Transforming Healthcare Through Innovation and Personalization

I’m excited to share a deep dive into the world of health optimization with Dr. Darshan Shah. We explore groundbreaking diagnostic tools like full-body MRIs and liquid biopsies, which are changing the game in early disease detection and prevention. Dr. Shah shares insights into how these advanced techniques can significantly extend our health span and improve our quality of life.

We also discuss the innovative treatments and therapies available at Dr. Shah’s health optimization clinics. His approach combines the best of modern medicine with personalized wellness strategies, offering hope and practical solutions for those seeking to maintain vitality well into their later years.

Join us as we delve into the fascinating intersection of technology and traditional medicine with one of the leading experts in the field. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in taking their health to the next level and embracing a life full of energy and vitality. Don’t miss these invaluable insights that could truly change the way you look at your health and longevity.

Freebies From Today’s Episode
Get Dr. Shah’s Ultimate Guide to Longevity


00:04:59  Dr. Shah’s career trajectory and personal health transformation after graduating from medical school at 21

00:09:00 – The journey into functional medicine

00:15:20 – Who is an ideal candidate for Dr. Shah’s health optimization and longevity clinics?

00:18:20 – The key diagnostic tools Dr. Shah recommends, plus the biomarkers to know to optimize your health

00:22:00 – The negative health impact of a sedentary lifestyle

00:25:15 – What a VO2 max test is and what results to aim for

00:29:36 – Unpacking the fundamentals of good-quality sleep and different methods of tracking

00:33:43 – How your sleep routine begins the moment you wake up and includes the food you eat throughout the day

00:38:27 – Early disease detection and prevention, and the screening tests to get

00:46:30 – Advanced diagnostics and treatments for heart health

00:50:48 – Controversy around hormones and the Women’s Health Initiative

00:54:16- Embracing functional medicine for root-cause resolution

00:56:25- Next Health: A new era of wellness and longevity

Resources Mentioned in this episode

Learn more about Dr. Darshan Shah and Next Health

Pavlock Shocker Watch

 Hand Grip Dynamometer

Study: Postprandial energy expenditure in whole-food and processed-food meals: implications for daily energy expenditure

Order your own labs at YourLabWork

Click Here To Read Transcript

JJ: [00:00:00] [00:00:03] I’m JJ Virgin, [00:00:06] PhD dropout, sorry mom, turned four [00:00:09] time New York Times best selling author. Yes, I’m a [00:00:12] certified nutrition specialist, fitness hall of famer, and [00:00:15] I speak at health conferences and trainings around the globe, [00:00:18] but I’m driven by my insatiable curiosity and [00:00:21] love of science to keep asking questions.

Just digging for [00:00:24] answers and sharing the information I uncover with as [00:00:27] many people as I can. And that’s why I created the [00:00:30] Well Beyond 40 podcast, to [00:00:33] synthesize and simplify the science of health into [00:00:36] actionable strategies to help you thrive. In each [00:00:39] episode, we’ll talk about what’s working in the world of wellness, [00:00:42] from personalized nutrition and healing your metabolism, to [00:00:45] healthy aging and prescriptive fitness.

Join [00:00:48] me on the journey to better health. So you can love how you [00:00:51] look and feel right now and have the energy to play [00:00:54] full out at 100.[00:00:57]

So you’re eating [00:01:00] well, you’re exercising, you’re managing your stress. [00:01:03] If you’re sleeping well, [00:01:06] yay, check, check, check, check. Or maybe you’re looking at [00:01:09] improving those a little bit, but you want to know what the next [00:01:12] level is. And you’ve heard about some of the different tests out there, [00:01:15] like a full body MRI, or maybe a [00:01:18] liquid biopsy, that can help you with early [00:01:21] detection.

Because one of the things we know with, Whether it’s [00:01:24] cardiovascular disease, which is our number one killer, or [00:01:27] cancers, that early detection really is the single most [00:01:30] important thing. I have been so curious about these [00:01:33] tests, which ones make sense to do, which ones [00:01:36] don’t. There’s been so much information flying around the internet.[00:01:39]

And I’m super excited today to have Dr. [00:01:42] Darshan Shah with me because we are going to [00:01:45] unpack all of those tests. The things you’ve been hearing about, [00:01:48] um, like doing a coronary calcium [00:01:51] scan, doing a liquid biopsy, doing a [00:01:54] clearly test. What are all these different tests? Are they worth [00:01:57] it? What should you do?

If so, when should you do them or [00:02:00] how often? What are they going to tell you? We’re going to unpack [00:02:03] all of that and we’re also going to talk about [00:02:06] what are the most important pillars really for [00:02:09] longevity. What are the things that really are the [00:02:12] 80 20, that 20 percent that will make the biggest 80 percent [00:02:15] difference.

I have got an [00:02:18] incredible new friend here today. I must say new [00:02:21] friend because it was absolutely one of those people that you first meet them and go, [00:02:24] this is someone I’ve been looking for for a long time. [00:02:27] Super smart, super fun. He’s a well known health [00:02:30] specialist, surgeon, author, entrepreneur, and he’s the founder of [00:02:33] Next Health.

This is the [00:02:36] clinic that is sweeping the nation. [00:02:39] are now six and 44 on the [00:02:42] way all over the country and actually all over the world. [00:02:45] And this is the world’s largest health [00:02:48] optimization and longevity clinic. [00:02:51] And not only is it doing all of the [00:02:54] fundamentals and then the advanced testing, [00:02:57] but it also has some of the advanced fun stuff [00:03:00] to the biohacking lab.

So we’re going to be talking about [00:03:03] that and what things you are going to [00:03:06] be looking at, wanting to look at. To [00:03:09] optimize your wellbeing and extend your lifespan because [00:03:12] literally Dr. Shaw has helped thousands of [00:03:15] patients do this. So this is [00:03:18] the, uh, this is a, another Doogie Howser [00:03:21] here. He completed his medical training, uh, [00:03:24] and finished all of that at 21.[00:03:27]

He also has alumni status at Harvard Business [00:03:30] School and Singularity University. Quite an [00:03:33] overachiever and super smart and has really put all of this [00:03:36] together in a way that makes it very understandable, [00:03:39] um, so that you can figure out what you do next. [00:03:42] Put all of this information so you [00:03:45] can look at next health and also, um, [00:03:48] you know, look at these different tests and what you might want to [00:03:51] be thinking about doing.

I put them all at jjvirgin. [00:03:54] com forward slash next health and I will be [00:03:57] right back. Dr. Darshan Shah. Stay with [00:04:00] me.[00:04:03]

Dr. [00:04:06] Darshan Shah, I don’t know where you’ve been all my life, but um, [00:04:09] you’re a keeper. Oh, thank you. That’s so sweet of you. Yes. [00:04:12] I mean, just even when I met you last night for the first time at our [00:04:15] party, it was like, where have you been? Like a long lost [00:04:18] friend. I’ve been following you for a

Dr. Darshan Shah: long time [00:04:21] and I’m so glad to finally get to meet you.

What are you following [00:04:24] me for? You know, um, I got into this [00:04:27] world of health, wellness, [00:04:30] nutrition, quite a long time ago, actually. [00:04:33] And back when there weren’t many podcasts out [00:04:36] there and you were one of the first podcasts I was listening to. For [00:04:39] quite a while, yeah, so I’ve been following you for a [00:04:42] while and, you know, we can talk more about kind of like my trials and [00:04:45] tribulations and business and things like that, but all throughout that, [00:04:48] like, I’ve, I’ve had your podcast on the auto [00:04:51] download

JJ: list.

That makes [00:04:54] my heart sing. You never put these things out there. He goes, anybody [00:04:57] listening, anybody, anybody out there. So. [00:05:00] I’d love to go back because you’ve had quite a journey. In fact, [00:05:03] when you were coming in here, I was looking over some stuff. I was kind of [00:05:06] stalking you and I go, you’re like Doogie Hauser.

Oh, You [00:05:09] graduated medical school at 21. [00:05:12] Yes, I did. And then you ended up with like, [00:05:15] tell us through your journey, cause you hit a big leap, [00:05:18] which I’m super

Dr. Darshan Shah: excited about. Yeah. So, you [00:05:21] know, I, Came from a family of physicians. [00:05:24] And for me being a physician was my goal. [00:05:27] And for, for many reasons, one is, um, you know, I had a [00:05:30] lot of familial pressure to become a physician, but also [00:05:33] I saw a lot of like the respect they got.

I saw [00:05:36] a lot of good that they were doing and I wanted to just go [00:05:39] into medicine. So I rushed through school. I was very [00:05:42] lucky to be able to graduate early. [00:05:45] And the nice thing about that for me was it afforded me [00:05:48] the opportunity looking back in retrospect. [00:05:51] To really get kind of multiple careers in [00:05:54] medicine.

So my first career, as soon as I graduated [00:05:57] from, um, surgery from, um, medical school [00:06:00] was to learn surgery. And I did, uh, trauma [00:06:03] surgery. I did general surgery. I [00:06:06] did, um, a lot of. [00:06:09] Emergency surgeries. And so doing that, you [00:06:12] really gain an appreciation for this, the [00:06:15] human body. I mean, you, you, when you’re operating and you [00:06:18] see this incredible machine work, you gain an [00:06:21] incredible amount of appreciation for that.

