[13:04] The Rockstar Phobia Cure – Tony’s dissociation technique to recover from traumatic and stressful experiences.
[15:12] Using NLP/Neuro Hacking for improving your sleep.
[17:25] First, cut out the caffeine! Look into genetic testing to find out how you process caffeine and other foods.
[18:03] Prepare to sleep in the right way: occupy your senses. Try the “Betty Erickson” technique: notice 3 different things you can see; 3 things that you can hear; and 3 things you can feel or touch. Do this for an entire minute to reduce stress in any situation.
[21:18] Daily meditation makes the biggest difference in Tony’s life. It sets the brain and emotions up to receive tremendous opportunities.
[26:01] Sugar is hiding everywhere, which sugars to lose? Read the “Sugar Impact diet” book.
[26:43] Listeners’ questions: What can I do to stop falling off the program?
[27:22] What is your purpose behind the program?

Mentioned in this episode:
Podcast : Zestology
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You are worthy. Dare to live a life that matters.