Top Secrets to Naturally Achieve Your Healthiest, Youngest-Looking Skin
You pay so much careful attention to the ingredients that go into your meals, but have you ever considered using that same discernment with what you slather on your skin? As today’s guest likes to say, the skin is a sieve, and what you put on your body is just as important as what you put in.
Brian Vaszily joins JJ to discuss the state of the conventional skincare industry and to bust a myth that has been one of JJ’s long-held beliefs—that it is impossible to achieve great anti-aging results with organic beauty products. Wrong!
In this episode, you’ll learn all about the loose regulations on chemicals in cosmetics in the US, the ingredients to avoid, and the marketing tricks that companies use to give their goods a health halo. You’ll also learn why Vaszily doesn’t recommend retinol, and the natural alternative he does recommend that gives equal results.
You’ll also hear recommendations on how to buy cleaner products moving forward, such as the most important areas of focus when selecting ingredients and the independent certifications to look for that help you know you’re choosing a quality product.
Being in your 40s and beyond doesn’t mean you’re over the hill. These are truly the best years of your life, and finding the right organic anti-aging cream and other skincare products can help you look as amazing as you feel.
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ATHE_Transcript_Ep 472_Brian Vaszily
JJ Virgin: [00:00:00] Hey, this is JJ Virgin. Welcome. And thanks so much for joining me. This is ask the health expert here. I put the power of health in your hands and give you access to the top. People in health and wellness. In each episode, I share safe ways to get healthy, lose weight, heal your gut detox and lots more. So if you wanna get healthy and get off the dieting for life Merry go round, I’ll give you strategies that will help you look and feel better.
Welcome to ask the health expert. Now we talk about a lot of stuff on this podcast. We talk about how to heal your metabolism, how to be able to build muscle and burn fat, how to look and feel younger. Longer. And that’s what we’re gonna be digging into today. How to look and feel younger longer. And I’m gonna tell you that [00:01:00] this interview kind of blew up one of my limiting beliefs and it started a while ago when I met Dr.
Brian Vaszily. He’s taught me how to say his name and I I’m just gonna call him Dr. Brian V. He, he surprised me with some organic products and I was like, wow, this kind of blew my mind of really being able to have organic products that also give you antiaging benefits. And so we’re gonna unpack today.
Why you need to really pay attention to what you put on your face. I was actually doing an interview with him, for my, what to eat when to eat and why summit. And he said something so provocative. I was like, all right, I gotta get you on the podcast. He said, you know, we would never take some of the things we put on our skin and say, rub ’em on our kidneys.
you know, or our heart, they wouldn’t do open heart surgery and do this. And yet we’re like slathering this on, I went, Ooh, huh? Your skin’s a sieve. So, you know, we talk a lot about [00:02:00] toxicity and how to detox and what to worry about with your food, but I’m gonna dig into much more about what you do want in your skincare products and why some of these natural, organic, and I’m gonna stress organic ingredients.
Can be incredible antiaging products, and then what you don’t want. So that’s what we’re gonna dig into. I’ve got Brian with me. He’s a prominent natural health leader, a researcher and advocate he’s been in this world for 20 plus years. He created theartofantiaging.Com. That’s got over 400,000.
Members holy smokes to help people empower them in the thirties, forties, fifties, sixties, and beyond with the most effective evidence based natural solutions to look and feel their best avoid and overcome disease and live long. So he has created a lot of these health and longevity summits. Like the one that I just did, he’s created a bunch of them heard by over 800,000 people.
That’s just crazy. He’s also the founder of and that is the product. Was [00:03:00] talking to you about that, where you can get natural. No, not natural. We’re gonna blow up the word natural on this show too, but organic skincare. That is anti-aging that works. So we’ll be talking about that as well.
So lots to unpack in this interview, if you are wondering what you can do to make sure that your skin looks as good as you feel. Then you’re gonna want to stay tuned and I will be right back with Dr. Brian,
Dr. Brian, Vaszily. Did I do that? Well, no,
Brian Vaszily: Vaszily
JJ Virgin: Vaszily. Hey Dr. Brian V I am super excited to have you here. There are so many different things we could be talking about. And so what I’d love to do. Is really hone in on [00:04:00] anti-aging great skin, how we do that. But before we go there, I’d love to just look at, you know, since you’ve been in the field for so long here, which is a Testament to you knowing.
Antiaging and great skin cuz you don’t look like it. Oh, sure. What, what got you, you know, you’re in health. What made you decide to really start to focus in this direction? Cuz now you have purity woods. You have great skin care. Like why this?
Brian Vaszily: Yeah, thanks again. Kind words about the skin and kudos back to you on that front, by the way, you also have great skin
JJ Virgin: so been using, been using your purity woods.
So there .