So I did that for about 10 years. And [00:06:24] then I decided. I wanted to learn more and I went to the Mayo [00:06:27] Clinic and I trained in reconstructive surgery. [00:06:30] And um, after I got done with that, I started a business opening [00:06:33] surgery centers and hiring other surgeons to work at [00:06:36] those surgery centers. And I was also operating

JJ: it.

I was going to [00:06:39] say, wait, wait, you jumped ship. So you were, you were both [00:06:42] being a reconstructive surgeon and opening [00:06:45] surgery centers. Exactly. So I was an entrepreneur.

Dr. Darshan Shah: And

JJ: [00:06:48] And

Dr. Darshan Shah: operating 12, 14 hours a day, five, six, how [00:06:51] was your sleep? This is what led to [00:06:54] all of my issues. I [00:06:57] forgot to sleep. Oops. I forgot to [00:07:00] sleep.

I forgot to buy my own food and cook it. [00:07:03] Oh boy. You were eating hospital food, hospital food. [00:07:06] My God. Yeah. And the hospital food, even now you go to the hospital. [00:07:09] It’s. How many of the worst stuff for you, you [00:07:12] know, and so, yeah, I was eating whatever I could find. I was [00:07:15] stressed out. I was working in the business and working on the business [00:07:18] and I became very sick.

I was [00:07:21] 45, 50 pounds heavier than what you see right now. [00:07:24] Um, worse than that though, I had an autoimmune [00:07:27] condition developing. Um, so I couldn’t really move well. [00:07:30] My joints were all really aching. And you were how old? [00:07:33] I was 40 years old. Oh, well, I mean, all this started in my [00:07:36] thirties.

JJ: Right, right, right. For 10 years.

Just Right. You don’t just wake up with [00:07:39] autoimmune disease one day, . No. As we know, we’re 45 extra [00:07:42] pounds. Exactly. So, but, but wow. Yeah. It [00:07:45] wasn’t like you were like 70 with achy joints. [00:07:48] I felt like a 70-year-old.

Dr. Darshan Shah: Yeah. I felt like I have it on three [00:07:51] blood pressure medications. Oh my gosh. Yeah, and they couldn’t get my blood [00:07:54] pressure under control.

I could not sleep. And [00:07:57] so I did what any person who wants to [00:08:00] get well does. So my wife became pregnant with our [00:08:03] first child when I was about 40 [00:08:06] and I decided that I need to make a major change [00:08:09] because I remember this day like it was yesterday. I came home one [00:08:12] day from work. It was like literally 10 o’clock at night and I [00:08:15] opened up a medical journal and there was like this chart in one of [00:08:18] the articles about if you have metabolic [00:08:21] syndrome.

Combined with, um, combined with [00:08:24] an autoimmune disease, your, your 20 [00:08:27] year survival rate is basically cut in half. And so I was [00:08:30] like doing the math on my own. I was like, [00:08:33] that’s me. I had like a [00:08:36] 50 percent chance or higher of dying before my son [00:08:39] graduated from college. That’s what I, you know, the math showed [00:08:42] that it was like, I have to make a change here.

And so 10 [00:08:45] years ago that’s what led to kind of this new journey and this [00:08:48] new career I have now.

JJ: Wow. Yeah. There’s nothing like [00:08:51] kids where all of a sudden you stop doing some of the dumb stuff you’ve been [00:08:54] doing. She’s like, I need to be around. Yeah, exactly. Yes. [00:08:57] So, so you’ve had the wake up the [00:09:00] epiphany.

How did you learn [00:09:03] all of the different things? Because as we know, [00:09:06] These are not things taught in medical school, right? So

Dr. Darshan Shah: [00:09:09] what’d you do? I did not have the knowledge. So I thought, you know [00:09:12] what? I am going to go to Beverly Hills and hire the best concierge medical [00:09:15] doctor I can find. He or she must know [00:09:18] how to fix me.

So I go down to Beverly Hills [00:09:21] 10 years ago, 10 years ago. Yeah. Yeah, 10 [00:09:24] years ago, 25, 000 later, he [00:09:27] prescribes me a brand new autoimmune medication [00:09:30] to, you know,

JJ: dampen my [00:09:33] immune system. Because concierge back then, and even now, [00:09:36] doesn’t mean integrative. No, not at all. It just sounds like, [00:09:39] you know, Neiman Marcus

Dr. Darshan Shah: local service.

Yeah. You just get their cell phone [00:09:42] number and call them whatever you want. If you have a call for a call, you call them, but they [00:09:45] still like no advice on nutrition. No [00:09:48] advice on exercise, no advice on

JJ: stress. Too bad [00:09:51] I didn’t meet you 10 years ago when I was working with one of [00:09:54] these. [00:09:57] Yeah,

Dr. Darshan Shah: I should have wiped out the phone book a few times.

[00:10:00] So then, you know, he, he also noticed that I was, um, [00:10:03] kind of depressed about my situation. So he put me on [00:10:06] Prozac. So now instead of 10 [00:10:09] pills, I’m on 14 pills. [00:10:12] And so I was like, this is not going to work for me. [00:10:15] So I decided, you know, I talked to a group of my friends and I [00:10:18] decided to take some time off and [00:10:21] focus on my health.

And so that meant to me what it [00:10:24] means to like you as well. I know you, for listening to [00:10:27] your podcast, like go get educated about this stuff, go [00:10:30] learn. And so I went to [00:10:33] I went to conferences, [00:10:36] I got my personal trainer certification about [00:10:39] exercise. Where was all of this in [00:10:42] medical school? Like, this

JJ: should have been an entire semester, half a [00:10:45] year.

Well, come on. You know, I actually was talking to Dr. Andy [00:10:48] Galpin about this, and I was like, who I’m obsessed with. But I was [00:10:51] like, why is it? Because I had this epiphany. I go, doctors [00:10:54] get an hour of nutrition, but they get no hours of exercise. [00:10:57] Zero. Like, zero. Zero. Zero. And he goes. Come on, [00:11:00] let’s be real. I, I, I was all the way up in a PhD program in [00:11:03] exercise science, and I still feel like there’s so much to [00:11:06] learn.

How could a doctor expect to, to, you know, be expected to know [00:11:09] nutrition and exercise and mental, it’s too [00:11:12] much. Absolutely. It’s just

Dr. Darshan Shah: overload. Well, and [00:11:15] here’s the thing. I think people really need to recognize [00:11:18] The bucket of Western medicine is [00:11:21] meant to diagnose disease and treat that disease, [00:11:24] right? And so, so if you have an emergency, say you have an [00:11:27] autoimmune crisis, you end up at the ICU, you need a [00:11:30] Western medicine trained doctor.

You don’t need, you know, a [00:11:33] personal trainer but that [00:11:36] entire bucket is completely different than the bucket [00:11:39] of lifestyle and health, right? And so, [00:11:42] I think once I, in my mind, separated [00:11:45] those two, I had that, aha, [00:11:48] I’m using the Western medical [00:11:51] system to achieve something that it was never meant to achieve in the [00:11:54] first place, right?

And so that’s why [00:11:57] going out and educating myself really [00:12:00] started to move the needle for me. And this is where I [00:12:03] discovered, I fell into, like 10 years ago, functional [00:12:06] medicine wasn’t really a big thing, right? It was just starting. [00:12:09] IFM and and IHS. And so [00:12:12] I fell into an IFM conference. I’m like, oh my [00:12:15] gosh,

JJ: this is what, and you went to, and you heard Jeff Bland.

[00:12:18] Yes, exactly. I remember the first time I heard Dr. Jeff Bland, I think it [00:12:21] was like maybe 15, 20 years ago. And I’m like, [00:12:24] he’s making up words. Yeah, exactly. What [00:12:27] is he talking about? [00:12:30] Metabolomics? What is he [00:12:33] talking

Dr. Darshan Shah: about? That’s exactly how I felt. But then I [00:12:36] realized that there was something definitely here.

[00:12:39] And it was incredible. Like within eight months, I lost like [00:12:42] 35, 40 pounds. I got off almost [00:12:45] all my medications. And I was like, [00:12:48] this is, and I was talking to my surgical patients too, [00:12:51] at this point in time. And a lot of them avoided surgery just [00:12:54] by doing some of the same things I did. Because they would ask me like, you’re looking [00:12:57] so good, Dr.

Shah. Like, what are you doing? I’m like, oh, let me tell you. I [00:13:00] like learned to sleep better. I started, you know, [00:13:03] my meals with, with fiber instead of eating pancakes [00:13:06] every morning. And so just these little changes [00:13:09] made such a massive difference that I, number one, got [00:13:12] myself healthy. But number two, I realized like, This [00:13:15] is the medicine I want to practice.

And so, [00:13:18] um, yeah, but I changed my entire career into [00:13:21] combining kind of the best of what Western medicine has to [00:13:24] offer with this entire field of functional medicine, [00:13:27] nutrition, exercise, physiology.

JJ: So important [00:13:30] too, because I’ve always felt like in the years that I’ve been [00:13:33] studying all this, there was this divide, you know, there was [00:13:36] like functional, integrated, natural, holistic [00:13:39] versus, and you know, I had a son who nearly [00:13:42] died.

Um, was hit by Carla for dead in the street. [00:13:45] Traumatic brain. Like he had a 20 order. [00:13:48] Well, he had a massive brain [00:13:51] injury and he had 13 fractures, which was the least [00:13:54] of the issues at the time, you know, crushed healed full bit. [00:13:57] And, um, the trauma [00:14:00] center, he went to Farber UCLA, [00:14:03] um, amazing, amazing doctors there.

