Transformative Supplements to Support a Longer Healthspan

Ladies, if you’re still following the same supplement routine from your 30s, it’s time for a serious makeover. Our needs change as we age, and so should our approach to supplements. Just like you wouldn’t stick to the same skincare routine from a decade ago, your supplement routine requires an update to truly impact your longevity and vitality.

In today’s episode, I dive deep into the world of anti-aging supplements. I’ll share seven that have become non-negotiable in my daily regimen, particularly focusing on new additions that have supercharged my journey towards aging powerfully. But it’s not all about what’s trending in the anti-aging space. I also discuss staples and I’ll reveal why even old-school supplements like creatine are making a comeback in routines, not just for athletes but for anyone over 40 looking to maintain muscle strength and cognitive health. Each of these supplements offers unique benefits, from enhancing muscle function and bone health to boosting brain and metabolic health.

Remember, aging is inevitable, but aging powerfully is a choice. Tune in to understand how each supplement works and to discover which ones might be worth adding to your routine.


00:01:37 – The supplement that supports mitochondrial health, brain health, and many other aspects of aging

00:03:41 – What zombie cells are and how to reduce them for healthier aging

00:05:05 – The two vitamins that work synergistically for bone, immune, heart, and brain health

00:06:37 – Recommendations for testing and supplementing with vitamin D

00:07:00 – The supplement JJ takes every day no matter, and the broad range of benefits that have her recommending it for everyone 40+

00:09:09 – The amino acid that’s crucial for your metabolic processes, heart health, eye health, immune system, and more as you get older

00:10:47 – An important supplement to lower your risk of cardiovascular disease, support younger-looking skin, and enhance sexual arousal and function

12:10 – The strain of bacteria that helps natural GLP-1 production and may slow age-related diseases

Resources Mentioned in this episode

Download Inner Wellness, Outer Beauty: Your Anti-Aging Cheat Sheet

Reignite Wellness™ Clean Creatine Powder

Reignite Wellness™ ElectroReplenish

Timeline Mitopure (Urolithin A)

Neurohacker Qualia Senolytic

Download my free Resistance Training Cheat Sheet

Reignite Wellness™ Vitamin D Plus

Designs for Health Taurine

Akkermansia Muciniphila 

Nitric oxide indicator strips

Reignite Wellness™ Amino Power Powder

Study: Impact of the Natural Compound Urolithin A on Health, Disease, and Aging


Study: The Role of Vitamin K in Humans: Implication in Aging and Age-Associated Diseases

Study: Taurine as a potential anti-ageing therapy: the key to reversing the aging process? Short communication

Study: Potential Effects of Akkermansia Muciniphila in Aging and Aging-Related Diseases: Current Evidence and Perspectives

Study: Akkermansia muciniphila supplementation improves glucose tolerance in intestinal Ffar4 knockout mice during the daily light to dark transition

Study: Akkermansia muciniphila secretes a glucagon-like peptide-1-inducing protein that improves glucose homeostasis and ameliorates metabolic disease in mice

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If you’re still following the same supplement routine that you did in your 30s, it’s time for a makeover. Now I bet you’ve changed your skincare routine as you’ve aged, and the reality is that your supplement routine needs to change too. And it can make an even bigger impact on your longevity. So I’m going to share seven sides backed anti aging supplements that promise not just superficial changes, but profound improvements from the inside out.

These are supplements that I take. everyday And six of them are new to my routine since I’ve taken on the goal of aging powerfully. Now, the first one is Urolithin A. Now, Urolithin A is a compound that’s generated by gut bacteria when they metabolize certain antioxidants in foods like pomegranates and nuts and berries.

There was a review in Cell Journal, it was a 2021 review, and it covered all of the different benefits of this as an anti aging supplement. Much of it is related to how it supports your mitochondria, you know. The powerhouse of yourself. So it can improve mitochondria first by inducing something called mitophagy.

You’ve probably heard of autophagy, where we’re taking out the cellular waste. Well, we do it in our mitochondria as well. And this is a natural process where your body cleanses itself of any of the damaged or dysfunctional mitochondria. Super important for counteracting The aging process. It also, of course, impacts autophagy.

And you’ve heard about autophagy a lot in terms of intermittent fasting, why people are doing it. Well, you can do this through exercise and you can do this by taking this Mitopur Urolithin A. It promotes autophagy. And again, that is like a spring cleaning. It’s a cellular detox. But think about if you put this with exercise, because this helps preserve muscular strength and endurance.

Again, creating those new mitochondria in the muscle cells. This can help reduce age related muscle decline, it helps promote physical health and mobility as we age, and goes beyond just muscle, it also can help your brain. It may help prevent age related neural decline in diseases like Alzheimer’s.  Why is this happening?