Brian Vaszily: Hey, whoa, thanks. None of that was planned anyone. I mean, that’s, that’s awesome that you are appreciate that. So you know, that’s, that’s a long story, but I’m gonna make it short. So I’ve been in. Health and wellness, natural health you know, heavy duty focus for geez, over 20 some years now.
And you know, I came to a, a crossroads five or six years back where I could have taken any path. [00:05:00] And so you can kind of cut my life. I’m I’m 52 and you could cut it down the middle sort of first half of my life was pretty darn rough. You know, when I was very young, I grew up in inner city, Chicago, 20 some years there.
Where you know, I had friends, I lost friends to gangs, things like that. Also even more challenging, I guess we’ll call it at a very young age. My, my dad was a good man until around my age of nine. He became severely alcoholic, abusive to me, abusive to my, my sister and my mother. His, his life read like a novel that no one would believe he was a spy in world war II.
He lost his first wife. Sorry. No, he didn’t get married. So he was a spy in world war II. He fell in love with this woman, found out she was a Russian spy and one day, you know, they were gonna get married after the war and then she was disappeared. And then his life after that seemed to be one tragic event after another as well, some good stuff in there.
So don’t get me wrong. But back in those days, JJ, he, people did not deal with a lot of. Internal strife by seeking therapy, you know, was considered for crazy people. So he took it out on the bottle. [00:06:00] He took it out on us. So I went through a lot of strife at a very young age. Became a very young father, married, you know to my first wife, very young age was dirt, poor living in a studio apartment, routinely.
We were on a, on a, a pair of twin mattresses on the floor, me and my wife and my, and my baby. And we were visited at night by mice routinely. Rough times. I was really quite down and depressed in those years and long story short, what saved me was powerful women. You know, my mother, my sister, certain teachers were all women really held me up and frankly honestly kept me alive in some situations.
And there’s a lot of story that I didn’t just share behind all that. But the point is that. Strong women have been central to my life. So then, you know, fast forward now I’m in the world of health and wellness and at a crossroads a few years back, like I said, where I could have taken many directions and I have been working with so many and helping so many wonderful doctors and resource researchers and integrative health [00:07:00] and natural health behind the scenes sometimes in front of the, you know, camera and I learned so much.
And I saw. Oppressive myth. Really impacting people in general as they hit their forties, fifties, sixties, but especially women. And that myth is that getting older, hitting your forties equals being over the hill and getting older equals becoming, you know undesirable, incapable, doomed to suffering and disease.
And I saw it impacting these, you know, even these powerful women who literally saved my life. And I’m like, that does not jive at all with what I know what I’ve learned, what folks like you and many others have been sharing over the years, which is that these ought to be the best years of life. Forties fifties, sixties and beyond.
And they can be, and they should be really in all regards. And so I’m like, you know what, I know what I need to do. I need to, you know, share this message, you know, as much as possible with people with those in their middle years and golden years, so to speak. And give them insight and guidance, you know, that [00:08:00] and research basically on, on how to achieve that and why this way of thinking is so counter to the reality that these ought to be your best years, not over the hill years.
You know, so with that, you know, I launched the art of anti-aging, which, you know, we now have four or 500,000 you know, subscribers over there and that’s all information based over there. And then I kind of stumbled, you know, in a, in a way into, into purity woods in the skincare. I was the first customer, my wife as well, and, and a real brief version on that.
I had all this knowledge about, you know, in which I’d love to share today, if you want me to, you know, the best things to feed your body, to feed your skin. And I, oh, yes, we definitely want that, Brian. Yeah. And I’m gonna go there and, and also the worst things that you want to keep out as well. I had all that knowledge in my head and then I started notice in the mirror, some crows feet around my.
So I went looking, I’m like, okay, you know, I know a lot, and I’m gonna go find a product that has at least many of the good ingredients and none of the bad stuff. And I couldn’t find it is the real short version. So the even shorter version is I’m like, well, I’m [00:09:00] gonna, you know, work with some formulators, which I did, you know, and have it created.
So that’s, you know, the signature product, I guess, our first product, which is our best seller today is called the age defying dream cream. And it contains all of these, you know, wonderful, powerful ingredients. And it’s U S D a certified organic. So it contains none of the junk. You don’t wanna
JJ Virgin: feed your body, which is really hard to find
Brian Vaszily: in skincare.
Oh my God, it’s hard work. I mean, you know, we only, I, I, I make no claim that we have a vast line of dozens or hundreds of products. We literally have five or six now in our lineup because it’s really hard, but I promise you that the products we have in our lineup work incredibly well, but you’re right. It is painstaking to make products for the skin, especially.
Toward, you know, anti-aging that our USD certified organic, but Testament your face, look at, you know, her, everyone it’s doable. and, and we did it with, with that product and our serum and everything else. So that’s kind of the story, I guess I gave you the Midland version, but [00:10:00] That’s how I, that’s how I came to be in this
JJ Virgin: spot, I guess.