And this one, [00:14:06] Dr. Carlos Donaire, who’s like, you know, the [00:14:09] angel forever. Um, and they got him to [00:14:12] like, I wouldn’t have, again, I wouldn’t have wanted, you [00:14:15] know, someone treating with [00:14:18] supplements, he would die on the table, right? I needed the [00:14:21] surgeon, but once we got him through all of [00:14:24] that, they wanted to keep him in the hospital.

I go, I’m taking him home. [00:14:27] And now we’re going to start hyperbaric and red light [00:14:30] and exercise and neurofeedback [00:14:33] and everything else. And we’re going to bring him back through. And [00:14:36] so you’ve got to use like, why wouldn’t you use all [00:14:39] the

Dr. Darshan Shah: available? All the tools. That’s so key. That’s a [00:14:42] realization I had like.

There’s some great stuff in Western medicine, [00:14:45] like one of my things I did at Mayo Clinic was I did a lot of research in [00:14:48] the, with the hyperbaric oxygen chambers and you know, we were [00:14:51] treating people with like massive injuries that [00:14:54] had like, you know, like large amounts of tissue loss and the [00:14:57] hyperbaric oxygen would heal these massive [00:15:00] injuries.

from the inside out. I’m like, why can’t we [00:15:03] use that for people that are not in the hospital? That’s one [00:15:06] of the first things I did when I started this new career was [00:15:09] get a hyperbaric chamber so people can use it for their [00:15:12] wellness. And it makes a big difference. So that’s just one [00:15:15] example of using all the tools that you have [00:15:18] available to you.

JJ: So you’ve now put together these [00:15:21] centers and you have, I think you said six of [00:15:24] them, but you have like 44 more getting ready to go. [00:15:27] So someone’s going to come into a center. What walk us [00:15:30] through the process? Like who’s, who’s a candidate? What can [00:15:33] happen for them? And what do you see? [00:15:36] Well, I’ll let you do that.

And then I have another key question so that [00:15:39] anyone listening, whether they come in or not, we’ll have some key [00:15:42] takeaways they can do. Yes. I’d love to, I’d love to

Dr. Darshan Shah: talk about that. So, [00:15:45] um, basically the people that come [00:15:48] into our center are people that are either a, [00:15:51] They realize that they’re, they’re exercises on [00:15:54] point.

They’re doing good nutrition as best as they can. You [00:15:57] know, they’ve heard about sleep. They’ve read about it. They’re helping their sleep, but they [00:16:00] know there’s more, you know? And so what’s [00:16:03] beyond the basics, the basic pillars, how [00:16:06] can I, Access functional medicine. How could I [00:16:09] access the Western medicine and bring that into my life?

[00:16:12] So that’s one group of people. Another group of people [00:16:15] are people like in the situation I was. People are frustrated with the [00:16:18] Western medical system that’s getting put on more and more [00:16:21] medications and don’t really have the [00:16:24] tools available to them to turn back the [00:16:27] Their health span to turn back the clock of their health and, [00:16:30] and, and get healthier.

So that’s another group of people. [00:16:33] And then the third group of people we have are like the advanced people [00:16:36] that are already doing all of this stuff. They’ve [00:16:39] had biomarker panels on and they want real [00:16:42] longevity medicine. So we call ourselves a health optimization [00:16:45] and longevity center. And um, what [00:16:48] we do is we combine and ’cause this is what I did in my [00:16:51] career and that whole structure around this combine the best [00:16:54] of sleep nutrition.

And exercise [00:16:57] education with functional medicine and [00:17:00] then Western medicine, keeping you alive, making sure you don’t [00:17:03] die. So the diagnostics of Western medicine. And [00:17:06] then lastly, when we got all that, right, we talk about longevity [00:17:09] medicine. And I’m making this like real thing because I just think, well, the [00:17:12] wellness wheel that we did come through this journey.

[00:17:15] Well,

JJ: what I love the most, we were talking offline about this [00:17:18] is you got to fix the big rocks [00:17:21] first. You know, I’m always amazed. I’m like [00:17:24] sleep, nutrition, Exercise. [00:17:27] Like these have to be in one. For me, sleep [00:17:30] also has stress, sleeping stress. [00:17:33] Right. And I put recovery in there too. That’s all, that’s [00:17:36] really all the recovery to pillar.

Like if you’re stressed out, you’re not going to be able to [00:17:39] recover, you know? And then I think exercise, we actually need to [00:17:42] move it more even into movement [00:17:45] because you can’t exercise 20 minutes a day, sit on your butt [00:17:48] for the rest of the time. Right. So [00:17:51] I’m like, you know, I became obsessed this year. I’m like, now [00:17:54] I’m going to really be a good step tracker too.[00:17:57]

So, and then, of course, nutrition is [00:18:00] just such a huge pillar that creates [00:18:03] so much animosity online. I’m like, it’s like [00:18:06] religious wars, and I said, these are just tools, people. [00:18:09] Diets are tools. You have to pick the one that’s right for you. [00:18:12] And so those, like, [00:18:15] I said, do those because then you’ll see where you’re [00:18:18] at.

And what really is going to need to get tweaked and [00:18:21] fixed. So someone coming in, like, what are some of the key [00:18:24] diagnostic tests and tools you think people should be [00:18:27] going through? Yeah,

Dr. Darshan Shah: that’s, that’s all very [00:18:30] well said. And so, you know, I think in those [00:18:33] pillars, people get paralysis by over [00:18:36] analysis, just too much information.

Right. And so [00:18:39] we really try to distill it down. I use a. [00:18:42] What’s up guys, [00:18:45] it’s Dr. J. [00:18:48] I’m Dr. J. [00:18:51] I’m Dr. J. [00:18:54] I’m Dr. J. [00:18:57] I’m Dr. J. [00:19:00] I’m Dr. J. [00:19:03] I’m Who runs their business by looking at their KPIs [00:19:06] once a year with a consultant that only has [00:19:09] 15 minutes to spend time with them, right? And you’re not going to run your [00:19:12] business that way.

So why would you run your health that way? So we [00:19:15] educate people on the KPIs of their health. What are the [00:19:18] key biomarkers they need to know? So what are [00:19:21] those? Okay. So in the blood testing world, we [00:19:24] do We do about 10 biomarkers we want people to [00:19:27] follow. Hemoglobin A1c is one of them. [00:19:30] HSCRP, which is an inflammatory [00:19:33] marker.

ApoB is another one. Homocysteine [00:19:36] levels, uric acid levels. So there’s like a little list we [00:19:39] give people. We actually give them a spreadsheet so they can put these things in there. It’s nice

JJ: too. [00:19:42] And then do you

Dr. Darshan Shah: put optimal

JJ: ranges? Optimal ranges. That’s your [00:19:45] math out there. Right. Which, what’s nice about that, because I [00:19:48] talk about the fact that 6.

8 percent of us [00:19:51] pre pandemic were metabolically healthy. But then when you look at what the [00:19:54] metabolic health marker ranges were, those are not [00:19:57] metabolically healthy. I’m like, what are we now? Like maybe [00:20:00] 3 percent of the population is really metabolically healthy. [00:20:03] Yeah. Um, but already I’m hearing the [00:20:06] tests in there that you go to the doctor.

And [00:20:09] they’re not looking at apophenicol, and they’re not looking [00:20:12] at homocysteine, and they’re not looking at uric acid. I’m [00:20:15] sure fasting insulin’s in there too. And I look at this and go, [00:20:18] why are we missing the ones [00:20:21] that have the biggest determinant when you really look at them? Just like, [00:20:24] are you doing DO2max testing by any chance?

Yes. Yes. We

Dr. Darshan Shah: [00:20:27] utilize DO2max, skeletal muscle mass, [00:20:30] DEXA scans. We, we were utilizing, [00:20:33] and the reason we’re not looking at those. And I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you [00:20:36] exactly the reason is that none of those [00:20:39] have a number that’s diagnostic of a disease. [00:20:42] So, you know, if you go to a [00:20:45] Western trained medical doctor, they look at homocysteine level.

If [00:20:48] they even look at it, most of them won’t order it. Like, what are they going to do with [00:20:51] the homocysteine level that’s high? The tools are [00:20:54] there to fix that in that world. You know what I think? It’s so [00:20:57] funny. It’s one of the easier ones to. And it is one of the easier ones to [00:21:00] fix, right? But there’s not a prescription medication that’s, that’s attached to

JJ: [00:21:03] homocysteine.

So, um, [00:21:06] It’s amazing to me, and I’m so thrilled you’re doing [00:21:09] VO2s. And also when you look at like DEXA, there’s not even norms [00:21:12] for how much skeletal muscle mass you should have, like how, [00:21:15] or, or body fat percentage. And the body fat [00:21:18] percentage norms I was taught in doctoral school [00:21:21] are totally different than what are listed now.

And I’m like, I’m [00:21:24] sure we didn’t change in the [00:21:27] last, 30 years. Why is it all of a sudden? [00:21:30] Okay. Now to be 30 percent body fat when back then, [00:21:33] why did this become? Okay. You know, how could that [00:21:36] possibly be? Um, so for [00:21:39] the VO two max, like how much are you getting into [00:21:42] exercise and, and, and specific [00:21:45] exercise prescription stuff?[00:21:48]

Dr. Darshan Shah: On the exercise pillar, you’re absolutely [00:21:51] right. You have to have, there’s multiple mini pillars within [00:21:54] that, right? Right. And so the Pareto [00:21:57] principle is exactly what you said. Don’t be [00:22:00] sanitary. Okay. That’s the first thing we got to fix. Okay. [00:22:03]

JJ: So the average American, I was just looking up when I was doing my talk here at [00:22:06] IHS, average American right now is getting three to [00:22:09] 4, 000 steps a day.