Probably some of this is its anti inflammatory properties and again that ability to enhance mitochondrial function in the neurons. Those anti inflammatory properties can also help some of the other chronic diseases and also help combat oxidative stress which of course is a huge factor in cellular aging and damage and also can help protect your cells from premature aging.

So urolithin A has this potential to improve healthspan by targeting multiple factors in Aging. I take this internally, and since I heard about it, like this is one that I travel with, I will not skip. But I also use their skincare too, so I’ll have a link for all of this in the show notes. Next up is Sinalytics.

So there’s a product by Qualia, a neurohacker, called Sinalytic. You probably have heard of maybe these zombie cells. Well, Sinalytics are a class of compounds designed to target and eliminate these zombie cells, also known as cells. These are cells that are aged or damaged that are hanging out in the body.

They’re secreting harmful chemicals and they contribute to a whole host of health problems. When you take senolytics, you can reduce the senescent cells. You can lower chronic inflammation, improve tissue function, rejuvenate the immune system, and improve your overall metabolic health. And in fact, some studies even suggest that reducing the burden of Cinescent cells can actually help extend your lifespan and healthspan.

These supplements can improve conditions like frailty, heart issues, and sugar regulation problems. Now, Qualia has done a clinical trial where they showed that their Qualia Sinalytic significantly reduced joint discomfort by an average of 10%. 68 percent along with improving physical function and stiffness in participants compared to those who took a placebo.

There were also notable improvements, particularly in physical health functioning. There was a 91 percent improvement, emotional health functioning, 80 percent improvement, energy, 64 percent improvement. And bodily comfort, 45 percent improvement. Now here’s what’s cool about this supplement. You only take this twice a month.

So we get it shipped to us every month and then two days in a row we take it. Easy peasy. The next one, I’m talking about vitamin D3 with vitamin K. And we always want to take these ones together. So vitamin D and vitamin K, they are fat soluble vitamins. Now, when they’re taken together, they work synergistically.

They enhance each other’s effects. The big thing that I think about vitamin D for is strengthening your bones and promoting bone health. Because vitamin D is going to help aid calcium absorption, but then vitamin K is crucial for bone metabolism. And more importantly, making sure that that Calcium goes to the right place together.

This is going to help reduce the risk of bone fractures and osteoporosis. And we know how important that is as we age. Vitamin D is huge for the immune system. So really important there. It helps fend off illnesses and infections also is critical. for muscle function and can help reduce the risk of falls and physical decline and support your heart health.

In fact, vitamin K, because it’s helping make sure that calcium is going to the right place, can prevent artery calcification, which can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. And you know, that is our number one leading cause of death. Also can help with cognitive health. In fact, emerging research shows that vitamin K has a role in brain health, potentially protecting against cognitive decline.

And it activates anti aging proteins including osteocalcin which can keep the bones healthy and improve insulin sensitivity. It also potentially has anti cancer effects and vitamin D levels are linked to a lower risk of diseases like type 2 diabetes and certain cancers. So what do we need to do here?

Number one, make sure that you are testing your vitamin D levels. So the test for this is 25 hydroxy vitamin D. And then you want a supplement to get to and maintain 50 to 80 NGs per ml. And then of course, you’re going to make sure that you’re taking your vitamin D3. with vitamin K. I’ve also rounded up these tips and more in my Inner Wellness Outer Beauty Anti Aging Cheat Sheet.

So you can grab that one for free at jjvirgin. com forward slash anti aging. Now for the one that I will never leave home without, that I’m the most, most, most excited about, and that is creatine. I admit I always thought this was the bros supplement. I couldn’t have been further wrong than that. Now here’s the thing, it can enhance athletic performance.

It is not a. Dexa, bio impedance, subscribetojj. com, DEXA, bio impedance, subscribetojj. com, DEXA, bio impedance, So much as something for the bros at the gym putting on muscle, but really this should be for everyone 40 plus so that we can avoid some of that muscle loss as we age. Super important, but not just that.

It also can improve cognitive function, memory, and mental fatigue. It can also help increase bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, especially when you’re resistance training, which if you’re listening to this, I’m sure that you are, right? Here’s a great study too about creatine supplementation that we should.

Definitely share. This was a lot of creatine. It was 8 grams a day over 12 months that they did with post menopausal women. They also combined this with resistance training and they showed that it reduced the loss of bone mineral density in the femoral neck. That’s that thigh bone head near the hip joint.

which is huge. The difference was the loss was 1 percent in the creatine group versus almost 4 percent in the placebo group. So that is a huge difference. Also, it can help with glucose metabolism. So it may even be helpful for type 2 diabetes and it also helps your skin. It can help reduce skin wrinkling.