Well, yeah, threw this provocative thing out there. And I think it’s important for people to hear, because we don’t hear this enough that our skin’s a sieve and someone said this to me the other day. Maybe you said it. I think you said it when we were doing the, what to eat interview, were you the one that said, you know, We put stuff on our face that if you were putting it on your heart or your kidneys or your liver, you’d never do that.
And yet you’re slathering it on your face. And I go, that is just the best description of it. Your skin’s a sieve so you said, Hey, I’m gonna tell you what not to. Eat, but also not what to put on your face and what to eat and what to put on your face. And I think we have to see them as, as the same. Like if you wouldn’t eat it, don’t go shoving it on your face.
So what, what are the key things that we should be looking at in terms of what we should be putting both on and in our body for the best skin to slow that aging process, to, to stay younger longer.
Brian Vaszily: Yeah. Yeah, I was, I’m glad you remembered that. Yeah, [00:11:00] we were talking about that before and again, let me repeat that, cuz that is important.
You know, there’s really, I mean health, if it really boiled down to, you know, I had 10 seconds, it’s all about what you allow in and what you keep outta your body. And there’s multiple ways into your body. Remember those ways that’s all nourishment or the lack of nourishment that you’re feeding. So whether you’re putting it in your mouth, on your skin, breathing it in through your.
Or taking it in through your brain, you know, these myths and these truths out there, you know, that that can bring us down or put us up. That’s all different forms of nourishment, but literally what you put on your skin is literally a form of nourishment. You know, if the, if the molecules are smallest, they penetrate the skin and in these products that are out there.
And again, now I’m gonna expand that a little bit. Any personal care product, this counts, this matters be super hyper conscious. Of what you are allowing on your skin, because the vast majority of those ingredients are going into your body. And when it comes to [00:12:00] moisturizers and anti-aging creams, they are designed to go into your body.
And then there’s some horrible ingredients that are called. You know, a lot of them are synthetic called penetrators that pull these ingredients deeper into your body. So we could talk about the toxins. You want to keep out. We could talk about the good stuff you want to feed your skin, therefore your body that actually helps your.
Now, so which, which way do you want me to go here? Because no, we,
JJ Virgin: we gotta do both. Yeah. Let’s so pick one to start with, then we’ll do the other one. We need both Brian. I want it
Brian Vaszily: all. You got it. Yeah. You deserve it all. So here we go. The ones to keep out are an incredibly long list that none of us, including me and I, I geek out on this will ever remember, let me give a statistic and then I’ll give you some valuable tips on what to look for.
So. In the European union and about 40 countries, actually, there are over 1,300 different chemicals that have been banned from cosmetics because they are [00:13:00] toxic, potentially toxic. That means they’re carcinogenic or potentially carcinogenic, endocrine disrupters, IE, hormone, disruptors, allergens, you know, and, and other issues, 1,300 elsewhere.
If you’re listening to this here in the United States, Take note only 11 ingredients have been banned here in the United States, only
JJ Virgin: 11 it’s it’s. So it’s like, it’s like that in our food. It’s like that in our wine. What the heck? It’s a
Brian Vaszily: powerful industry. It’s crazy you know, when they say how much is the beauty care industry worth?
They’ll throw around to figure often hear about 500 billion, but it does not include the chemical industry. If you throw in the chemical industry, feeding them all the ingredients, and there are thousands that they use. I mean, it’s got to be, you know, well over a trillion dollar industry because of all these chemicals.
So I, I will also say state this to everyone listening still today, most cosmetics, including your anti-aging creams, your [00:14:00] deodorants, anything personal care products, most. You want to try to avoid and make more conscious decisions if we’re having this interview five years from now at that point, I I’m hopeful that I’ll say many and not most, but today when you are pushing your grocery cart down a cosmetic and personal care product aisle, I want people, if they remember nothing else to remember, that is a food aisle, you are pushing it down.
And most of those products that if you put them on your skin, they’re going to feed your body toxins. Now, another statistic to get more specific in the us, the average woman uses 12 different personal care products daily of which they contain an average of 168 different chemicals. That’s the average woman.
It matters. It matters. And I will say. These companies are well aware that some of these thousand plus ingredients that ought not to be in these products. And there’s probably more like 3000 that shouldn’t be in, in the [00:15:00] European union, you know, letter on the docket to examine. But you know, of these thousands that ought not to be in the, their, their claim is yes, we know their potentially carcinogenic.
Yeah, or indeed carcinogenic. I mean, there’s formaldehyde in so many products. That’s that’s everyone knows it’s carcinogenic anyway, but, but their statement on that is, Hey sure. We might know that, but it’s in such minute quantities. No worries. You know, we did experiments on rats and we fed them this once.