Yeah. I

Dr. Darshan Shah: believe it. [00:22:12] It’s wild. Gosh. And, and I would [00:22:15] say that I would even think it’s even lower than that [00:22:18] from what I could see in my patients. And [00:22:21] so, you know, we, we tell people just cause you exercise [00:22:24] 20, 30, even an hour a day doesn’t mean that counteracts negative [00:22:27] effects of you sitting there for four hours plus.

So the [00:22:30] studies on sedentary behavior show after four hours is when it [00:22:33] really starts affecting your health. And for every 10 percent [00:22:36] increase you have after four hours of sedentary behavior, [00:22:39] you increase your all cause mortality rate by [00:22:42] 10%. So it’s just like a massive, like, [00:22:45] exponential curve on the deleterious effects of being sedentary.

So [00:22:48] first you just need a shock, a shocker in C. [00:22:51] Well, there’s something similar to that. I have an app [00:22:54] on my laptop and then every 45 minutes, [00:22:57] it shuts the screen off. If you can’t do that, just get an egg

JJ: [00:23:00] timer and it goes off every 45 minutes. We can all do this on [00:23:03] our, cause I mean, these apps are set up now to just ping you.

I had [00:23:06] a friend. Manesh Sethi, and he made [00:23:09] this, what’s it’s called, Pavlok, and it was to create [00:23:12] new habits, and it was a little shocker walk. Shocker, yeah, I remember [00:23:15] that. I remember reading about it. Some

Dr. Darshan Shah: [00:23:18] people need that.[00:23:21]

So yeah, and then on the VO2max, yeah, so [00:23:24] we, we put into place, and the other pillars are, of course, [00:23:27] um, VO2max training. So two exercise [00:23:30] training and strength trainings. We put all those into place and then [00:23:33] a lot of education around recovery. Cause you know, [00:23:36] if you, if you are, I see so much over [00:23:39] exercising down one pillar, not mixing it enough, [00:23:42] especially after the age of 40, 45, you really need to [00:23:45] have a balanced exercise regime versus us going [00:23:48] down one

JJ: pillar a lot.

Yeah. And most of the time, what I [00:23:51] see is people going, and I think this is the issue with [00:23:54] exercise, Exercise could be chi [00:23:57] gong, you know, or power lifting. [00:24:00] It’s like anything in between. But you see a lot of people [00:24:03] just erring on the cardio side. You do. And when I was [00:24:06] in school, they were like, do not have people lift weights till they’ve lost the weight.

I’m [00:24:09] like, I was rogue and I violated that. I was like, well, that’s [00:24:12] the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. That’s exact opposite. [00:24:15] Um, but you know, especially as you age and you are [00:24:18] cardio centric. You are going to make yourself worse. [00:24:21] You’re going to make yourself worse. You’re going to create

Dr. Darshan Shah: more inflammation.

You’re going to damage your [00:24:24] joints. You’re going to lose those fast twitchers. Exactly. Lose the fast [00:24:27] twitch muscle fibers, all of that. And so we really, [00:24:30] we spent a lot of time for women, mostly [00:24:33] getting them to add strength training and cut back [00:24:36] on the cardio. And for men, a lot of men are just [00:24:39] gym brats, right?

Like they just want to spend. Bison chest. [00:24:42] Leg day, chest [00:24:45] day, arm day. Yes, I know. Where’s your, where’s your walking [00:24:48] day? There’s none of that. So yeah, so we do a lot of [00:24:51] balancing of exercise routine. And then, you know, [00:24:54] like everyone asks, like, what is the right amount? So I [00:24:57] always start slow and then we look at their VO2max [00:25:00] and if they’re improving, if we’re improving VO2max, we know we’re [00:25:03] adding in enough.

If we’re not improving it, we know that we need to [00:25:06] add more. And the same goes for like, [00:25:09] Zoju, like measuring lactate thresholds and those kind of things.

JJ: You do all of [00:25:12] that?

Dr. Darshan Shah: Yeah.

JJ: Wow. Your patients must love [00:25:15] doing those VO2max tests. At least explain what a [00:25:18] VO2max test is for everybody. Yeah. So VO2max Without scaring [00:25:21] them.

Dr. Darshan Shah: Yeah. Yeah. So a virtual max test is when [00:25:24] you. Get on a treadmill, or you can actually do it on a bike [00:25:27] too, and you, you have [00:25:30] your exercise to, to understand [00:25:33] what is the maximum uptake of oxygen that your mitochondria [00:25:36] are able to do, basically. That’s a very basic level. [00:25:39] And so we have numbers on, um, [00:25:42] and research that show that [00:25:45] after you, um, reach the age of 40, your VO2 [00:25:48] max will decline if you’re not exercising.[00:25:51]

And so you have different levels of where you should be, that [00:25:54] number should be, um, for your age [00:25:57] group and your sex. And so you really want to aim [00:26:00] for, for, for, for that number. So I always use [00:26:03] 50 at 50, you know, if you can be 50 at 50, you’re, you’re [00:26:06] doing okay. And if you can go beyond that, that’s even better because then you [00:26:09] build up a reserve.

For when you become 70 and [00:26:12] 80.

JJ: And this is of any of the [00:26:15] tests, I think the biggest correlation was all [00:26:18] cause

Dr. Darshan Shah: mortality, right? Exactly. Yeah. There’s a massively correlated with [00:26:21] all cause mortality. Um, there’s a lot of research around this [00:26:24] test, um, on the strength front with grip, gripping

JJ: [00:26:27] strength. Yeah. I brought a little prop to my talk yesterday.

You would have [00:26:30] thought they were like, what is that? [00:26:33] You brought a grip dynamometer. I brought a hand grip dynamometer. They were [00:26:36] like, what? I don’t know. People are ordering it on Amazon. [00:26:39] and [00:26:42] please [00:26:45] subscribe [00:26:48] to [00:26:51] my channel. [00:26:54] And I actually have the same or more muscle [00:26:57] mass than I did even in my 20s and 30s, but my strength was [00:27:00] declining because I was having trouble opening jars.

And I go, [00:27:03] what is this? You know,

Dr. Darshan Shah: pull

JJ: ups to [00:27:06] the rescue does not mean go squeeze tennis balls. [00:27:09] Right. That means like, go do a farmer’s carrier. That [00:27:12] is

Dr. Darshan Shah: such a good point. Cause I have this conversation with people all the time. Like, why don’t [00:27:15] I just buy one of those grip You know, those exercises [00:27:18] for your overall strength.

It’s not about your grip strength. [00:27:21] And the same is true of VO2max. It’s a proxy for your overall [00:27:24] cardiovascular fitness and your mitochondrial health. It’s [00:27:27] not just, you know, go do head training once a week and you’re [00:27:30] improving. It’s a proxy for all the work you’re putting in.

JJ: [00:27:33] Now when you’re doing a DEXA, how are you unpacking that?

[00:27:36] What are you looking at? Yeah, so with

Dr. Darshan Shah: the DEXA scan, we’re looking [00:27:39] at bone density, we’re looking at visceral fat, we’re [00:27:42] looking at skeletal muscle mass as well, um, [00:27:45] mostly appendicular, so arm and leg skeletal muscle [00:27:48] mass, and comparing that to charts as well as to [00:27:51] where we think you should be. Um, but really it’s not, [00:27:54] You know, I think a lot of people, um, get so [00:27:57] hung up on like, they have a long way to go from where they are to where it [00:28:00] should be.

It’s just, it’s, I really try to explain to [00:28:03] people that it’s not about where you should be so much as [00:28:06] are you improving or are you declining? And [00:28:09] so I try not to focus so much on where they should [00:28:12] be. I just like to focus on, okay, we’re here now. [00:28:15] Here’s how we’re going to improve you. Let’s check again in [00:28:18] six months and let’s see where you’re at in six months.

Make sure that [00:28:21] The actions we put in place are making [00:28:24] a difference in the right direction. What I

JJ: love about all [00:28:27] of that is the in between when [00:28:30] you’re focusing on resistance training. This is why early on it was like, [00:28:33] okay, I was one of the first personal trainers. I went, I [00:28:36] could run with people, but if I take them to the gym, they’re [00:28:39] seeing All these changes, because all of a sudden they’re stronger.

[00:28:42] Like it is very quantifiable. Yes. You know, versus you [00:28:45] went for a run.

Dr. Darshan Shah: Exactly. [00:28:48] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That’s very, uh, [00:28:51] like a lot of people, most people like [00:28:54] to see numbers, you know, the frequency of those [00:28:57] numbers. Some people like to see them like every day. Some people like to see them once [00:29:00] every six months, but there’s very few people I find [00:29:03] that don’t like the numbers, you know, or, and those [00:29:06] people that I just let.

Me manage numbers [00:29:09] for them and tell them they’re going in the right direction. So I think it was [00:29:12] really important is for everyone to realize there’s not one way of doing [00:29:15] this and work for everybody. And for me, I see hundreds [00:29:18] of patients and so, you know, I try to divide people up into [00:29:21] groups of like, what is their tolerance to looking at the numbers.

[00:29:24] And I try to fit the program and my communication [00:29:27] style to what the patient is gonna react the best to, to [00:29:30] create compliance.

