The Top Fat-Loss Foods & Drinks You Should Have Daily  

The Top Fat-Loss Foods & Drinks You Should Have Daily  

Are you tired of bland diet foods that promise fat loss but fail to actually taste good? You’re stuck unsatisfied and wanting more to calm your cravings.  No one wants to feel deprived! The key...

What Happens to Your Body Under Chronic Stress? 

What Happens to Your Body Under Chronic Stress? 

Stress can make you stronger or take you down—it’s all in how you respond to it. Acute stress carries a sudden jolt of adrenaline, like feeling your heart race when you narrowly avoid a car...

How Muscle Can Help Reverse Aging 

How Muscle Can Help Reverse Aging 

Your body undergoes various changes with age that can impact overall health and well-being. Bone loss, decreased mobility, and joint issues can significantly affect your quality of life. Muscle loss contributes to many of these...

Does Fasting Wreak Havoc on Your Hormones? 

Does Fasting Wreak Havoc on Your Hormones? 

Fasting has increased in popularity over the last decade for its many health benefits. There are several fasting methods to choose from, including intermittent fasting and time-restricted feeding, both of which involve alternating fasting and...

Do You Need Testosterone Hormone Replacement in Menopause? 

Do You Need Testosterone Hormone Replacement in Menopause? 

Amid the symphony of hormonal changes that characterize perimenopause, testosterone often takes a backstage role as estrogen and progesterone grab the spotlight.   We often think of testosterone as a male hormone, but testosterone is not...

Top 5 Hacks to Melt Stress Quickly 

Top 5 Hacks to Melt Stress Quickly 

A little stress can be a good thing. It can prepare you for life's hurdles, build resilience, and challenge your body through exercise. However, when stress overstays its welcome—watch out!  Chronic stress sets off a...

Hormone Replacement Therapy: When to Consider It and What to Try First 

Hormone Replacement Therapy: When to Consider It and What to Try First 

Women are superheroes. We seamlessly switch capes between career and family and other obligations, but this superhero life can throw our hormones into a tailspin, causing everything from mood rollercoasters to sleepless nights—especially in perimenopause....

Creatine: The Brain-Boosting Supplement for Women Over 40 

Creatine: The Brain-Boosting Supplement for Women Over 40 

As we age, changes in our brain function can become a notable part of life. Creatine, traditionally known for its role in enhancing physical performance, also shows promising benefits for brain health. Its ability to...

The Benefits of Collagen for Your Mental Health 

The Benefits of Collagen for Your Mental Health 

Mental well-being can be easy to overlook when you're focused on physical health. Yet your mental health is a fundamental cornerstone of overall wellness, substantially impacting your quality of life.  A sound state of mind...

Estrogen Dominance: Causes, Symptoms, and How to Overcome It 

Estrogen Dominance: Causes, Symptoms, and How to Overcome It 

Estrogen is the compass that guides so many processes throughout your body. This hormone helps regulate your menstrual cycle, maintains bone health, supports heart and brain health, and more. Like all hormones, maintaining a balance...

How to Get Past a Weight-Loss Plateau  

How to Get Past a Weight-Loss Plateau  

How many times have you felt like you’re doing everything “right,” but the scale refuses to budge?  Losing weight is a journey that often comes with its fair share of difficulties, and one of the...

6 Ways to Transition Through Menopause with Ease 

6 Ways to Transition Through Menopause with Ease 

When I say the word menopause, what comes to mind? If you're like most women, you think about miseries such as night sweats, mood swings, and weight gain. This doesn't have to be your fate....