Boost Energy, Strength, and Skin Health with One Surprising Compound

As a health expert and woman over 40, I’m excited to share a game-changer for menopausal and perimenopausal women. Imagine a supplement that could help with that all-over body fatigue, muscle loss, and even those stubborn wrinkles. Enter Urolithin A, a compound that’s revolutionizing anti-aging and women’s health. In this episode, I dive deep into the science behind this miracle molecule, explaining how it supports mitochondrial health – the key to feeling vibrant as we age. We’ll explore its impact on menopausal symptoms, energy levels, muscle strength, and even skin health. Drawing from my experience and work with thousands of midlife women, I reveal how this natural compound can be your secret weapon against hormonal changes and aging. Get ready to boost your metabolism, increase your strength, and reclaim your youthful glow!

What you’ll learn:

  • The link between mitochondrial function and menopause symptoms
  • How Urolithin A supports cellular energy production and fights fatigue
  • The surprising connection between gut health and healthy aging
  • Why traditional methods of obtaining Urolithin A might not be sufficient
  • The impact of this compound on muscle strength, endurance, and metabolism
  • How Urolithin A can improve skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles
  • Practical tips for incorporating Urolithin A supplements into your wellness routine

Ready to revolutionize your menopause journey and embrace healthy aging? Tune in for all the details and start feeling like your vibrant self again!


00:01:03- The Struggles of Menopause

00:02:59- How Urolithin A Works

00:06:02- Supplementing with Urolithin A

00:08:53- Topical Benefits of Urolithin A

00:12:54- Special Offer and Wrap-Up

Resources Mentioned in this episode

Timeline Mitopure (Urolithin A)

Reignite Wellness™ Plant-Based & Paleo-Inspired All-In-One Shakes

Get 60 FREE delicious, protein-packed shake recipes in my Eat Protein First Smoothie Guide

Study: Pharmacological Effects of Urolithin A and Its Role in Muscle Health and Performance: Current Knowledge and Prospects

Study: Urolithin A improves muscle strength, exercise performance, and biomarkers of mitochondrial health in a randomized trial in middle-aged adults

Study: The mitophagy activator urolithin A is safe and induces a molecular signature of improved mitochondrial and cellular health in humans

Study: Urolithin A improves muscle strength, exercise performance, and biomarkers of mitochondrial health in a randomized trial in middle-aged adults

Study: Effect of Urolithin A Supplementation on Muscle Endurance and Mitochondrial Health in Older Adults

Episode Sponsors: 

Try Timeline. Use code JJ10 for 10% off all products

Try Qualia risk-free for up to 100 days and code VIRGINWELLNESS for an additional 15% off

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  Ah, menopause, that full body fatigue, the muscle and strength loss, and let’s not forget the wrinkles. I mean, there were times as I was going through it that I literally wanted to crawl out of my body and come back when it was all over. But guess what? It doesn’t have to be this way. Now, what if there was a supplement that you could take that could dramatically help with all of these issues, and then some.

Something totally natural. In fact, something your body may actually produce. Well, stay tuned. It’s not too good to be true. I’m going to be revealing what it is and how you can get started on it right away. You know,  I’ve worked with thousands of women going through menopause and I’ve heard it all. Plus, I’ve been there myself.

You feel tired and it’s not like normal tired. It’s like that total lack of motivation tired. Your body aches, you just can’t perform or work out like you used to, and your skin seems like it started drooping overnight. You look in the mirror, you start messing around with your face, you know what I’m talking about here, because you want to get back to your old self.

Can you relate? While some of this may seem superficial, like that sudden weight gain around your belly, my mom by the way called it shifting sands, where your gut starts to look like your butt, but here’s the deal, it actually isn’t. These changes can make a big impact on your health, on your longevity, and on your overall quality of life.

Now, you’ve probably heard that as you age, you start to lose muscle size, which can lead to a dangerous condition known as sarcopenia. But worse yet, You lose even more strength and even more power. But what you might not know, because I didn’t know this until a little over a year ago, is that there’s a compound produced in our guts that can help counteract this.