JJ: Yeah. So on the [00:29:33] sleep front, yes. [00:29:36] Yeah. Um, any, like, what is your, [00:29:39] this is such, I think this is one of the most complicated [00:29:42] topics of all, the whole [00:29:45] sleep unpacking. And there’s also all this crazy [00:29:48] information out there online about sleep.

[00:29:51] Um, you know, what are some of your fundamentals

Dr. Darshan Shah: for sleep? [00:29:54] My principal of sleep is sleep. [00:29:57] Number one, if you have sleep apnea, you have to have it [00:30:00] treated. And so I can’t tell you the number of patients that I [00:30:03] see come in with sleep apnea and people that don’t even [00:30:06] look like they should have sleep apnea.

I see. Like runners that [00:30:09] have sleep apnea, that have a body messiness of like [00:30:12] 20 and Oh wow. And how are you finding out about sleep apnea? [00:30:15] Um, I, we ask ’em questions, so there’s a stop. [00:30:18] Bang questionnaire that we go put them through [00:30:21] and and then we measure their sleep [00:30:24] at night. So we have the home sleep monitor that measures their pulse [00:30:27] oximeter and their heart rate at night and we find multiple [00:30:30] episodes of their sleep.

Oxygen levels dropping at night, [00:30:33] and so we have to fix that one way [00:30:36] or the other. Yeah. And a lot of people is as simple as like raising the [00:30:39] head of their bed, you know? But some people do need CPAP, [00:30:42] some people do even need surgery to get it fixed. So, you [00:30:45] know, I think. If you have sleep apnea, the [00:30:48] solution is not like, you know, wearing blue blocker glasses.

You [00:30:51] have to be aggressive. [00:30:54] So, okay. So once we make sure [00:30:57] that we have that addressed or we’ve ruled it out, [00:31:00] then we move on to, I always say, you know, one of the [00:31:03] best ways for us to know how you’re sleeping is to track it in some [00:31:06] way or form. We need a tracker. We’re not going to use it forever. [00:31:09] Let’s use it for 60 weeks to see where you’re at [00:31:12] and what actions we can put into place to improve [00:31:15] your sleep.

Those actions are divided into two [00:31:18] categories, your sleep routine and your sleep environment, and then [00:31:21] we just start making little changes to both of those to get [00:31:24] them to the point of, um, improving their sleep quality. [00:31:27] And by sleep quality, I don’t mean just like the seven, eight [00:31:30] hours of sleep, I also mean making sure they’re getting enough deep sleep and REM sleep [00:31:33] as well.

Which do you have a sleep tracker you’d prefer? [00:31:36] I don’t. And the [00:31:39] reason is different things work better for different people. No, I just [00:31:42] use two and take the better score. That’s another way of doing it. [00:31:45] Some people [00:31:48] are, you know, they can wear a ring on their finger at night. Some [00:31:51] people can’t, you know, some people [00:31:54] like that little pad under their mattress at night to wear.

Some [00:31:57] people do it on their watch. So I try to work with what they have and what [00:32:00] they’re already used to. Yeah, but I will say [00:32:03] my favorite for me personally is, um, I’ve been using [00:32:06] the sleep, the eight sleep bed lately. So I’ve been, what is it? [00:32:09] The eight sleep bed. Have you seen that? I haven’t seen it. I’ve heard of [00:32:12] it.

Okay. Yeah. So what’s great about it is it’s a [00:32:15] mattress cover or you don’t buy a mattress, but it’s a cover [00:32:18] that actually times the temperature of [00:32:21] your sleeping environment. So it changes the temperature [00:32:24] of your bed. Well, yeah. With your sleep cycles. [00:32:27] Yeah, I really do need to check it out. Yeah. What does it do about the [00:32:30] dogs in the bed?

And too much about the [00:32:33] dogs in the bed of the fortune teller. I think that it might make the dogs uncomfortable [00:32:36] enough that they leave because they don’t see our, our [00:32:39] genetics are wired to look at [00:32:42] signals, to decide when it’s time to sleep and when it’s time to wake up. [00:32:45] One of those signals is temperature.

So as they got [00:32:48] cool at night, you know, when we were cavemen, And we didn’t have [00:32:51] temperature controlled environments all the time. It was a massive [00:32:54] signal to our biology that it’s time to sleep. And as it got [00:32:57] warm again during the day, it was a signal to wake up. And so, [00:33:00] I found that just that has [00:33:03] Improve my personal sleep quality by like 50 [00:33:06] percent just by doing.

Yeah, we are

JJ: adamant with [00:33:09] the dropping of the temperature at night. And we’re trying [00:33:12] to, this is more challenging, I say we have the coolest stuff at [00:33:15] home, like we have sunlight and sauna and we have [00:33:18] a relaxed sauna and we have a cold plunge, we have [00:33:21] juve red lights, but we’re not home. So it’s [00:33:24] not helping.

[00:33:27] But when we are home, but I do it on the road, I just take hot baths. [00:33:30] And then we just drop that temperature down.

Dr. Darshan Shah: [00:33:33] The [00:33:36] other thing that’s really important about sleep that a lot of people don’t realize [00:33:39] is your sleep routine starts the moment you [00:33:42] wake up. And so the first thing you want to do when you wake up [00:33:45] is try to go outside, like physically put [00:33:48] your body outside and look at the, [00:33:51] and expose your eyeballs to sunlight.[00:33:54]

Don’t look at the sun, just be outside and look at the sunlight. [00:33:57] Even if it’s a cloudy day. The signal [00:34:00] still works for your [00:34:03] brain to set your circadian rhythm at that point. The best [00:34:06] morning for your brain,

JJ: right? Now, on [00:34:09] the nutrition front, before we get to some of the other fun stuff, [00:34:12] um, you know, just cause I’m a nutritionist, it’s a whole other, [00:34:15] it’s been like 10 hours on this piece.

But are there [00:34:18] some like clear cut things that you can [00:34:21] focus

Dr. Darshan Shah: on? Yes. So, um, I always go back to the Parano [00:34:24] principle. You know, the most important thing you can do with [00:34:27] your nutrition that will probably make the most difference is just cut out [00:34:30] ultra processed food. Then you can pretty much eat almost anything [00:34:33] you want.

Um, but cutting out ultra processed [00:34:36] food is a massive first step. Right? I mean, who picks out on [00:34:39] broccoli? Right. Exactly. Exactly. But it goes beyond that. I [00:34:42] think, you know, cutting out ultra processed food [00:34:45] is not just like having, like [00:34:48] packaged food at home. It’s also a lot of us eat more than [00:34:51] 50 percent of our meals out, right?

And a lot [00:34:54] of the restaurants we go to, they’re using ultra [00:34:57] processed foods, you know, vegetable, you know, seed oils, [00:35:00] and they’re putting together this concoction of ultra processed foods [00:35:03] for you to eat and they’re serving it to you. And that’s where [00:35:06] most of us are getting a big dose of ultra processed [00:35:09] food, that and of course fast food.

JJ: I know when I went, well, we had sweet [00:35:12] greens delivered today because I heard Drew’s podcast about the [00:35:15] sweet greens kind of like. Okay, because that’s [00:35:18] always in my oil hunt. And it’s not that, like, I think, [00:35:21] you know, we don’t have to be like, I’ll never have that. That’s not the [00:35:24] issue. You actually need six as they’re essential, but you [00:35:27] know, you’re six to three gets so out of whack because [00:35:30] of traveling.

So that is the one that we really watch. I [00:35:33] keep keep. So, uh, I’m thinking I need to just start to travel [00:35:36] with my olive oil at some point. Like, I’m like, how many suitcases [00:35:39] am I going to take? I mean, it’s, you know, come on, you know, [00:35:42] now you’re at the restaurant with all of your sea salt and [00:35:45] they’re like, leave, you know, [00:35:48] it gets a little bit, um, [00:35:51] it gets to be a lot sometimes.

It is. It is a wild with the ultra [00:35:54] processed foods and the effect on your metabolism. And I heard this [00:35:57] one from our buddy, Sean Stevens, the cheese sandwich. Yeah. [00:36:00] Study. Did you hear this cheese? So [00:36:03] they did a, and this, I mean, I was like, [00:36:06] like, well, I wouldn’t tell him to eat the cheese sandwich. So like, this was a [00:36:09] cheese sandwich.

They did a processed cheese [00:36:12] spread. God knows what that is with, you know, a, [00:36:15] um, yeah, just some, basically it was [00:36:18] like my mom used to send me to school with, was the [00:36:21] processed cheese from the white bread, the lunch bread that used to be lunch. [00:36:24] Maybe if I was lucky, I got bologna. And [00:36:27] then versus a whole grain and real cheddar [00:36:30] cheese sandwich.

And it, there was a [00:36:33] 500 calorie metabolic difference in the thermic [00:36:36] effect, like just this dump. in your [00:36:39] metabolism. So, I mean, [00:36:42] it’s the Walter Process food thing. [00:36:45] Makes you want more and lowers your metabolic rate from that. [00:36:48] That’s like that one, two [00:36:51] big punch

Dr. Darshan Shah: big or exactly. And [00:36:54] you know, I feel like some people think that.

It’s [00:36:57] um, they, they’re never going to eliminate ultra processed food [00:37:00] from their diet. They’re never going to stop going to restaurants. They just give up. [00:37:03] I try to encourage people that even if you have a 50 percent [00:37:06] reduction, it’s going to make a massive difference. Exactly that fact that [00:37:09] you talked about, the thermic effect of that food versus [00:37:12]

JJ: You don’t get an A plus since it’s like boring.