And it was a very mild if, if, if at all, any effect, don’t worry. It’s negligible. Great. And if I used deodorant one day of my life only I would buy that. I’d be like, cool. Okay. But the problem is that again, 12 personal care products. Daily day after day, year after year, decade after decade, this stuff adds up.
And when it, when it penetrates all these chemicals penetrate into our body, of course, they’re not gonna put anything in these products [00:16:00] that are, try not to that immediately impact you because of, you know, you’re gonna, you’re gonna be able to trace it back to them, but it’s, it’s like death by a thousand cuts, JJ.
You know, and, and when you add up the fact that let’s go back to high school chemistry, what happens when you mix one chemical with one chemical, you get a different chemical, right? And, and the 168 daily, nobody studies nobody’s required to study the impact of these different chemicals together. When you add these synthetic chemicals together.
JJ Virgin: Right. And that’s just the, that’s just, then you add in, like you put artificial sweeteners and colorings in your food. And you did like, you know, you just start and then there’s the cleaning products and then there’s the dry cleaning fluid that’s in the air and the like, you
Brian Vaszily: know, add it up. It’s ridiculous.
And what’s going on inside our bodies. That’s you’re so right. And you know, and
JJ Virgin: what’s going on inside just. Just because it’s like, you could hear this and go, eh, okay. But the reality is, I always like [00:17:00] to say our, body’s not a bank account. It’s a chemistry lab, but it’s not just a chemistry lab. It’s a history book.
And if you are not actively getting this stuff out, which I don’t know how you could get all the stuff you’re bombarded with out, like you’d have to, I guess, live in an, an infrared sauna. Right. You know, so what is this doing to someone’s body? Because they’re sitting here doing this because they want to look better, right?
Yeah. They wanna look healthy. What’s it actually doing
Brian Vaszily: to them? Right. You wanna smell good? You wanna look good? You know, whatever, the reasons that you don’t wanna smell bad, whatever the reasons are that you’re throwing chemicals on your, on your skin. It’s so what, you know, direct carcinogens are one category hidden carcinogens, another it’s in the name, carcinogens cancer causes.
In other words, These vast array of chemicals that people are feeding, their bodies are doing is destroying our health at a cellular level. I mean, [00:18:00] let’s, let’s start there and take it out, you know you know, there’s hormone disruptors and the carcinognens are probably the two most concerning categories of ingredients.
And you know, we can go, we can go again. Boy, people ask me all the time. What are the worst ingredients I’m like when there’s 1,300 to watch out for, it’s gonna be kind of hard to tell you that, but I could tell you some of the more common ones formaldehyde I mentioned it’s, it’s used as a preservative in cosmetics and it’s a known carcinogen.
That’s also linked to neurotoxicity. You know, in other words, it’s screwing with your brain. If you. To have a clear brain late into life. It’s never too late right now is the time to reduce as much as possible, you know, these toxins in your cosmetics. And as you noted in your foods and elsewhere phthalates folks land have heard of that one.
It’s like a plasticizer in these products used to. You know, for the avoiding brittleness and what have you. And it, it’s also linked, it’s a, you know, carcinogenic and I can go on on parabens is probably the one that most people have [00:19:00] heard of, but you know, they
JJ Virgin: theys, that’s probably just the tip of the iceberg, right?
Brian Vaszily: Oh yeah. Oh my God. That’s what I mean. So, yikes. There’s so many of them, you know, to watch out for and they, well then are you safe level?
JJ Virgin: Are you safe then? Because it sounds like trying to know all of those is sort of ridiculous. it sounds like the easier way to go. It’s it’s kinda like with food. Hey, here’s what you can do.
If you really want to eat healthy. The easiest thing is don’t buy things in packages. Boom boom. You know, that’s, that’s like step one. Easy. So with this, would it just be that step one is by organic. Are you safe if you do that?
Brian Vaszily: You’re much safer, but don’t just read. Their labels. Meaning if I, you know, I’ll say this purity woods if, if I’m proclaiming in my, you know, marketing organic and natural, well,
JJ Virgin: natural means nothing.
Right. I
Brian Vaszily: know. And so honestly [00:20:00] does organic, what matters?
JJ Virgin: It doesn’t have to be certified.
Brian Vaszily: That’s what matters. Okay. That’s where I’m going is watch for independent. Certifications in the United States, the most prevalent one. The one that I know of that, that, you know, you can most trust is U S D a certified organic look for that, because that is an independent certification.
I could tell you, as you brought up at the start, you gotta go through a whole lot of very strict steps to get that certification on your product. Whether it’s food, you’re eating by mouth or products that you’re feeding your skin in other words, cosmetics. So again, look for the independent. What, what I’m trying to say is I, you could call something yourself, you know, you can have a product.
