Lifestyle Tips for Creating Strong Relationships & Hormonal Balance
Dr. John Gray is a world-renowned speaker and author of the bestselling book, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. He’s been teaching about loving relationships and improving communication for over 40 years! Tune in to today’s podcast episode as Dr. Gray talks about the connection between relationships and hormonal health, including how the changing roles of women in today’s modern world can affect hormonal balance. Dr. Gray also shares how behaviors can impact hormones like testosterone and estrogen, as well as his top tips for women and men on restoring hormonal balance. Find out how to optimize your hormones while creating strong, lasting relationships at the same time!
Freebies From Today’s Episode
Get Dr. John Gray’s free video training, A Woman’s Feel Good Hormones, by going to
Main Points From Today’s Episode
1. After taking nutritional supplements to help reverse symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, Dr. Gray started noticing improvements in other areas as well. His ability to be a better partner increased by helping his brain health and hormonal health.
2. As women become more independent in today’s modern world, hormonal balance can be affected. Dr. Gray shares his top tips to restore hormonal balance in both women and men.
3. When women give more, men tend to start giving less. When you’re giving more than you’re getting, you’re generating testosterone.
Episode Play-By-Play
[0:53] Dr. John Gray’s career briefing
[2:42] Listener shout-out
[4:19] The inspiration behind Dr. Gray’s book, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
[7:00] How Dr. Gray reversed his symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
[8:00] Dr. Gray’s ability to be a better partner increased by helping his brain health and hormonal health.
[9:22] The effects of hormonal balance on relationships
[11:57] Hormones involved in falling in love
[13:16] Testosterone and estrogen in men and women
[14:12] Changes in hormones as women become more independent in today’s modern world
[16:45] The importance of being vulnerable and expressing empathy
[18:40] Strategies to balance your hormones if you’re not in a relationship
[19:50] When women give more, men tend to start giving less.
[20:26] Reciprocity in relationships and male and female tendencies
[21:03] When you’re giving in anticipation of a reward, you’re generating testosterone.
[21:30] For women, doing what you love generates female hormones.
[22:41] The effects of sex on female hormones
[26:12] During menopause, the key is having your hormones in balance.
[26:55] The value of connection in balancing hormones
[27:33] Men can be guided when they feel like heroes.
[29:52] If you’re over age 35 or under stress, you may not be digesting protein well. Try JJ’s Metabolic Digestive Balance!
[30:38] Listener’s question: Should I take bioidentical hormones?
[32:30] Diet, lifestyle, and supplement tips to help with balancing hormones
[33:33] It’s okay to be vulnerable and depend on someone.
Mentioned in this episode:
Designs for Health LibidoStim (use the code 20DFH2018 to save 20% on your first purchase)
JJ Virgin Metabolic Digestive Balance
The Institute for Functional Medicine’s Find A Practitioner Tool
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