Why Your Body’s Fat-Burning Potential Gets Better With Age

Breaking down the science of metabolism, I dive deep into why conventional weight loss advice might be holding you back. From the fascinating role of brown fat to the power of exercise “snacks,” this episode demolishes outdated myths about cardio, calorie restriction, and keto dieting. You’ll discover why muscle is your metabolic powerhouse – acting as your body’s natural Spanx while sending out hundreds of powerful messenger signals that burn fat, reduce inflammation, and even boost brain health. If you’re over 40 and frustrated with your weight loss results, this game-changing information will revolutionize how you approach your metabolism and fat-burning potential.

What you’ll learn:

  • The three key factors that impact your metabolism and how to optimize each one
  • Why excessive cardio might be sabotaging your weight loss efforts
  • The surprising truth about different types of body fat and how to activate fat-burning brown fat
  • How muscle acts as a powerful metabolic messenger in your body
  • Simple strategies to incorporate metabolism-boosting movement throughout your day

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  Are you feeling stuck on your weight loss journey? All right. You know what? Here’s the reality. You may have been listening to the wrong information. That’s actually making you worse, not better. I’ve got the science backed strategies to help you here, to help you put on the muscle, burn the fat, no matter what your age.

Ready? Let’s go. We gotta start first with, what the heck is metabolism anyway? This is how your body takes in those calories, the protein, the fat, the carbs, and turns them into fuel. And how you can impact this is Pretty dramatic. So the first thing we’ve got to look at is your metabolism overall because there’s three things that impact your metabolism.

First of all, you have how many calories you burn at rest or your resting metabolic rate. A lot of this is based on your age, your sex, your genetics, but you can impact this in one significant way and that is by having more muscle on your body. The next way is There’s something called the thermic effect of food.

Something like 15 percent of the calories you burn each day is based on digestion. Fat basically doesn’t really burn anything when you eat it. And it’s also easily stored as fat, right? Carbohydrates use about 5 10 percent of their calories to be metabolized. Here’s the good news. Protein, 20 30%. So figure about 25 percent of the calories you eat from protein are used.

Probably a lot of that to trigger muscle protein synthesis. The other part of this is activity and I say activity not exercise because exercise is a part of activity But it’s actually the smaller part In fact, I would argue with the exercise part that what you’re really trying to accomplish There is putting on that muscle to improve your resting metabolic rate.

With the activity part The thing I’m really focusing on here is non activity Thermogenesis. This is, you probably have heard of, is called NEAT. And this is everything that you do that’s not exercise. So, me moving around right now with my arms, this is non activity thermogenesis. If you are parking farther away, this is why you do it.

If you take the stairs, this is why you do it. Every single thing counts. And this is where you want to be tracking with an Oura Ring or a Fitbit some kind of tracker to tell you how many steps did you actually take a day. Because just bumping this up could result in a couple hundred to a couple extra thousand calories a day that you’ve burned off.

Alright, so let’s talk about some of the big myths out there, urban legends about losing fat. Now, one of the first ones is that you need to do loads of cardio to lose fat. In fact, I will tell you that what I was taught in graduate school is that you don’t lift weights until you lose the weight. By the way, nothing could be farther from the truth.

And here’s the reality that we know with cardio. Is that if you’re trying to maintain weight by cardio alone, one of the things we know with excess cardio is that it can actually cause you to lose some muscle alongside the fat. So, yes. Cardio burns a lot of calories. However, cardio can also, chronic cardio, not short term, can raise stress hormones, can make you lose muscle.

So, excess cardio is not the answer to losing weight. The other thing we also know about excess cardio is You probably noticed it. It makes you hungry. That’s kind of going to counteract all those benefits. So you might go do a big cardio workout, go I’m hungry, and eat more than what you burned off in the cardio workout.

Because let’s face it, you know, you go out for a run and maybe you burn off 500 calories. That’s really easy to Overeat by just going to the Starbucks after your workout. All right, so that’s the first thing is over cardio now I’m not saying don’t do cardio. I’m just saying don’t try to use this as your big fat loss strategy.

It’s Doing movement is a part of the strategy The next one that I see is too much caloric restriction. And one of the things we know about caloric restriction is that your body is very smart. And will try to outsmart your efforts. And one of the things that can happen when you do caloric restriction is your body goes, You know what?

I’m going to conserve some energy here. This is why it’s so important to wear an Oura Ring or an Apple Watch or one of these trackers. Because we will naturally start to move less when we lower our calories. We’ll conserve energy. You know that you’ve heard. That, you know, chronic caloric restriction over time can lower thyroid function, but just in the short term, it can just lower your meat.

And if you lower your meat, you burn less calories. So your body’s adapting, right? And then the third one is keto. Now I view diets as tools and I always say, pick the best diet for the outcome you’re trying to accomplish. If I was struggling with something like cancer, keto would be my go to. But if you’re looking at keto for fat loss, yes, a ketogenic diet is going to help you burn more fat for fuel.

But if you’re eating a high dietary fat keto diet with more calories, You’re burning off excess fat from the diet, not from your body. So that is the important thing here, is that’s not necessarily going to help you burn off body fat. It just makes you better at burning fat overall. Truly, in order to be able to burn off body fat, we still need to be in a deficit.

There’s just a variety of ways to accomplish that. So there’s a lot of different types of fat on our body. I feel like we lump it into body fat and fat free mass, but we really need to break it down farther than that because there’s a variety of different ones. Number one, there’s that visceral adipose fat, that fat around your organs, and the intramuscular fat.

These are actually problematic fats, especially the visceral adipose tissue, because it can lead to chronic inflammation and insulin resistance. Then we have white fat and brown fat. Now Brown fat is actually the fat we want to have. It’s more thermic, it creates the shiver effect, and it’s the easiest to burn off.