Have one organic ingredient in there, JJ and 40 synthetic. And you could scream organic on the front because you got one in there that’s called
JJ Virgin: wow. It’s different than food. Yeah. Like you can’t do that in food, but you can do that in products that’s oh yeah. That’s [00:21:00] oh, that’s a that’s naughty. it’s naughty.
Here’s a naughty naughty. Holy smokes. I know that’s a mom word. We are gonna take a short little break. I just wanted to let everybody know before we do this and we’ll be right back is you are gonna be giving an e-book out to everyone. It’s the 22 essential natural steps for your youngest looking skin.
So if you’re listening to this going okay, well, what, what, what. You’re gonna get the book. All you need to do is go to, and you’ll get it. All right. Stay with us. We’ll be right
Brian Vaszily: back.
JJ Virgin: Okay. So I know that was a little bit of a cliff hanger here. I, I honestly am still, I had to get up off the floor. So I had to take a little break because, you know, I know, I know the food stuff and if a food wants to be certified organic, it has to be a hundred percent organic. Right. Otherwise has to say it’s 70% organic.
So in skincare, if there’s one organic ingredient, it can. considered [00:22:00] organic or they can just put the
Brian Vaszily: label cream on it. That’s called greenwashing. Here’s the very important I can, you know, a company can put one organic ingredient in a product and in it’s marketing, it could say organic. But that doesn’t mean the whole product’s organic in order for it to be U S D a certified organic that’s a whole different ballgame.
It has here. What we have to do is we have to certify, we have to demonstrate to the USDA that every, that the ingredients that there’s no toxic ingredients, number one in our products. Okay. That they’re, and in our case, they’re all, you know, they’re all plant based ingredients. And they are in the, and two that even the ingredients that are included.
We’re farmed organically. I E not using any pesticides and herbicides and other junk like that. So it’s a strict process. And what I’m saying is look for that independent certification, [00:23:00] USDA certified organic, because what some of the players out there are doing for lack of a better word is they can say on their own, just put a big.
Word organic. And that means turn around and sure it might have one single organic ingredient in it, along with 10 synthetic ingredients. Got it. In other words, don’t believe the hype don’t believe the marketing on any of this. You, you know it with natural, all natural Wildcraft or whatever. All these phrases
JJ Virgin: are.
I love the wildcrafted. No, that means Wildcraft nothing wildcrafted and natural means nothing. So artisan I love the artisan one too. So I’ve, I’m gonna play devil’s advocate. I’m throwing this at you. I didn’t tell you. I was gonna ask you this. Oh yeah, here we go. Well, I love skincare and I think that I am, I, I think that probably most of the women listening, if you went down and looked at their, not only do I have, like, you know, a ton of skincare products.
I actually had a new closet built and I have all this, like I just blub stuff, but there’s very few things that make it to the I’m gonna use it all the time. But I had a [00:24:00] limiting belief prior to some of your stuff that that the stuff that was that was organic could not move the needle. Like some of these other things that we use.
And I would love you to talk on that before we talk about like, like what you want or, or maybe some on what you should be putting on your face, because that’s, that’s one of the things. If you go to like some of the medical spas, et cetera, you’re not getting. Organic products. Nope,
Brian Vaszily: no, no. You know, first of all, side note on that, you know, it’s kind of a you know, retinol is superstar ingredient out there and all these spas, and it’s probably the superstar right now.
And I would urge people and this, this leads me into answering your question. I would urge people to be cautious with that because first of all, retinol is typically, first of all, it’s derived from either animals or it’s derived synthetically. So when they say vegan friendly, it means synthetic and yes, [00:25:00] retinol is like, kind of like fast food.
Let me, let me put it that way. It will deliver the results, but it can do some serious, you know, longer term damage, frankly. Certainly if you have sensitive skin, I mean, it, it promotes redness and irritation and things like that. And a lot of people and without getting too deep into the science. It, it kind of like rebuilds your cells in a, on a steroid level, meaning it creates cheap cells that are not high quality cells in your body.
So your skin can degrade you know, more quickly over time. That’s a bit controversial. Go look it up. If you don’t believe me, the wonderful news is that for that and virtually any other superstar, synthetic I E not natural, I guess we’ll say ingredient out there. There are natural alternatives and they do work.
For example, you know, instead of retinol, look for something called bakuchiol. Now, are you gonna remember that?
JJ Virgin: Wait a minute, slow. What?
Brian Vaszily: Bakuchiol B A K U C H I O L. It comes from a plant [00:26:00] called the babchi B a, B, C H I plant, which has long been revered in ayurvedic and other traditional medicines for its skin benefits.
Real studies have shown that it’s just as effective. It does what, what retinol does without many of those, you know, side. Wow. Yeah.
JJ Virgin: All right. That’s really exciting. That reminds me of bone. You know how bone remodeling, like if you, if you are doing, if, if you’ve got bone issues, you can actually like create bone problems with excess bone remodeling, getting too dense of bones.
