Transform Your Skin With These Anti-Aging Foods

Have you ever wondered which foods are most beneficial for your skin? In this episode, I discuss nine amazing anti-aging foods that can work wonders for your appearance. You’ll learn how these foods can help you achieve a more youthful glow by transforming your skin from the inside out. 

We start out with the importance of protein for nourishing and rebuilding your skin. By simply incorporating protein-rich foods into your daily diet, you can actually promote the production of collagen and enjoy a healthier, more radiant look.

I also uncover the fascinating connection between gut health and skin problems. An imbalance in your gut microbiome can greatly affect your skin's health and contribute to various skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, and more.

You’ll also learn the bold spice that can help reduce DNA damage. Plus, the daily beverage that can help reduce the appearance of dark spots on the skin and support a more even complexion.

Finally, we delve into the antioxidant-rich properties of blueberries, omega-3 fatty acids, and the positive effects of green tea, bone broth, and so much more. Tune in and uncover all the details and tips. Get ready to embrace these nine anti-aging foods so you can nourish your skin from within.


00:01:17 – Double the current RDA to get optimal protein, supplement with digestive enzymes
00:02:03 – Omega-3 supplements and the benefits for skin and aging
00:03:32 – Eat clean wild fish, especially salmon and fish oil
00:04:20 – Extra-virgin olive oil is anti-inflammatory, polyphenols contain antioxidants
00:05:43 – Blueberries: antioxidant powerhouses, that reduce disease risks
00:07:50 – Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetable are optimal for cell turnover, glowing skin
00:09:22 – Green tea improves blood sugar, gut health, skin elasticity
00:11:46 – Fat-soluble curcumin (the active part of turmeric) can assist with DNA repair
00:12:29 – Coffee antioxidants maintain healthy skin and lower hyperpigmentation
00:13:44 – Dark chocolate with 85% cocoa or higher, high in antioxidants and flavonols
00:16:05 – Protein-rich smoothie with bone broth cheat
00:16:47 – Watch my next video on Skin – Here’s What to Eat, When and Why

Resources Mentioned in this episode

Watch the FULL VIDEO on my YouTube Channel 

Use my Protein Calculator to determine your daily protein needs

Study: The Anti-Inflammatory Role of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids

Study: The Potential Uses of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Dermatology 

Study: Omega-3 Supplementation And Stress Reactivity Of Cellular Aging Biomarkers 

Study: Sulforaphane – Role In Aging And Neurodegeneration

Study: Protective Effects Of Gallocatechin Gallate Against Ultraviolet B-Induced Skin Damages 

Study: Anti-Skin-Aging Effect Of Epigallocatechin Gallate By Regulating Epidermal Growth Factor

Study: Effect Of Green Tea On Glucose Control and Insulin Sensitivity

Study: Skin Manifestations of Insulin Resistance 

Study: The Skin and Gut Microbiome and Its Role in Common Dermatologic Conditions

