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Razi Berry began at the age of 20, her own personal journey towards healing. She overruled all medicals predictions, to find that health was there all the time. Learn about the revolutionary concepts of Naturopathic Medicine. Listen to your body and its signals to unblock the healing nature within. Prevent and cure your body by following these simple and easy to take to action tools.


Key Takeaways:
[:52] Razi Berry´s career synopsis.
[1:32] Prevention is the best cure.
[2:21] How did Razi Berry get in this journey? Her fight with fibromyalgia.
[4:53] How our body functions.
[5:30] Learning about diet and microbiome were the first steps in getting healthier.
[6:10] Avoiding chemicals and toxins.
[7:26] Healing is in our nature.
[8:01] We are blocking ourselves from our nature in this culture, this is our first problem.
[9:10] Gardening as a way of getting in contact with the ground.
[10:17] What are the principles of Naturopathic medicine?
[11:29] The healing power of nature.
[11:41] Symptoms are our body’s way of healing.
[12:08] Patient-Doctor relationship is the key.
[13:47] Value of prevention.
[15:15] What is best for ourselves?
[17:50] We have to listen to our bodies
[18:05] What is, “Love is medicine”?
[18:40] Love is the constant striving towards life, towards healing.
[19:58] What is the one thing you do every day, that makes the biggest difference in your life?
[21:08] The Sugar-Free Summer. 12 videos to cut sugar.
[22:32] Are you digesting protein well? Which enzyme to chose.
[23:12] Listeners’ Questions
[23:23] Is there natural medicine for a knee injury?
[24:06] How to uncover the hidden food intolerance?
[24:56] Increase your Omega 3 intake
[25:21] What kind of diet you should take.
[25:55] Turmeric or curcuman helps reduce inflammation.
[26:35] Facebook page JJVirgin Official

Mentioned in This Episode:
Facebook Page JJ Virgin Official

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