[00:37:15] Get a B plus, A minus. And [00:37:18] I had a great nutrition mentor who said, the sicker you are, the [00:37:21] farther back in your ancestry you need to go. I think it’s like you have very little [00:37:24] margin for error. If you’re in that situation, be really [00:37:27] clean. Right? But once you get [00:37:30] yourself back to it, you know, then you can have a little [00:37:33] wiggle room.

Plus exercise gives you more wiggle room. Absolutely [00:37:36] know. Right? And eating some energy [00:37:39] deficit, like it really becomes problematic if you’re eating too [00:37:42] much. Right? Absolutely. And snacking [00:37:45] multiple times a day, snacking should not be a thing. Right? Just, I know. [00:37:48] No snacking, like I, I still [00:37:51] remember when snacking became a.

And it was [00:37:54] when Susan Powder screamed, stop the insanity. We [00:37:57] started taking all the fat out of things. I was working at [00:38:00] Pritikin at the time and everything was like eat as low [00:38:03] fat as humanly possible. And we were starving to death. [00:38:06] So we had the snack. And so they created a whole snacking thing. [00:38:09] And back then I was like, we have to not do this.

We’re keeping our blood sugar [00:38:12] all the time, like, and we’re dripping food all the [00:38:15] time. Is this a terrible idea? All right. So we’ve got [00:38:18] the, we’ve talked. Over these three colors. [00:38:21] Okay, so now that we’ve gotten those two. [00:38:24] The 80 20 there, what would be the next step? So the [00:38:27] next

Dr. Darshan Shah: step now is we, I always tell people the next step is, now I’m [00:38:30] going to make sure you’re not going to die.

What do most [00:38:33] people end up passing away from? If you look at the [00:38:36] CDC top 10 causes of death, heart disease is number one. We all [00:38:39] know about, you know, heart attacks. 50 percent of [00:38:42] all heart disease gets diagnosed with your first heart attack and 50 percent of those [00:38:45] are fatal. Right. So a quarter of the population [00:38:48] doesn’t know they have heart disease until they’re Dead [00:38:51] from it.

Um, so this, what is that? [00:38:54] It’s because it is massively [00:38:57] ignored and underdiagnosed in medicine, [00:39:00] just like metabolic diseases, which is the [00:39:03] foundation for heart disease. And [00:39:06] Alzheimer’s is another major cause of death and [00:39:09] cancers as well. Metabolic disease leads to all of [00:39:12] those, right? Mm-Hmm. And so there’s a massive amount [00:39:15] of under-diagnosis happening in the [00:39:18] general population.

And, you know. The typical [00:39:21] western medicine doctors are going to kill me for saying this, but [00:39:24] it’s like, we just need to get much more [00:39:27] proactive about diagnosing diseases early, [00:39:30] rather than diagnosing them when people finally get [00:39:33] symptomatic. Symptomatic means you’ve had a heart attack, you have chest [00:39:36] pain, you have mild cognitive impairment, you have a [00:39:39] tumor that’s causing you to, you know, throw up now.

It’s just [00:39:42] way too late. All of these things start 20 to [00:39:45] 30 years before you get symptoms, and [00:39:48] we’re so used to diagnosing things. [00:39:51] So, this is where bringing the best of Western [00:39:54] medicine comes into play. So, we have incredible [00:39:57] diagnostics in Western medicine, we’re just not using them early enough. [00:40:00] So, I have all my patients do [00:40:03] tests like full body MRIs.

We have the [00:40:06] grill liquid biopsy tests for, [00:40:09] um, for cancer as well. In addition to their [00:40:12] normal screening on the cancer front, on the metabolic [00:40:15] disease front, we’re doing continuous glucose monitors, [00:40:18] insulin levels, homocysteine, uric acid, we talked about those things too. [00:40:21] Continuous glucose monitors have been a game changer.[00:40:24]

With the cardiac diagnostics, we [00:40:27] are doing a coronary calcium score on [00:40:30] everybody, and then a clearly test if they need it, [00:40:33] and that’s giving us a lot of information. And [00:40:36] also we’re doing, um, we’re doing MRI, I think I [00:40:39] talked to you about. Yes. In addition to a full functional medicine [00:40:42] blood panel as well.

So, you know, these [00:40:45] are diagnostics that are getting cheaper and cheaper now as time goes on, they’re still, [00:40:48] you know, expensive for most, but [00:40:51] if the patient does do this diagnostic kind of [00:40:54] test, we call an executive physical, this group of tests, [00:40:57] we get incredible information of pre diagnosed disease [00:41:00] 20 or 30 years before it occurs.

JJ: And the [00:41:03] reality is it is [00:41:06] really expensive to treat a disease when it’s [00:41:09] already entrenched, right? So [00:41:12] let’s unpack this a little bit because the first thing you said was full body [00:41:15] MRI and a liquid biopsy, but just [00:41:18] all like liquid biopsy. Now, do you need both? Do you need [00:41:21] the liquid biopsy as well or just the [00:41:24] MRI?

Dr. Darshan Shah: So 21st century cancer [00:41:27] diagnostics should be your normal screening tests or your [00:41:30] colonoscopies. Mammograms and GYN exams for women. [00:41:33] Prostate, uh, specific antigen. [00:41:36] And there’s two deeper prostate blood tests we can get for men. [00:41:39] Skin cancer checks. Okay. So everyone should be checked for [00:41:42] skin cancer once a year.

Um, and [00:41:45] those are like the only recommended [00:41:48] diagnostics in the Western world right now for cancer. [00:41:51] On top of that, the full body MRI [00:41:54] is extremely powerful for diagnosing [00:41:57] tumors that those tests can’t

JJ: diagnose. So [00:42:00] then Why would you need to do, and especially with [00:42:03] mammograms, with Switzerland just outlawing mammograms.[00:42:06]

Yeah, and I’ve got, yeah, I’ve got some [00:42:09] amazing doctors in Mindshare who have done, [00:42:12] gone through all the statistics that show, There’s no [00:42:15] difference between someone getting a mammogram or not getting a mammogram and [00:42:18] their death from breast cancer. Um, [00:42:21] and in fact, we have this one doctor, Dr. Jen Simmons, [00:42:24] who’s actually got a new technology that she’s pushing [00:42:27] out.

So it’s very, it’s a very cool time in the mammogram. [00:42:30] Um, but couldn’t you just skip all those and just [00:42:33] do the full body MRI?

Dr. Darshan Shah: No, because MRI is [00:42:36] not very good at looking at your colon for colon cancer, [00:42:39] unless you’re focused on the breast. It’s [00:42:42] not gonna pick up all breast cancers either. [00:42:45] Could you do that in an ultrasound

JJ: for your Yes.

That in [00:42:48] that in an ultrasound for your breast, you could do a virtual colonoscopy and [00:42:51] only go in and get polyps. Yes. You can do that as well. Yep. [00:42:54] That’s what I did the first time. ’cause I was like, I was like, oh no, I don’t wanna do that. [00:42:57] One of my friends had just launched virtual [00:43:00] colonoscopy. Yes. I center.

I go, that sounds better. Yes. [00:43:03] That that’s a lot better. Granted insurance

Dr. Darshan Shah: didn’t cover it, but [00:43:06] Right, right. This is why like a lot of these things [00:43:09] that are like. Cutting edge insurance is not going to cover it. So [00:43:12] how do you get the most from your insurance and then [00:43:15] add only what you need to add? You know what I mean?

And so [00:43:18] look, there’s definitely going to be a world where mammograms go away, [00:43:21] colonoscopies go away. We’re not there yet, but it’s [00:43:24] important to be more complete. I think [00:43:27] a lot of people just stop at what insurance covers and they don’t [00:43:30] go an additional step. And it’s time for people to start going that [00:43:33] additional.

So especially with early detection being cancer, [00:43:36] everything. I always say like if Steve Jobs. [00:43:39] Had full body MRI I’ve eaten so weird. Yeah. And [00:43:42] that, right? I mean I think that’s what caused the, yeah. I mean [00:43:45] that period issue was just

JJ: fructose [00:43:48] overload. Crazy diet. Yeah. It would be a fruitarian. Right. [00:43:51] So we could ask Dr.

Rick Johnson. Yes. We would have something to [00:43:54] say on that. Um. So, and then [00:43:57] the liquid biopsy, talk about that.

Dr. Darshan Shah: So the liquid [00:44:00] biopsy detects cell free DNA of [00:44:03] active tumors that are growing inside of [00:44:06] you. And what’s really powerful about that is I would say [00:44:09] cancer’s biggest enemy is being diagnosed at stage one, right?

And [00:44:12] so if you can diagnose tumors [00:44:15] early, Then you have a much better fighting chance of being [00:44:18] cured and versus like, you know, stage three or four, we’re talking [00:44:21] five year survival rates now. So liquid biopsy is picking [00:44:24] up cell free DNA. That’s DNA. There’s not a genetic risk [00:44:27] of cancer. It is actual tumor DNA that’s [00:44:30] being shed into your bloodstream.