And finally, and this is the one that I really noticed a lot. It can help cellular energy production, it can help increase the availability of ATP, and also creatine can help because it creates creatine phosphate, which is that quick energy burst you need at the gym. So it’s going to help you with overall energy and overall sleep.

cellular function and health. Now, if you’re eating sushi or rare meat, you get one to two grams from food, but think about, you’re probably going to want to be taking three to five grams a day of creatine monohydrate or less if it’s creatine HCL, because that one’s absorbed better. Now, something I love to combine with creatine is taurine.

It’s an interesting one because it’s not just an amino acid, it’s also a neurotransmitter and it’s crucial to your body’s metabolic processes. It supports various functions, cardiovascular health, muscle strength, brain protection, and antioxidant defenses, and it helps regulate blood pressure. Heart rate, it can lower cholesterol, it can help prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

So basically it’s really good for cardiovascular health. It also can help regulate calcium in your muscles, which can help improve muscular strength and endurance. That tends to go down as we age. And it has neuroprotective effects, which means that it can guard against neurodegenerative diseases and improve cognitive function.

Plus it acts as a powerful antioxidant, so it’s going to protect the cells from the free radicals that you can generate both with aging, disease, and death. When you’re working out hard, you’re generating free radicals as well. In fact, there was a study that showed a significant increase in the antioxidant enzyme SOD when you supplement it with taurine, which suggests the potential benefits in regulating oxidative stress and fighting damaging free radicals that can accelerate aging.

It’s also good for maintaining eye health. Maintain your retina health, so it may also help prevent age related vision loss. It also helps modulate the immune system, so help with reducing chronic inflammation. I love to do some creatine and some taurine before a workout. One to three grams of taurine about one to three hours before a workout may help with athletic performance.

Check it out and see how you feel. When I’m going to the gym, it’s creatine, taurine, electrolytes, and my essential amino acids. I combine them all together, and I find that it works great. The other one I’ve been playing around with is nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a molecule that’s produced naturally by the body, and it plays a crucial role in a couple different processes.

Number one, cardiovascular health. Then cognitive function and of course, just overall well being. How does it do it? Well, nitric oxide helps relax and widen the blood vessels. So that means it’s going to improve blood flow, which can help reduce blood pressure, which of course is going to be better for heart health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Also, it can promote vasodilation in the skin, which is going to improve circulation and the delivery of different nutrients. So that’s going to help with that. healthier and younger looking skin and can also help with sex because it can promote blood flow to the genitals. So that can help improve sexual arousal and function.

And things can go south down there as you go through menopause. So this could be helpful for libido and sexual response. And it also increases blood flow to the muscles. And by doing that, you can have better exercise performance. So better endurance, better strength, but also better recovery. And then finally, nitric oxide plays a role in neurotransmission.

So it can help cognitive function and potentially reduce the risk of age related cognitive decline. So you can get these nitric oxide little saliva indicator strips on Amazon that you can do at home. And it’s going to measure the amount of nitrates in your mouth. And then that kind of gives you the overall indication of how much nitric oxide is in your body.

Now you’ve heard GLP 1. So I’m going to talk about a different supplement that can potentially help here and it’s acromantia. Acromantia is a type of gut bacteria that helps your gut stay healthy which potentially can help of course slow aging and lower the risk of age related diseases. There’s a really cool Connection that has come out between acromantia and it’s acromantia, muciniphila, and aging where they found that in centenarians and older adults, those ones that are super healthy have higher levels of this.

They have a better metabolic health and lifespan. If you take acromantia, it can help strengthen the gut barrier. So that can help with leaky gut. And we know that when you have a healthy gut, You’ll likely have a healthier immune system, healthier skin, healthier brain. It also can improve glucose metabolism and reduce the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes, which are things that we are seeing just a epidemic of now and can get worse with aging.

Acromante can also help reduce inflammation. And this is the big one. It has been found to help raise Glucagon like peptide. That’s that GLP 1. In fact, research shows that acromantia secretes a protein that induces the secretion of GLP 1, which then improves blood sugar balance and can lower that whole metabolic syndrome issue, all the poor metabolic health we have.

Supplementation with acromantia can significantly stimulate an increase in serum GLP 1 levels. It’s doing this through a secretory protein. That is then mediating GLP 1 secretion, which of course is huge and important here. These are the top supplements I recommend for women over 40. And this is daily except for that one senolytic that’s monthly.

This is daily in your anti aging routine. But remember, you cannot out supplement a poor quality diet. So make sure to watch this next video on the best anti aging foods you’re going to want to add to your shopping list on your next trip to the grocery store.
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