That it’s, it sort of feels like that when you’re trying to trick mother nature, mother nature goes, haha. No way. Right. Yeah.
Brian Vaszily: Yeah. And that’s exactly it. It’s kind of a, you know, a bunch of cheap cells with, with retinol are being developed. So short term, I suppose, if you know, I was gonna say, I suppose if you’re like 98, you know, maybe that’s, you’re not gonna worry too much cause you can look.
But if you’re in your forties, fifties, sixties, even seventies, think twice with retinol. If you don’t believe me, which is true, go look up the science. But if you don’t believe it, do know. [00:27:00] That it does cause redness and irritation in a lot of people. And if you have sense, it can be real careful. And the real biggest problem with retinol by the way is that there are it’s, it is such a ragingly popular ingredient, JJ, that there’s all kinds of forms of it out there and per our earlier conversation.
I want everyone to remember. I’ve heard it said that the cosmetic and personal care products industry is the most unregulated. Now there might be positives to that for some people. But what that basically means is that it, and it is it’s a wild west. Mm. And you can’t the last time there was any legislation of substance passed.
It was 1938 and the FDA said, Hey, personal care products industry and cosmetics industry self regulate you’re on your own. And nothing has changed since then. So literally you can take any amount of ingredients, throw ’em into something, make it a deodorant or a, you know, toothpaste or a anti-aging cream, stick it on a shelf and [00:28:00] sell it.
No oversight
JJ Virgin: whatsoever. Oh my gosh. That’s how I can’t believe the industry itself. Hasn’t created some oversight.
Brian Vaszily: Well, they claim to have and they’ve, but they’ve demonstrated time. And again, with all these you know, these, these toxic ingredients out there, it’s, they’re not doing a good job of it.
You know, it’s buyer beware, just buyer beware, be super cautious of, of what you’re feeding your skin. Now on the note of you know, yes, indeed. You’re again, just same way that the foods you put in your mouth matter. And like you said, the, the closer to whole foods, you know, that you are. And the further away from these packaged foods, the better it’s gonna be for your health is a very general, but true statement.
It’s no different from the food you’re putting on your skin, mother, nature, God, whatever you wanna call, it knows far better than mankind because it has eons more of experience. Of what it’s doing now, you know, can I throw out a little theory that, that this is this is not, I haven’t seen [00:29:00] research supporting this yet, but it’s my own theory.
We walked around for eons outside, we spent most of our lives outdoors today. We spend about 90% of our life indoors, but for eons JJ, we walked around, outside in what we were doing. We were hunting and we were gathering. And wandering and brushing constantly against plants. We have an intimate relationship of plants on our skin.
So it’s, it’s a form of nutrition going back forever as far, you know, as far back as humankind goes. And again, you’re talking eons of, of history with that. It’s a form of nutrition. So if anybody believes. Putting good stuff on your skin and therefore into your skin and body doesn’t work well, you’re wrong.
I’ll just put it that way. There are great ingredients out there for your skin
JJ Virgin: and, well, it just makes sense. I mean, I think back to like how we look at nutrition and we go, all right, what did we eat 5,000, 10,000 years ago? Well, that’s what I was thinking. I was like, all right, what did we do back [00:30:00] then?
You know, for like, What, what were we doing for this? You, you hear about what they were using for cosmetics back then, but it’s like, what were they doing for their skin? So it, it is obviously they weren’t manufacturing things in labs. Exactly.
Brian Vaszily: Natural stuff. I mean, and, and, you know, some have stood the test of time.
Again, I’ve been around this natural health industry and so cool to me. Two things to see, to see everything that was once called quackery. You know, so many of those things, you know, become valid, some don’t, but some do, man, when I started in all this 20, some years ago, people thought you were crazy to suggest that, you know whole foods itself was all, you know, those were, that was for
JJ Virgin: the, oh, well we were, we were considered to be health nuts or health freaks, right.
Freaks. And I always thought about that. I go, wait a minute. Why would it. weird to be interested in your health. Like , wouldn’t it be weird to not be interested in your health to not do that? Like it’s just, so it definitely has come full circle probably because the baby [00:31:00] boomers are all, you know, Getting older they wanna, yeah.
Brian Vaszily: They wanna live and live well,
JJ Virgin: and it’s like, you wanna look good, feel good for a long period of time. Right. And you know, I think it’s in this community. We’ve talked a lot about toxins. We do a detox. I’m actually starting ’em back. I used to do ’em twice a year. We’re gonna start that back. And, you know, we talk a lot about toxins and what they do with weight and hormone imbalance.
But geez, you know, and, and I say, Hey, make sure you’re using organic products, but then it was like, all right, well, , you know I didn’t really think there were great anti-aging organic products out there. So this is super duper exciting. Yeah.