And you can pull that out of a [00:44:33] blood sample now. And so for about 50 different types of [00:44:36] tumors, it will find the cell free DNA. And then we can [00:44:39] go looking for the actual tumor. So [00:44:42] that in itself wouldn’t be diagnostic enough. [00:44:45] It wouldn’t, no, you have to follow it up [00:44:48] with a traditional diagnostic study like an [00:44:51] MRI that’s looking, so say it picks up a pancreatic [00:44:54] tumor on your cell for DNA, then we’d have to do a MRI [00:44:57] of your pancreas with thin cuts to actually look for [00:45:00] the tumor itself, because it’s likely picking up something if it’s [00:45:03] not symptomatic.

It’s not a large enough [00:45:06] tumor to become symptomatic. So you have to really go searching for it, [00:45:09] but it is very specific. So it will tell you, you have a [00:45:12] liver tumor, you have a pancreatic tumor. [00:45:15] It’ll, it’ll tell you where to look.

JJ: So [00:45:18] in the order of how you would do it, because do you do all [00:45:21] of them or do you do this one?

And then because of the results of this one, do the [00:45:24] next

Dr. Darshan Shah: one. Um, we do everything at the [00:45:27] same time. And the reason is most people are [00:45:30] not going to pick up anything, right? Exactly. And the [00:45:33] other important thing about the full body MRI to know as well, is that we [00:45:36] can also pick up anatomical issues. So things like abdominal [00:45:39] aortic aneurysms.

[00:45:42] That would be good to find. Exactly. Almost all of those are [00:45:45] fatal, right?

JJ: Because they’re ruptured. [00:45:48] Yep. That’s what my grandmother died of the bombs. Um, Oh, [00:45:51] she was like, my mom just passed at 93 and everyone’s [00:45:54] like, Oh, I’m sorry. I go, my mom, like won this round of [00:45:57] life. She like slid into home. She was fully functional and [00:46:00] then zoomed out like lights.

Same with grandma. [00:46:03] Fully functional and then boop, it’s like, that’s, that’s what you want in [00:46:06] your nineties. Although I want it in my a hundred twenties. Yes. I’m, and [00:46:09] then, uh, right. And then, ’cause here’s what, here’s what’s [00:46:12] super cool because we’re living to 120. [00:46:15] Well, that means that we are, ’cause I started to go, [00:46:18] am I not middle aged anymore?

But you are middle [00:46:21] aged if. We’re living to 120. So that’s it. [00:46:24] I love that. There you go. Just fix it. [00:46:27] Exactly. Um, okay. What about the CLEARLY test?

Dr. Darshan Shah: [00:46:30] Okay. The CLEARLY is also another [00:46:33] revolution in diagnostics for cardiac disease. So the reality is, you know, there’s [00:46:36] so much controversy about cholesterol.

[00:46:39] Cholesterol levels are not diagnostic for cardiac disease. [00:46:42] It just means you have a high cholesterol. You, you need [00:46:45] multiple factors for that high cholesterol to cause damage [00:46:48] to your blood vessels. So one of the most underutilized [00:46:51] tests in that we’ve had available [00:46:54] forever is a coronary calcium score.

That’s a quick cut [00:46:57] scan of your heart that tells you if you have calcium deposit into [00:47:00] your blood vessels. Is that hard [00:47:03] or soft plaque? That is shard of black. Okay. [00:47:06] Now that clearly is diagnostic for soft [00:47:09] black. So now explain the difference. Everybody knows. [00:47:12] Absolutely. Yeah. So when a blood vessel gets, [00:47:15] starts getting clogged for lack of a better term there, [00:47:18] there’s, it goes through kind of a stepwise fashion [00:47:21] of that clogging occurring.

First thing that happens [00:47:24] is cholesterol gets under the arterial wall and [00:47:27] that’s called soft black. Then your body tries to [00:47:30] heal it with inflammation and it calcifies it. That’s [00:47:33] called. So first you’re going to have soft plaque and [00:47:36] then you’re going to have hard plaque. Hard plaque is your body’s [00:47:39] attempt to make sure, you know, this soft plaque [00:47:42] doesn’t turn into a heart attack.

And so it’s actually trying to heal this [00:47:45] plaque. And so what the clearly does is a cat scan [00:47:48] of your heart and utilizing Artificial intelligence is [00:47:51] now able to show us every [00:47:54] artery of your heart and how much soft plaque is there, how [00:47:57] much hard plaque is there, and it can even go one step [00:48:00] further and tell you if that soft plaque is unstable.

[00:48:03] Wow. So you wouldn’t

JJ: have to do the coronary calcium score. [00:48:06] Exactly. Be redundant. Wow. That’s [00:48:09] amazing. Well, what happens It’s an incredible test. If you’ve [00:48:12] got unstable soft plaques, I know that’s

Dr. Darshan Shah: the dangerous, [00:48:15] super dangerous, unstable, soft plaque usually means you need to [00:48:18] go see a cardiologist and probably get some sort of intervention done.[00:48:21]

Maybe a scan and put it in. Yeah, exactly. Because [00:48:24] you’re living with a ticking time bomb pretty much.

JJ: Wow. What [00:48:27] an amazing test. And how often would you [00:48:30] Get those and at what age would you start?

Dr. Darshan Shah: Yeah, it really [00:48:33] depends. So there is more radiation to the clearly test [00:48:36] because you now you’re really getting a really clear cat skin of your [00:48:39] heart.

So we try not to use it unless it’s [00:48:42] indicated or we feel strongly. So we’re looking at [00:48:45] really like looking at the overall patient, like what is their family [00:48:48] history? What is their cholesterol level? Do they have high blood pressure? [00:48:51] Do they have inflammation? What are their homocyst levels? And if [00:48:54] they have a constellation of.[00:48:57]

Risk factors that we’ll get the clearly and then some [00:49:00] people are getting the clearly on a yearly basis because they have a lot of risk [00:49:03] factors. Other people’s once every five years or so, [00:49:06] because we, we have a really good picture. We know what we’re going to [00:49:09] do, and it’s not dangerous right

JJ: now. And if they have a lot of risk [00:49:12] factors and, you know, okay, there’s a [00:49:15] little of the genetics, but it’s more just lifestyle risk [00:49:18] factors.

Um, and they repair all [00:49:21] those and their ApoB comes down and their homocysteine gets into [00:49:24] range. Hscrp is good. [00:49:27] Do they still need to do it? Because [00:49:30] There’s the long term damage that they’ve done or are [00:49:33] they have they gotten themselves kind of in the clear [00:49:36] because of all the lifestyle

Dr. Darshan Shah: steps? Everyone’s different.

So there are [00:49:39] some people that have completely fixed their [00:49:42] lifestyle, but they still have coronary disease that we need to [00:49:45] monitor very closely. And so I can think of, [00:49:48] you know, dozens of patients that we were able to actually [00:49:51] reversed some of their plaque. I was just going to ask you, [00:49:54] so you

JJ: can

Dr. Darshan Shah: revert how, how do you do [00:49:57] that?

Getting all the lifestyle things right, first of all, [00:50:00] um, using some of the more aggressive cholesterol [00:50:03] managing medications helps as well. Lopurtafa, which is the [00:50:06] injectable medication. But, you know, some people are [00:50:09] reversing coronary disease just with lifestyle. You’ve seen [00:50:12] that. Really? Where does it go?

Like what happens to [00:50:15] this, this plaque? How does the hard plaque go away? Yeah. [00:50:18] So the hard plaque is harder to reverse, but the soft [00:50:21] plaque, if you It’s all that risky. It’s not breaking free [00:50:24] and Soft plaque. Yeah. What’s, no, no. So what happens [00:50:27] is your body has a mechanism to fix this. Absorbing your [00:50:30] HDLs.

Your HDLs, go in there, remove okay. [00:50:33] Cholesterol from your, from the arterial wall. So if [00:50:36] you can just give them a chance, your body can [00:50:39] reverse this damage. Wow. Yeah. . Wow. Wow,

JJ: [00:50:42] wow. Rather vote for exercise too. I know. Exercise [00:50:45] and fiber are good with that. Absolutely. That is super cool.

Dr. Darshan Shah: [00:50:48] Yeah.

JJ: Which then leaves me, when I think of heart [00:50:51] disease, and especially women, I know there’s.

It’s one of the things that’s [00:50:54] irked me for the last decade. [00:50:57] is all the negativity around hormones [00:51:00] and all the concern around breast cancer when women [00:51:03] die mostly of heart disease. And [00:51:06] if they’re monitoring it, even if they do get [00:51:09] breast cancer, their, their survival rate’s so good if they [00:51:12] catch it early.

And when estrogen goes [00:51:15] down, like, and I didn’t know this at first, I was working in [00:51:18] a cosmetic surgery, a plastic surgery [00:51:21] institute, seeing clients and [00:51:24] branch and marsh. And I could [00:51:27] tell who was on hormones and who wasn’t. So [00:51:30] they could do all their labs. The doctors would send them in. They’d had their labs [00:51:33] done.

I’m looking at them and it was like, I didn’t even have to ask. [00:51:36] It was so clear, so clear what [00:51:39] would happen with their, their inflammatory markers, [00:51:42] their cholesterol, everything was like off the charts. [00:51:45]

Dr. Darshan Shah: It’s I see that all the [00:51:48] time. Yeah. And so, you know, you mentioned [00:51:51] this misconception around hormones as creatives [00:51:54] basically, you know, I think it’s killed a decade of women.

[00:51:57] Yeah. I mean, it’s, it’s, it’s really sad to see what the woman’s health [00:52:00] initiative did and specifically the media that misreported [00:52:03] a lot of it. That was stupid.

