Dr. Peter Osborne explains in an easy, scientific way, how a gluten-free diet can create trouble in your health, making you weaker, causing inflammation and digestive difficulties. Educate yourself about how to introduce variety in your diet, get healthier, love what you eat, lose the weight you want to get rid of by choosing your food wisely. Listen to JJVirgin and Dr. Peter Osborne to begin the transformation you are seeking!

Dr. Osborne is a world renown expert in the field of gluten and grain sensitivity, as well as orthomolecular functional pastoral medicine. He is the author of the highly acclaimed new book, ‘No Grain No Pain,’ published by Simon and Schuster, found online and in stores everywhere.

Key Takeaways:
[:56] Dr. Peter Osborne´s career
[2:01] Beyond gluten
[2:28] Gluten-free is everywhere and got us in bigger trouble.
[2:48] Autoimmune disease
[3:01] Grain consumption is linked to autoimmune disease.
[3:28] Gluten-free is heavy on substitutes.
[3:41] Corn in gluten-free products has consequences to our health.
[4:17] In any kind of diet, the junk food always shows up.
[5:04] Grain-flammation and Grain-bicity
[5:23] Proteins in grain
[5:56] Food stays undigested in your gut.
[6:24] Rice — why it causes inflammation.
[6:52] Genetic manipulation of grains.
[7:37] Pesticides in your food.
[7:52] Pesticides that mimic estrogen.
[8:12] Grain based properties that cause inflammation.
[8:38] Exercise programs don't work because of inflammation.
[9:30] What do I eat?
[10:13] Find variety in your diet.
[11:12] Shift your habits.
[11:23] What is Gluten muscle wasting cycle?
[11:40] Cortisol relationship to water retention.
[13:17] Why steroids are problematic.
[13:45] Ulceration caused by medication in single doses.
[14.06] Medication is causing a chain of reactions against our health.
[15:52] You can change it with the food you are eating.
[16:15] What is the one thing you do every day, that changes your life?
[16:23] Crossfit
[16:44] Mental and physical benefits
[17:17] How do you stay in shape?
[17:48] JJVirgin.com/Peter
[18:01] Leaky gut solutions
[19:13] Food intolerance number one reason.
[19:27] Leaky gut support formula.
[19:47] JJVirgin.com/products
[19:59] Listeners’ questions
[20:13] No gluten, no corn, what can I eat?
[20:31] Great slow low carbs
[20:50] List of foods you can eat
[22:10] Virgin Diet or Sugar Impact Diet
[22:34] Facebook JJ Virgin Official

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