Brian Vaszily: Awesome. And there’s super duper exciting ingredients. You know, the other one I was gonna mention is to see how smart these civilizations and these ancient medicine systems were.
Because again, I I’m a research geek. I read all these white papers and stuff that would bore the heck out of most people. And it’s like, wow, you [00:32:00] know, amla, there’s there’s one. Amla is also known as Indian gooseberry and you know, it’s, it has been revered in, in different medicine systems. You know, again, auryvedic and others for eons.
And now, you know, research comes along and, you know, says, okay, maybe there’s something to this, let’s study this. And then they’re like, holy cow. You know, Indian gooseberry is sky high in antioxidants. It’s sky high, specifically all in vitamin C. You know, many people be familiar, but many others. And if you’re gonna feed either topically, we’ll call it that.
Cause again, I want people to remember when you’re putting it on your skin you are feeding it to your body, but, but. Look, look for products that contain Indian gooseberry to feed your skin. And also it’s, it’s not so popular here as a fruit because it’s not native to the United States, but you know, products containing it or eating Alma is sensational for your, your skin as well.
You know, when I, let me mention a few ingredients, but give people the real basics on the three areas of focus for great skin, one. You’re [00:33:00] elastin two you’re collagen, three moisture or hydration. Right. So those three areas of which you want to have in mind when you’re looking for any ingredients, any real ingredients, mother nature’s ingredients.
Now in the case of those first two elastin and collagen I liken it to a, a. Old time mattress where there’s Springs and stuffing and the collagen is the stuffing. You know, these are both proteins, the collagen is kind of like the stuffing and yes, as we all know, you know, if the stuffing in your, in your old spring mattress starts to go, it gets lumpy.
In other words, you know, you’ll have, you know, the look of some wrinkles and things like that. The elastin are the Springs itself. And, and that’s really kind of, sort of in a metaphorical way, the purpose that both serve in your skin and when that elastin goes, everything caves in, and that’s when you get some real wrinkles and, and sagging, you know, saggy looking skin and such the good news.
Is as I think many people are more aware of the collagen equation [00:34:00] lately, a lot of focuses have been put on that. There’s some great ingredients out there that help the collagen particularly look for vitamin C boosting and other antioxidant boosting ingredients. Like amla that I mentioned you know, is, is an outstanding one.
Mango seed extract, super. Grapefruit from south America that you can find you you’ll find it in our products at, at purity woods. Camu camu fruits, sky high and vitamin C. Great to feed your skin. And yes, by the way, also great to eat lots of vitamin C rich fruits and veggies. You know, by mouth for your skin as well.
Now on the elastin side there is a superstar ingredient and it’s something that’s rather unique to purity woods products. It’s in certain products in other countries, but we are one of the few that have it here for elastin, which naturally can break down with age. And then there’s other factors that can exasperate, you know, push that breakdown even faster.
A. Common lifestyle choices. You know, that the elastin breaks down
JJ Virgin: well, like what, what bad things could people be?
Brian Vaszily: Oh yeah. The usual suspect like smoking, [00:35:00] smoking the toxins you’ve been talking about bad diets, the usual, you know, the usual suspect, same with the collagen for that matter. Both naturally can decline with age.
The good news is you can, you can do a lot to boost them. And then all these bad habits that so many people have. Pushes it even
JJ Virgin: further. Right. And stress smoking and sugar are like three other, oh, sugar. Huge. Yeah. Stress worse, worse. Okay. So elastin, right. I’m dying to know what this thing
Brian Vaszily: is. Oh, well, you know, you’re using it cuz you’re using our products.
It is maple leaf. Extract specifically out of the university of Rhode Island in 2018, there was a study done on red maple leaf extract and it showed that they, it has over a hundred unique, well, a hundred compounds, 17 of which are unique. Nowhere else that they’ve seen yet in nature that actually can block elastase.
Now I’m gonna get a bit geeky, but elastase is, is, is an enzyme that breaks down the elastin in your skin. [00:36:00] Well, this blocks it like nothing else out there. So maple leaf extract. Now, this is interesting again, because I go back. In time, the north American Indians, the native American Indians, revered maple trees, not just cuz they were pretty, not just because they gave, you know, certain ones of sugar, Maples and cool syrup, but they used virtually every part of the tree for different health purposes.
And it turns out they’re onto something because again, maple leaf extract is outstanding for helping the elastin in your skin. So that’s, that’s, you know, it’s a couple tips with the elastin. Collagen hydration moisture. A lot of people are a little bit more aware of that one than the others, but there’s great ingredients you know, out there for that good old maple, I’m sorry.
Or Alovera it? It’s it’s it’s, it’s one of nature’s wonder drugs, so to speak does so many things and it’s outstanding indeed for your skin. Some of the certain oils are outstanding. Some of the old standbys are great cacao seed oil sunflower [00:37:00] seed oils, outstanding for the moisturizing component. And again, let me just throw in organic.