Check it out. This compound is called Urolithin A and it supports your mitochondrial health. Now, you may remember learning about your mitochondria in biology. They called it the powerhouse of the cell because it’s where we produce our energy. And because of that, if you’ve got poor mitochondrial function, it’s literally one of those key hallmarks of aging.

So improving it is really the secret to feeling great as you age. Now, I mentioned earlier that you may be able to make this compound when you eat certain foods like pomegranates, some berries, and specific nuts like walnuts and pecans. Your gut bacteria can metabolize them and may be able to produce, produce Urolithin A.

 Now, I keep saying may. Because it turns out that not everyone has the ability to do this. In fact, only a small percentage of the population can. But don’t worry, There’s a hack for it. Urolithin A, once you produce it, helps your cells produce energy more efficiently. So it helps with that menopause fatigue.

And over time you feel even more sustained energy levels because of the way it’s working on a deep cellular level to enhance your health. It boosts energy primarily through its impact on supporting mitochondrial health and function. Now, you’ve probably heard of autophagy. It’s the big selling point of intermittent fasting.

And, by the way, it also happens if you do some caloric restriction, or better yet, you do some exercise. It’s basically where your body has taken out the cellular trash. Well, urolithin A activates autophagy in the mitochondria. It’s a special thing called And it’s the process of clearing out defective mitochondria and allowing the cells to replace them with new healthy ones.

This rejuvenation of the mitochondrial network means more efficient energy production for you. And this process improves the overall function of your mitochondria. And because they’re responsible for producing ATP, and APT is kind of like the dollars, the energy currency in your body. More energy for you.

Now, besides that, urolithin A can also help reduce inflammation and inflammation, of course, can also impact energy levels by creating the state of chronic fatigue. This is what I was experiencing when I just couldn’t seem to recover from my workouts. Where was urolithin A back then? The bottom line is that when your mitochondria are functioning better, when they’re healthier, it’s going to make a big difference.

When it comes to muscular performance. Now here’s the challenge. Remember I said only a small percentage of us can make this compound. It turns out that only 40 percent of us are able to. And if you’re one of those lucky 40% Then you also have to be eating a lot of pomegranate berries and nuts to make a substantial amount of it.

And that’s what you need in order to combat all of those symptoms of menopause. This isn’t really realistic. So the answer here is to supplement with it to ensure that you’re getting what you need. So here’s how I’ve got you covered. My friends at Timeline Nutrition make it super easy to do this with their Mitopure supplement.

It’s got 500 milligrams of urolithin A in each dose. Now, depending on your needs, you’re going to want to take somewhere between 500 and a thousand milligrams a day. By the way, they are the leaders in doing the research on urolithin A and the research is amazing. Research has shown that urolithin A alleviates fatigue caused by exercise and promotes rapid muscle recovery.

In fact, there was a 2002 randomized trial that was published in Cell that found that oral supplementation with urolithin A increases muscle strength. And that high doses of urolithin A possibly impact exercise performance measures. They had participants aged 40 to 64 who saw significant improvements in leg muscle strength, strength, which by the way, think about it.

As we age, leg muscle strength is everything to protect you from falls and other injuries as you age. And they also saw a 14 percent increase in their VO2 max. VO2 max is a measure of your overall cardiovascular fitness and has been linked, Indicate it as the number one most important indicator of how well you will age or all cause mortality.

Now those who had a higher dose of urolithin A also increased their walking distance by greater than 30 meters during this trial. And this is hugely important for mobility because remember mobility is, is mission critical to avoid falls and injuries as you age. And here’s what’s super cool. And so many of the trials out there, it’s all men.

Or, it’s even worse than that, it’s young men. Not so with Mitopur. Over half of their study participants were women in the peri or post menopausal age range. How cool is that? So it is clinically proven to work for us, women in peri and post menopause. And here’s what the science says. Mitopur Improves cellular energy.