It’s got more mitochondria, which is why it’s more brown. So what you want to do is try to beige some of that white fat so that it acts like brown fat. So how do we do that? One of the biggest ways that you can beige that white fat is you trigger the shiver effect. How do you trigger The shiver effect, you get cold.

And so one of the easy ways to do this is a couple days a week. Either take a super cold shower. Now you don’t have to do this for long, you know, two minutes, a minute. You really want to make sure it hits your chest and face. You can put your face into ice water for as long as you can hold it. So, you know, 30 seconds, or you can get into a cold plunge for a couple of minutes at around 50 degrees.

Women do better in a cold plunge in the 50 to 55 degree range. And you’re really just getting in there to shiver. So, You don’t get in there to acclimate. That’s not the point of a cold plunge. The cold plunge, the whole point of it is to get in there to trigger the shiver response, get uncomfortable, get an endorphin boost.

Yes, that’s cool. But you’re also beiging that white fat, which makes it easier to burn off. Okay, let’s talk about another key important thing for metabolism. Now I talked about muscle and how when you have more muscle, you are going to boost your resting metabolic rate. That’s awesome. We love that. It’s about, by the way, maybe 10 calories more a day.

Um, which you might go, Ugh, that’s nothing. Now, it adds up over time. You put on 10 pounds of muscle, 100 more calories a day. But that’s actually the small part of the, the equation here. So, muscle does a couple cool things. Number one, it’s your metabolic spanx. It holds everything in tighter, supports a better resting metabolic rate.

Number two, it’s a sugar sponge. Carbohydrates get stored in your liver as something called glycogen. And if there’s, if, if your liver is full, not a big place, they’re going to spill over and create fatty liver unless they can now go into your muscles. One of the things that happens when you lift weights is that you create more area for your carbohydrates to get stored in your muscles as glycogen for energy for future use.

So that’s it. Awesome, too. But there’s another thing that happens, a third thing that happens when your muscles contract. I like to say your muscles are a metabolic sponge, they are, are metabolic spanks, a sugar sponge, and a very key messenger. Every time your muscles contract, it’s like your body is sending out an email with all sorts of incredible, like, like 600 different emails to your body.

And here are some of the key messages. that it’s sending out. It releases these powerful cytokines, or messengers, and one of the key things that it tells your body to do is to reduce inflammation. Well, what do we know about inflammation? If you’ve got chronic inflammation, you block muscle protein synthesis.

It’s very hard to build muscle. It also tells your body to start burning fat. It also tells your body to improve insulin sensitivity. It also tells your body to raise something called BDNF alpha, which gives you great memory and focus and mood. It also tells your body to start building bone and remodeling bone.

So all of these different cool things happen as we are lifting weights that will directly impact Your metabolism and your ability to burn fat positively. Okay, so how do we tie a bow on all of this? You’ve just heard that you want to eat protein first. It’s super important. Um, one thing that I do need to mention is we also need to make sure that we’re sleeping well through the night.

So the cool thing is you stopped eating two to four hours before bed. Now you’re going to sleep. You are going to be able to really maximize the best REM and deep sleep possible because you didn’t just have wine and Eat right before bed. Next thing we wanna make sure of this sleep is super important.

’cause this is where we’re building muscle. This is where we’re improving insulin sensitivity. And so that’s critical. And then the next part of course is that movement and exercise. And we talked about doing, um. Muscle building. We talked about doing more movement through NEAT. I’m going to give you something that you can insert into your day every day.

Now, what if I told you that in just four and a half to ten minutes a day, done in one to two minute increments, you could lower your risk of stroke, diabetes, heart disease, and all cause mortality by as much as 40 to 50 percent? Crazy, right? Sounds too good to be true, but it’s not. That’s what a study recently showed.

And this is called VILPA, Vigorous Intermittent Lifestyle Physical Activity. We call them exercise snacks. I did not coin that term. A doctor coined that term. And I, I love this idea because that’s what you’re doing. It’s just these little bursts of movement throughout the day. Here’s why they’re so cool for your metabolism.

When you do these little bursts, in fact, there was a study that showed that a minute of air squats had the same blood sugar lowering effect as a 30 minute walk. And so, what you’re doing is you’re lowering the blood sugar effect to the meal, you’re pulling in those carbohydrates into your muscles, you’re getting your muscles to send those messages out to your body saying burn fat, lower inflammation, have a better mood, you know, make sure my bones are turning over and staying healthy.

All the important things that we want to make sure are happening, boosting your immune system. And so, I put together something called 10 Minutes to Win It. And basically, I walk you through exactly how to do these different little bursts of activity throughout your day. So this can be something as simple as doing some air squats, or some squat jumps, or some up downs, or some Turkish get ups, or some mountain climbers.

Not easy! But easy to fit in if you habit stack them. So what do I mean by that? You get up in the morning, you’re going to brush your teeth, right? Brush your teeth. And while you’re brushing your teeth, do some air squats. Then you have breakfast. All right, after breakfast, do some jumping jacks. Then you have lunch.

Okay, after lunch, maybe do some step ups or some lunges. Right there, by doing that, you’ve already gotten in over what I’ve, you know, over half of what I’ve asked you to do. So you’ve probably gotten in like, Five minutes of the 10. Easy peasy. So that is the 10 minutes to win it challenge. Be sure to grab that.

It’s free to get started with. And by the way, I am guessing you’re here because you want to have a great hum and metabolism. You want to burn more fat and you want to age powerfully, right? I always say forget aging gracefully. We want to age powerfully. So how do you do that? Well, one of the ways is to subscribe to this channel.

So you never miss. Next video share with your friends to like that 10 minute to win it challenge You know how it’s best to do with a friend or two and then like the video and I’ll see you in the next one

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