Study: Systemic Antioxidants and Skin Health

Study: Skin Photoprotection and Consumption of Coffee and Polyphenols

Study: Flavanols and Methylxanthines in Commercially Available Dark Chocolate

Omega Plus

Learn more about Dr. Steven Gundry

Paleo-Inspired All-In-One Shake Protein Powder

Buy Dr. Kellyann Petrucci’s Bone Broth

Collagen Peptides Powder

Protein First Enzymes

Lakanto Monk Fruit

Skin – Here's What to Eat, When and Why 

Click Here To Read Transcript

ATHE_Transcript_Ep 570_9 Anti-Aging Foods You Should Be Eating Every Day
[00:00:00] I'm JJ Virgin, PhD Dropout. Sorry, mom, turn four time New York Times bestselling author. Yes, I'm a certified nutrition specialist, fitness Hall of Famer, and I speak at health conferences and trainings around the globe, but I'm driven by my insatiable curiosity and love of science to keep asking questions, digging for answers, and sharing the information that I uncover with as many people as I can, and that's why I created the Well Beyond 40 podcast.
To synthesize and simplify the signs of health into actionable strategies to help you thrive. In each episode we'll talk about what's working in the world of wellness, from personalized nutrition and healing your metabolism to healthy aging and prescriptive fitness. Join me on the journey to better health so you can love how you look and feel right now and have the energy to play full out at 100.
[00:01:00] The secret to staying young can be found right in your kitchen. These are the nine anti-aging foods you'll wanna make sure you're eating every day to support your skin health and retain that useful glow. Best news is these are foods you're gonna actually. Like, okay, so number one is protein. Now I take a protein first approach with my meals, and it's especially important as you age because protein is for rebuilding.
It provides the amino acids you need to build muscle bone and have great hair, skin and nails, and making carry hormones. And much more than that. Two amino acids, specifically that protein provides lysine and proline helps support your body's collagen production. As you probably are figuring out, aging, decreases the synthesis of collagen, making your skin thinner and more prone to damage.
And as we age, it also becomes more difficult for our body to utilize dietary protein, so our requirements for it actually go up. So the current R D A was created decades ago. It was created so that we got the minimum that we needed. It [00:02:00] shouldn't be called the recommended dietary allowance. It should be called the minimum dietary allowance, because it's not about optimal.
You're gonna wanna double the current R D A to get the optimal amount, which is about 0.8 grams per pound. Of ideal body weight. Now, if you're over 30 or you have chronic stress, I think I've pretty much named everybody. You're gonna supplement with digestive enzymes because your stomach acid declines as you get older and you are what you absorb.
So you wanna make sure you're actually using all the protein you eat. Okay? Now number two is fish. And fish. Well, So Omega-3 fatty acids are so key for glowing skin. Healthy fats are essential for this. Now, good fats are gonna support your healthy cell membranes. They're gonna help prevent skin dryness.
They're gonna nourish your skin and much more than that. There was a study in 2020 that was published in the Frontiers in Immunology, and what they found was that omega-3 fatty acids provide anti-inflammatory and support various anti-inflammatory [00:03:00] conditions. Including psoriasis and in another study published in the Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery in 2020, the researchers concluded with the following, given its high safety profile, low cost, and ease of supplementation, supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids is a reasonable supplement that may benefit patients wishing to provide improve rather.
Inflammatory skin conditions through the diet. By the way, they're always so cautious how they say that, that basically said, Hey, you should supplement with omega three's. They're gonna be good for you and they're safe. Then there was a study in molecular psychiatry in July, 2021 that showed that higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, lower inflammation, lower cortisol levels, and support longer telomeres.
All of which slow aging telomeres are made from DNA sequences and proteins. They're found at the ends of chromosomes. They cap and protect the end of a chromosome like the end of a shoelace. Telomeres tend to shorten as we get older, which can impact the aging process. Researchers have found that [00:04:00] protecting and maintaining telomeres is a key anti-aging strategy.
Now, my fish of choice is wild salmon because of its astaxanthin. That's what makes it that pink color and that astaxanthin is this powerful antioxidant that fights aging, improves the texture and appearance of your skin, and is higher antioxidant production when compared with other antioxidants. Plus, it promotes healthy inflammatory responses that can support skin health.
So, Eat clean wild fish and especially eat salmon for the astaxanthin and take fish oil too. Now, if you're eating five or more servings of clean wild fish a week, cool. You probably don't need to supplement, but I find that most of us don't. So I take Omega Ultras by Reignite Wellness every single day.
And what's great about them is they are in this super bio available. Triglyceride form. That's what you wanna look for. Next up, when I think of this one, number three, I think of my buddy Dr. Steven Gundry, who says, the only purpose of food is to get olive oil into your [00:05:00] mouth. I don't know, that might be a little bit extreme, but I think the only purpose for me of arugula is to get a load of olive oil into my mouth.
So when I think of olive oil, I always think of the blue zones and two of the longest living people group in the blue zones use, get this. A liter of olive oil per week. So what's so great about extra virgin olive oil, it's the polyphenols. The polyphenols contain antioxidants that calm redness and skin irritation, and there's an antioxidant called oleocanthal that may reduce inflammation and swelling associated with.
Everything from rosacea to sinus infections, oleocanthal and virgin olive oil processes, similar anti-inflammatory properties to ibuprofen, extra virgin olive oil. I keep saying extra virgin because that's the type I want you to get. Contains vitamin E, which is an anti-inflammatory antioxidant. It protects cells from damage and olive oil also improves.
