Diet to Soothe Anxiety in Perimenopause and Beyond Can changing your diet calm your mind? New science is saying it can. In this episode, I’m talking to Dr. Uma Naidoo about anxiety in women...
"What are some simple steps I can take to start my journey to better nutrition and mental health?" This question was asked by Tanya K from In Goop Health - and it’s one many of...
"How can I improve my anxiety with food?" Tanya K asked this question from In Goop Health. JJ Virgin gets the answer from Dr. Uma Naidoo, author of This Is Your Brain On Food. Click...
"Are there foods to help me feel less depressed?" Serena G from the International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research asks a question that’s surely on the mind of many. JJ Virgin gets Dr. Uma Naidoo,...
"What are the best foods to eat to beat stress?" Sherry M from the Harvard Institute of Lifestyle Medicine Conference asks, and JJ Virgin gets Dr. Uma Naidoo, author of This Is Your Brain On...
"How does food impact my mood?" Tanya K from Goop Health asks this question, perfect for Dr. Uma Naidoo, author of This Is Your Brain On Food. JJ Virgin gets the answer from Dr. Naidoo...