Is important for all of these mm-hmm you know, I
JJ Virgin: could talk, oh. Especially with oils. Oh my goodness. Oh yeah.
Brian Vaszily: You know, sunflower oil make sure it’s organic, whatever you’re choosing
JJ Virgin: please. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we know, like we know in diet do not eat these damaged seed oils. Right. So don’t put them on your face either.
Brian Vaszily: Exactly. Yeah. That’s where it becomes incredibly. I mean, really, for all of these, it’s important to have truly clean versions of these. Otherwise it it’s counter, you know, counterproductive. It’s like you’re trying to do something good and you’re start feeding your body toxins. So it’s super important, but yeah, those are, those are a couple you know, that come to mind, Astaxanthin, let me, I can’t leave.
At all without Astaxanthin. Both taking it by mouth and also using our age, defining dream cream, has it in it for good reason Astaxanthin comes from red algae. And it’s the same red algae that give [00:38:00] salmon its pink color and that give flamingos
JJ Virgin: their pink color. I didn’t know. it gave Flamingo’s their pink color.
Brian Vaszily: Oh yeah. That’s, that’s one of their primary food sources. It’s really
JJ Virgin: important. I didn’t just to know this for salmon. If you buy salmon and you see that it’s gray and pink, it’s not really Astaxanthin. They have done dyes because it’s not wild. So that Astaxanthin is what makes that salmon have that.
Great. And especially what is it? The copper river salmon. That’s super, super red. So you want that red color in Astaxanthin. So in flamingos, that’s crazy. So what does it do for. So,
Brian Vaszily: you know, I mean, it does a lot for us actually. I mean, beyond skin. And that’s the great thing about all these ingredients I’m talking about by the way, is that they, they certainly, as I’ve noted help your skin, but they do so much more so Astaxanthin in general.
You know, people take this and it it can help with sore joints and muscles. It’s it’s a powerful anti-inflammatory, which is one reason it helps the skin in so much more. It’s great [00:39:00] for your heart. It’s I think I’ve heard 6,000 times more potent antioxidant than anything in oranges. I mean, it’s sky high in antioxidants, including some unique antioxidants for skin specifically.
This is why it’s in. This is why it’s in our age defined dream cream. Is that like little Al that I’ve discovered or seen? It helps reverse really the look of weathered looking skin now. What that really means is it goes to work on UV damaged skin. And this is a big deal to a lot of us who are forties, fifties, sixties, and beyond, because when many of us were younger, we, we didn’t get the message on, you know, be cautious about the sun.
You need some sun, as we all know for vitamin D. But you don’t want is to be outside getting over tan and burned, you know? Right. Would we have
JJ Virgin: listened anyway when we were younger? No,
Brian Vaszily: we wouldn’t have, but, but, but we might not have put like baby oil on to make the almost and laid on those,
JJ Virgin: those silver blankets
Brian Vaszily: yeah.
All that. And [00:40:00] so a lot of people, you know, in, in, in middle age and beyond, you know, they have sun damaged skin Astaxanthin is remarkable and. For that. And so I, I really wanted to throw
JJ Virgin: that one in yeah. Important. All right. Well, I wanna remind everybody about the ebook too, because you’ve just dropped a load of stuff and you can get more.
When you go to, you will get 22 tips and tricks that you can do for younger looking skin. And again, I hope that it’s like gotten through you now that. While you’re doing all of these careful things with your food, you’re doing the Virgin diet. You’re getting rid of the high fives.
You’re doing the sugar impact diet. You’re bumping out the sugar that it also, it’s equally important. What you’re putting on your skin as well, because it’s a sieve. So if you’re cutting the sugar out so that you can look and feel younger, you gotta make sure that you are complimenting that with the right stuff on your skin.
Two and what Brian you’ve opened my eyes [00:41:00] to is that you can actually get clean products that are anti-aging. Cuz I will tell you that I had, for the longest time, I was like, well, I can get great, you know, things that clean my skin yeah. You know, and some good body moisturizers, but shoot. So this is really, really good information.
And especially that information on retinae, cuz I might have been a little bit of a closet retinol user we’re cleaning it out. so awesome. So thank you so much for that. I super appreciate your time.
Brian Vaszily: Been my pleasure. Thank you so much.
JJ Virgin: All right. Lots of information in that interview. Thankfully, you didn’t have to take notes because you’re going to get his 22 essential natural steps for your youngest looking skin for free. All you need to do to get that is go to Grab it. And now you have no excuses for not only feeling your best, but looking [00:42:00] your best too.
So there you go. Hope you enjoyed the show and if you’ve not yet subscribed, holy smokes, I don’t want you to miss out on any of the good stuff. So go to and sign yourself up and I’ll see you next time.