Stress-induced aging signs, including thinner skin. That's the inner layer of the two main layers of the skin, the thinner [00:06:00] dermis and collagen fiber loss. And I'll tell you, like when I'm looking at my fat intake every single day, I make sure that I do a big salad every day, usually arugula. I've been really hooked on arugula lately, and that's where I use my extra virgin olive oil.
It's one to two tablespoons a day. Now here's what's important. All olive oil is not created equal. You wanna do extra virgin because that's that first press you want the first press because that's the best stuff. That's the least processed stuff because when you start the machine harvesting and the processing with heat, then you damage all the little delicate compounds and olive oil that give you all the great health benefits.
Next up, blueberries, oh my gosh, those little blueberries. I eat blueberries every single day. They're super antioxidant powerhouses and they have great antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. Free radicals are toxins that can damage the cells and contribute to aging. Blueberries are also anti-inflammatory, and they have these anthocyanins which stabilize the collagen matrix and protect against wrinkles and [00:07:00] protect collagen formation too.
Population-based studies that show what the big risk factors are for disease. Find that. Regularly consuming blueberries or the anthocyanins and blueberries, but I'm like, why would you do that? Just eat the blueberries. Can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, reduce the risk of death, reduce the risk of type two diabetes, and improve weight maintenance.
They also protect your brain. And there's another study that shows that blueberries support good blood sugar management, that the consumption of fresh blueberries improves postprandial. That means after you eat blood sugar management. And they were looking there at the impact of 150 grams of blueberries.
That's about three-fourths of a cup versus 150 grams of white bread. And guess what? The blueberries won. No big surprise there, right? But they did that. They had people eat that for six days, and they found that people had way better blood sugar response. With the blueberries, and here's what's important, because stable blood sugar is key for having great skin.
If your blood sugar is too high, it [00:08:00] actually makes your skin dry. The stability is going to give you more skin moisture and usefulness. So that's really important. When there's too much sugar in the blood, the body does what it needs to do to stabilize to get back to normal levels. So that happens by producing insulin, and it also pulls fluid from your cells, which means that you're going to be.
Peeing out the excess sugar, but when it does that, the pulling fluid from your cells makes your skin dry. All right, next one is broccoli. And broccoli has got glucarothanin it is a chemical that converts to sulforaphane, and you've heard of sulforaphane in broccoli. This is found in cruciferous vegetables when I think broccoli, I think brussell sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower.
This sulforaphane and sulforaphane is critical. It's super great for skin repair, for cell turnover, for great glowing skin. In fact, there was a 2019 study in geoscience where it looked at the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties of sulforaphane, and found that they could increase [00:09:00] the lifespan of cells.
They found that sulforaphane and cruciferous vegetables. Activates antioxidants responses, activates anti-inflammatory responses, may protect against UV damage as well. I mean, this is like incredible stuff. Now, I will tell you that I eat broccoli at least three times a week, and the way that I do it is I steam it and then I do a little bit of ghee.
The other thing that I'll do is I have frozen broccoli rice and frozen cauliflower rice. So I'll mix those two together, and then at the end, after they're done cooking, I'll use some extra virgin olive oil Now. If you can eat broccoli sprouts, I'm gonna give you bonus points for this. The next one, and this is something that I drink every single day, and that's green tea.
Green tea is an antioxidant, it's anti-inflammatory, and it reduces inflammation. It's anti androgenic. It can slower stop acne. I mean, that is huge. It also can improve skin elasticity. There was a 2022 animal study in scientific report that found that E G C G, that's the active compound in green tea, can improve skin elasticity and collagen fibers.
And in a 2017 study [00:10:00] published in the Journal Mechanisms of Aging and Development, Found that E G C G can help fight wrinkles and rejuvenate skin cells. So green tea can have a favorable impact on your blood sugar improves insulin sensitivity. This was another meta-analysis of 17 studies that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Drinking Green
tea can also support gut health. By supporting healthy gut bacteria and reducing the impact of harmful gut bacteria. Now what does that have to do with your skin when you're not insulin sensitive? When your body gets pummeled by too much sugar and insulin levels stay high, your skin is gonna take a hit.
A 2017 study published in dermatology and therapy concluded that insulin resistance can create skin problems. You know, we tend to neglect the impact of insulin resistance on our skin, but its manifestations include acne and other skin problems. Same with our gut. Some skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema are intricately linked to gut problems, as your skin has its own microbiome, just like your gut does when your skin or gut microbiome fall out of [00:11:00] balance.
A condition called dysbiosis results a study in the journal, microorganisms found that dysbiosis could contribute to skin diseases including atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, acne dandruff, and skin cancer. All right, turmeric. So when I'm talking turmeric, I'm really talking about curcumin. The active part of turmeric and curcumin is a potent anti-inflammatory.
It can prevent D N A damage and can help with D N a repair. So what does DNA damage really look like? According to Michael Gregor, md, the average person's gonna show about 7% D n a damage in a tissue sample. But when you expose those cells to free radicals, that increases to 10%. If you're eating turmeric researchers found that DNA damage was cut in half and it only took about an eighth of a teaspoon a day of turmeric to get these protective effects.