JJ: 25 percent of all [00:52:06] of the breast cancer increase, which was one [00:52:09] person. Oh, there’s, there’s

Dr. Darshan Shah: so many, so many [00:52:12] flaws and a lot of the reporting behind the.

Study [00:52:15] itself, obviously. And so after we [00:52:18] talk about, you know, in my kind of paradigm that I take our [00:52:21] patients through, once we get through those three things, [00:52:24] uh, we didn’t talk about Alzheimer’s, but everything [00:52:27] else feeds into that metabolic disease, right? Alzheimer’s [00:52:30] is when we then we start talking about functional medicine, that [00:52:33] that’s hormones, gut health and detoxifying someone’s [00:52:36] wife and also emotional health, stress, et cetera.

[00:52:39] Aaron. It’s so clear to [00:52:42] me, both men and women [00:52:45] suffer needlessly from the kind of [00:52:48] the backlash of Western medicine towards hormone [00:52:51] replacement therapy. And there’s so much suffering that’s happening. [00:52:54] Why

JJ: is there a backlash with [00:52:57] Western medicine? Is it because it can’t be [00:53:00] that the best ones are compounded?

And [00:53:03] what is it? It’s

Dr. Darshan Shah: multifactorial. I think that people are [00:53:06] stuck in kind of some of these bolder studies [00:53:09] where, you know, just having [00:53:12] Optimal testosterone levels can lead to worsening [00:53:15] of arterial plaque. We know that’s not true. [00:53:18] We know that, you know, hormones don’t lead to [00:53:21] breast cancer, um, for women either.

And [00:53:24] so, I think a lot of people in the Western medicine [00:53:27] world were educated when those, that was the party [00:53:30] line, the studies. And now, We’ve turned all that [00:53:33] around, but there’s not new education. People are just [00:53:36] entrenched in their opinions. I think that’s the biggest problem, [00:53:39] actually. People are entrenched in their opinions.

Um, and [00:53:42] then, um, the compounding thing is another big problem. You know, [00:53:45] like these are, these are compounded and they’re not [00:53:48] something that the pharmaceutical companies have available for [00:53:51] purchase. So

JJ: [00:53:54] someone now has cleaned up all of this. Um, how are [00:53:57] you, how are you Evaluating them [00:54:00] for hormone replacement therapy.

Are there people who are [00:54:03] not a candidate?

Dr. Darshan Shah: Yeah, I mean, there’s absolutely people that are [00:54:06] not candidates. Then we’re [00:54:09] doing a lot of other types of things, supplements, exercise, [00:54:12] nutritional support to get them to where [00:54:15] we know we can help them. But I think [00:54:18] that You know, the way we evaluate someone next is we [00:54:21] do a full functional medicine panel, because with functional medicine, [00:54:24] as you know, you’re really focusing on the root cause of all of [00:54:27] these issues.

And so a lot of people don’t even know what the [00:54:30] root causes are. So we do a lot of education [00:54:33] around that. Hormone dysregulation is one of them. [00:54:36] Um, you know, we’re checking for multiple different toxicities. [00:54:39] Um, we’re checking, Having metals, [00:54:42] molds, you know, indolent, uh, infections. [00:54:45] We’re checking for, um, uh, mitochondrial [00:54:48] health as well is another root cause.

Gut health. How are you checking for [00:54:51] mitochondrial health? Well, that’s a really tough one. , [00:54:54] and I, I knew you gonna ask me that, but there’s a [00:54:57] new test out there that you, I just did it today. You, you’re getting [00:55:00] amazing. So

JJ: we’re so excited about it. I’m so excited about [00:55:03] it. I’ve always used organic acid and I’m like, just like [00:55:06] looking at the exhaust in your car.

I’m like, this is so cool. Yeah. [00:55:09]

Dr. Darshan Shah: Yeah, wait, I can’t wait either. And there’s a new [00:55:12] NAD level test coming out as well. Um, so we’re going to [00:55:15] have ways to check for mitochondrial health that I think are extremely [00:55:18] exciting. Um, and then we’re checking gut health [00:55:21] as well. I mean, you know, so much of [00:55:24] our inflammation begins in our gut.

And so we’re, we’re [00:55:27] looking at all of this together in You know, [00:55:30] the best part about root cause medicine is number [00:55:33] one, you avoid disease, but the second best part is that you [00:55:36] end up having people feeling incredible again, right? They’re more [00:55:39] vibrant, they have more energy, they’re

JJ: sleeping better. Maybe not even again, [00:55:42] maybe for the first time ever, you know?

I [00:55:45] mean, you think about it, there’s so much, like, I wish I’d had this [00:55:48] information, and I’ve always been in the field, [00:55:51] but gosh. You know, I

Dr. Darshan Shah: mean, [00:55:54] well, this is what changed my life, you know, because I think that [00:55:57] even though I did not, you know, I did all the [00:56:00] calcium scores and things like that luckily I was in the clear, [00:56:03] but I felt horrible.

And really what I [00:56:06] went to the functional medicine courses, And fix [00:56:09] my gut health, fix my hormone with hormone replacement [00:56:12] is when I finally felt Yeah. Much, [00:56:15] much better. And really reversed the course of my health and my, you know, [00:56:18] my destiny. I think

JJ: so. Right. Yeah. And now you can have [00:56:21] quality years and lived to a 120 plus.

[00:56:24] Absolutely. Right? Yes. Cool. So now you have [00:56:27] these clinics you started with, you have, I think six [00:56:30] now. Six of them. And now you have 44 popping [00:56:33] up. Right. So this will be fantastic ’cause it’s, it [00:56:36] is. One of the challenges is people start to learn [00:56:39] about this and they don’t know where to go. [00:56:42] So your clinics are called Next Health?

Dr. Darshan Shah: Next Health. Right. [00:56:45] And so, yeah, so the other big piece of what we’re doing [00:56:48] too is we are actually a one stop [00:56:51] shop to do all the fun stuff that, you know, you and I [00:56:54] use around longevity. So things like, you know, [00:56:57] Sona therapy, cryotherapy, we have a little bio acting lab [00:57:00] too. Yeah. So we call it our longevity [00:57:03] circuit.

And so we have people come in, we’ve done all the [00:57:06] diagnostics, and now we also have these. things that you can come in [00:57:09] once a week and do so. And what do you have? [00:57:12] Hyperbaric oxygen. We have infrared light. We [00:57:15] have heat sauna and cryotherapy. Some people do [00:57:18] that. We also have IV therapy in all the locations.

So [00:57:21] we do nutrient IVs and AD. And we’re [00:57:24] doing some of the advanced longevity things, things like therapeutic plasmids, [00:57:27] pain, stem cell, exosome therapy, [00:57:30] ozone. That’s kind of like the [00:57:33] high level of what we’re doing. And we’re doing hormone replacement [00:57:36] therapy as well. Um, and we’re working with some [00:57:39] people in weight optimization as well.

Cool. You got it [00:57:42] all. All under one roof.

JJ: Fun. Yes. Yes. [00:57:45] It is a lot of fun. I used to have girls night [00:57:48] out at the plastic surgery institute where we bring all [00:57:51] sorts of different people in and do, but now like next level, now we [00:57:54] can go to the biohacking lab. Exactly. We actually did that in [00:57:57] Tampa with one of our doctors, Dr.

Lisa coach. She had a biohacking [00:58:00] lab. We brought all the mastermind members in and had a great time. [00:58:03] Evening event. We’re all doing cryo. And they had the [00:58:06] cryotherapy that was like the size of a huge walk-in [00:58:09] freezer. Yes, yes. Which was crazy. And then we had a salt [00:58:12] room. Yes, yes. And I mean, it was, it’s so much [00:58:15] fun.

So fun. So fun. We do that all the time. Fantastic. [00:58:18] Yeah. . Yeah.

Dr. Darshan Shah: We don’t have a salt room, but we do have that big cryo [00:58:21] jade merchant. So you have the big one. Yeah. We get like four people. [00:58:24] It’s

JJ: and everyone’s sitting there jumping up and down. [00:58:27] I’m [00:58:30] going [00:58:33] to put into the show notes all of the [00:58:36] information about the centers, how to get more [00:58:39] information, how to get on your newsletter.

I’ll put that at [00:58:42] jjvirgin. com forward slash next health. [00:58:45] And I just love your really revolutionizing things. [00:58:48] I love it. Thank you so much, AJ. A lot of fun.[00:58:51] [00:58:54]

Be sure to join me next time for more [00:58:57] tools, tips, and techniques you can incorporate into everyday [00:59:00] life to ensure you look and feel great. And more importantly, [00:59:03] that you’re built to last. And check me out on [00:59:06] Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and my [00:59:09] website, jjvirgin. com. And make sure to follow my [00:59:12] podcast so you don’t miss a single episode at [00:59:15] subscribetojj.

com. See you next time.[00:59:18] [00:59:21] [00:59:24]

[00:59:27] Hey, JJ here. And just a reminder that the Well Beyond [00:59:30] 40 podcast offers health, wellness, fitness, and nutritional information [00:59:33] That’s designed for educational and entertainment [00:59:36] purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a [00:59:39] substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical [00:59:42] advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

If you have any [00:59:45] concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a [00:59:48] physician or other healthcare professional. Make sure [00:59:51] that you do not disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical or [00:59:54] health related advice from your healthcare professional because of something [00:59:57] you may have heard on the show or read in our show [01:00:00] notes.

The use of any information provided on the show [01:00:03] is solely at your own risk.
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