Mitopur improves muscle strength by 12%. Mitopur improves muscle endurance by 17%. When I first started reading all of this, I literally looked at this and I told the team over at Timeline Nutrition, I go, this honestly sounds like exercise in a bottle. I don’t want to say that because I don’t want someone to go, Oh, cool.

I’ll just take Mitopur and sit on the couch. That’s not what I’m saying. However, it’s amazing what it does. It is one of those few supplements that you take and you actually can tell the difference, which is why I take at least 500 milligrams of Mitopure Urolithin A daily. And depending on what’s going on, I will bump it up to a thousand milligrams.

If I’m doing heavy travel, if I’m under a lot of stress, if I’m cranking up my workout. I bump it on up. Also, I use it topically. There’s face serum, there’s body lotion, there’s cream, and here’s what’s really cool about this. I was at dinner the other night and a girlfriend literally said to me, and this has never happened, what are you using?

What body lotion are you using? Your skin is glowing. I had gotten to a point where I was kind of getting self conscious about my arms, um, because I was looking a little crepey. So, this was, Huge for me because I like to go sleeveless. So just like internally when you take it, you start to change. Remember, the things that are happening to you internally during menopause, you know, your skin’s shifting too.

And just like urolithionase helping those mitochondrial function, helping internally, it gives you big benefits for your skin health too. Because that mitophagy process is crucial for your skin cells because efficient energy production is essential for maintaining skin health. And for its repair and regeneration.

This makes your skin cells able to function optimally. Here’s what happens with menopause. Skin starts to have slower cellular turnover and slower repair process. I bet you’ve noticed this. And when you boost mitochondrial function and support overall cellular health, Urolithin A can accelerate the skin’s natural repair and regeneration process, which means for you a more useful appearance, less wrinkles, better texture, and that glow that my friend told me about.

It’s also got those anti inflammatory properties I talked about internally. It’s got them for you topically as well. Menopause often comes around with increased inflammation and that That also impacts your skin health and makes the aging process accelerate, gets you dryness, gets you redness, gets you more sensitive.

So, when you reduce the inflammation with urolithin A, you’re going to help alleviate a lot of those different skin issues I just talked about, and you’ll have this more balanced complexion. You’ll also protect the skin barrier, and that’s super important for retaining moisture and protecting against different irritants.

And finally, Collagen.  Here’s what’s super cool. Urolithin A also supports collagen production. Of course, we know collagen is a critical structural protein in the skin. It’s what gives you that firmness and that elasticity. And when menopause estrogen levels drop, collagen production starts to decrease too.

That’s why we’re starting to get the wrinkles and the sagging skin. But Urolithin A has been shown to support collagen synthesis and maintenance by improving the overall health of skin cells. And reducing oxidative stress, which of course can degrade collagen fibers. And one more thing that urolithin A does is it’s an antioxidant.

And that means we’re going to reduce oxidative stress and protect the skin from environmental damage. That can be anything from the sun and pollution. So this is really important because as we age we’re more vulnerable to this. So they’ve done some studies on topical Mitopure and in just two weeks, Topical Mitopure visibly reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Topically applied Mitopure helps make skin cells act like younger cells by turning on the genes that promote collagen production. Now, 80 percent of the skin aging is caused by the sun, and Topical Mitopure helps to protect your skin from the damaging effects of those UV rays.  So if you want some real support on your menopause journey, I would recommend doing what I’m doing, which is Now, you can use the capsule or powder sachets, which are easy to do.

And I love the sachet. It saves when I’m doing a smoothie. I love to travel with the capsules because it’s easy and then treat your skin. Use the serum. Use the cream. Use the lotion. I’ve literally been using this for over a year and I do not Leave home without them. So here’s the special offer for you.

You can go to jjvirgin. com forward slash mitopure and that’s m i t o p u r e and use the code jj10 for 10 percent off all of the products. Again, that is jjvirgin. com forward slash mitopure to get started anti aging today.
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