That's amazing. A 2019 study shows curcumin could delay symptoms of aging. It can increase lifespan, alleviate aging [00:12:00] symptoms, postpone the progression of age-related diseases in which cellular senescence is directly involved. Now, senescent cells are essentially cells that have aged but they haven't died and they accumulate as you age.
So sprinkle turmeric, so use it on your soups and your stews and your sauces. Maybe you throw it in your smoothie. You wanna have about 500 to a thousand milligrams a day of turmeric. Now what I do is I will use it when I'm cooking with good, healthy fats, because it's fat soluble. You need the fat to absorb it.
But I also take my curcumin chew every single day to make sure that I'm getting a therapeutic amount and then I'm actually absorbing it. Cause you can see. The big results that it has, especially for inflammation. You wanna make sure you're getting this one in every single day, and especially if you don't like the taste of it, you're gonna wanna make sure you supplement with it.
All right, here's the other one. This is what I do every single day. After I meditate in the morning, I wake up, I meditate. And then I immediately have a cup of coffee. And coffee is a major source of [00:13:00] dietary antioxidants. There was a study in the Journal of Drugs and Dermatology that found that antioxidants help fight free radical damage and can help maintain healthy skin.
And two of the antioxidants responsible for coffee's health benefits are chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid. So, Coffee drinkers can adjust as much as one gram of chlorogenic acid and 500 milligrams of caffeic acid on a daily basis. That's just from drinking coffee alone. How cool is that? And caffeic acid can boost collagen levels and reduce premature aging of cells.
There's one study that was published in 2015 in the International Journal of Dermatology found that coffee can protect against sun damage. Coffee helps protect human skin from photo aging, and that's when the sun damages and ages your skin and the polyphenols, including that chlorogenic acid, may lower skin spotting, and that's where you get the dark spots.
I'm looking at my hands. The dark spots on your skin that look darker than others. And those polyphenols and coffee also can prevent premature [00:14:00] aging and also lower some of that pigmented spots, the hyperpigmentation. So here's the thing though, with all of these things, there's a dose, right? But with this one, there's especially a dose because you do not want to do coffee later in the day.
All right? The next one I know is gonna be really hard for you to incorporate, and that is. Dark chocolate. First thing, of course with dark chocolate is you want one with a high cacao content, so you wanna have organic, high quality, high cacao content. I'm looking for 85% cacao or higher. I've actually found ones that are 90, 99%, and even a hundred percent cacao.
So see what the highest is that you can actually still enjoy and tolerate. And go for that. And you really want it sweetened ideally with allulose or Stevia or erythritol or monk fruit. And if it does have sugar, the limit is five grams per serving. And remember, the bar is not a serving, okay, not a serving.
So generally the dose you're gonna want for dark chocolate is one or two ounces a day. So usually if you're getting a [00:15:00] bar, it's probably a quarter of the bar, not the bar Important. What's so great about dark chocolate besides it tastes amazing. It's high in antioxidants, especially flavonols, which are special little type of flavonoids that can protect against sun damage and wrinkles.
By the way, cocoa beans. Are actually higher than green tea, goji, berries, blueberries, like all these things that you've heard you need to be consuming actually trumps that. So I'm doing now a scoop of this cacao in my coffee every morning after I've broken my fast. That's one of the ways that I do, I have a little dark chocolate mocha every day.
Totally love it. Let me tell you about a study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology that compared conventional dark chocolate to one high in Flavonols, and it showed that nutritional protections against sun damage that regular consumption of a chocolate rich in Flavonols can be effective at protecting human skin from harmful UV effects, whereas conventional chocolate didn't do it.
It was this really flavonol rich, dark chocolate. It can also improve blood flow to the [00:16:00] top layer of the skin, which keeps it from drying out and. Getting wrinkles. Bone broth. Oh my gosh. Bone broth made famous by one of my best friends, Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, so you probably heard about it. Bone broths awesome cuz it has these amino acids, proline and lysine, and arginine and glutamine, and these help heal skin cells and connective tissue and especially the lining of our GI tract.
So it helps heal and seal your gut. Super important, as we've already talked about, your gut health directly impacts. Your skin health. So bone broths. One way to do this, I always keep some in my freezer, but the way I get in my bone broth every single day it's kind of a cheat, is I do my reignite wellness paleo shake.
I also add an extra collagen peptide powder. So I put those two together. So I have at least 30 grams of protein in my loaded smoothie every day. And now I've got concentrated bone broth protein too, which is awesome. So it's a way that I can ensure I get this in every single day. Cause again, I just went through all of these and these are all foods that you wanna be eating on [00:17:00] a regular basis.
But as you can tell, like all these things were like, oh sure, I'd love to eat more of that. Like, who doesn't want more blueberries, dark chocolate coffee, green tea, broccoli, curcumin. Now if you want more information on what to eat, when to eat, and why for great skin, make sure you watch this video. You'll learn the right amount of sun exposure to protect your skin, the best kind of alcohol, foods that can cause acne, and more importantly, how to prevent skin breakouts and more.
Be sure to join me next time for more tools, tips, and techniques you can incorporate into everyday life to ensure you look and feel great, and more importantly, that you're built to last. And check me out on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube. And my website And make sure to follow my podcast so you don't miss a single episode
See you next time.

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