
How to Lower Inflammation & Lose Weight with a Plant-Based Ketogenic Diet

In today’s podcast episode, functional medicine expert Dr. Will Cole talks with JJ all about his novel plant-based approach to the ketogenic diet! Listen to find out what exactly the Ketotarian plan is, including how it combines the power of plants with the health and weight loss benefits of the ketogenic diet. Dr. Cole also shares the connection between inflammation and autoimmune disease, as well as the vegetarian foods you should be adding to your menu to help you lower inflammation and take back your health. Plus, get a free copy of Dr. Cole’s Staples Food List so you can begin the Ketotarian revolution today!

Freebies From Today’s Episode

Get Dr. Will Cole’s free Staples Food List by going to JJVirgin.com/cole.

Main Points From Today’s Episode

1. Ketotarian is a mostly plant-based keto approach. It combines the power of plants with the health and weight loss benefits of the ketogenic diet.

2. The base of the Ketotarian triangle is healthy fats. Those include plant-based fats such as avocado, olives, coconut, and nuts and seeds, as well as vegetarian keto options like pastured, organic eggs and grass-fed ghee.

3. Many folks today find themselves somewhere along the Autoimmune Inflammation Spectrum. Following the Ketotarian approach helps lower inflammation, which can go a long way toward reversing autoimmunity.

Episode Play-By-Play

[1:14] Dr. Cole’s career briefing

[3:26] Listener shout-out

[5:32] The evolution of the Ketotarian program

[7:15] Pros and cons of the ketogenic diet

[9:04] Is the keto diet right for everyone?

[11:04] Advantages and pitfalls of a plant-based diet

[12:30] The Ketotarian plan merges the best of both worlds.

[14:10] Staple foods on the Ketotarian triangle

[15:26] The top of the triangle includes low-fructose fruits.

[16:16] The issues with fructose and juice

[17:03] What is the Autoimmune Inflammation Spectrum?    

[19:02] Dr. Cole’s top tips to reduce inflammation and take back your health

[20:15] When it comes to reversing autoimmunity, lowering your stress levels is key.

[23:15] An amazing success story from one of Dr. Cole’s patients

[26:18] Sugar is hiding everywhere. Find out which sugars to choose and which to lose in the Sugar Impact Diet!

[27:01] Listener’s question: How do I know if I’m a sugar burner or a fat burner?

Mentioned in this episode:

Podcast: Winning the Inner Game of Weight Loss with John Assaraf

Sugar Impact Diet, by JJ Virgin

JJ Virgin 7-Day Stop, Drop & Swap Challenge

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