Using the My Breast Friend Training System to Perform an Effective Breast Self-Exam
The founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror, Dr. Veronique Desaulniers has personally faced two breast cancer journeys. She joins JJ in today’s podcast episode to talk about her new breast self-exam training model called My Breast Friend that is changing early breast cancer detection.
Listen as Dr. V explains why it’s important to perform regular breast self-exam, as well as how My Breast Friend can help you understand the difference between normal breast tissue and any abnormalities that may arise during your breast self-exam.
Dr. V also shares why size matters when it comes to finding a breast cancer lump, as well as the top 7 triggers that can increase breast cancer risk. Find out about the power of touch in early breast cancer detection, the importance of breast self-exam and how to be proactive about your breast health!
Freebies From Today’s Episode
Get Dr. V’s free eBook, A Guide to a New Era in Early Breast Cancer Detection
ATHE_Transcript_Ep 397_Dr. Veronique Desaulniers
JJ Virgin: [00:00:00] Hey, it’s JJ and welcome today’s show. We have a super important topic, and this is one that I really hope you will share. In fact, I’m going to ask you to please share this with as many of your friends as possible today, we are going to talk about. Breast cancer. And specifically, we’re going to be talking about how to do a breast self exam and why early breast cancer detection is so key and critical and how you can ensure that you’re doing your breast self exam correctly.
And as a friend of a couple of close friends, now who’ve been diagnosed with and gone through breast cancer over the last year or two. This is near and dear to my heart. I’m sure if you’ve listening, you’ve probably had a. Sister, friend, mother, aunt who’s had the same. So this is one that again is how we’re going to talk through breast self exams, early detection, some of the triggers so that you [00:01:00] have the power literally at your fingertips to be able to change this course.
As this is the number two leading cause of death for women. I have the most amazing guests to walk through this today. Her name is Dr. Veronique. we call her Dr. V. She is the best-selling author. In fact, number one in 10 different categories on Amazon of heal breast cancer naturally. And she is a breast cancer survivor.
And she has the brand breast cancer conqueror, and she developed seven her seven essential system, which she’s used a signature process with thousands of women in over 43 countries to help them conquer breast cancer as well. And most recently she has. Partnered with something called my breast friend.
And it is this amazing system for how you can learn how to do a breast self exam correctly. And that’s what we’ll talk about today, because if you’re like me, you probably were [00:02:00] given a little shower card and, and said, okay, follow this, which turns out is not the correct way to do that at all. So again, if this is something that has impacted you personally something that you’re concerned about, I think I’m probably talking about everyone.
Then this episode is for you. And I also ask that you share this with as many of your girlfriends and family members as possible. Now the show notes for today are going to [email protected]/myBreastfriend. You’ll want to grab those because we are going to have visuals of some things we’re discussing on the show today, as well as an ebook that you can download there by Dr. V. And before I jump into the show and introduce you to Dr. V, who’s just a lovely, brilliant soul. I want to do a shout out to transform for life from the United States. And this is a five-star review. It say’s this podcast speaks straight to my soul, says I found [00:03:00] JJ when she was guest on mark Divine’s podcast a few years ago.
And she is now my favorite podcast. Wow! Thank you from this podcast, I found amazing supplements and I now have a meditation practice. That is amazing. I’m a yoga instructor, personal trainer, fitness coach. So I share the information with everyone I work with even more, more gratitude towards you for. I have always felt like it was okay to be a copycat.
As long as you copy the right cat. JJ is definitely the right cat. I’m so thankful for this podcast. I love the length and the variety of topics. Oh, thank you so much. Love that. Now, before we dive in, I want to share another favorite with you. So hang on and I’ll be right back with Dr. V.
Dr. Veronique. Welcome to the show. I’m so excited to have you here today.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: Thank you, JJ. It’s an honor where we’ve got a [00:04:00] lot of great things
JJ Virgin: to talk about. Yes we do. This is a huge, huge topic. I am so thrilled to have you on to talk about it. So, you know, again, we are talking about breast cancer and early detection and breast self exams today.
You really are the perfect person to be talking about all of this because of your health journey. So let’s start there how you got interested and how you became the breast cancer conquerer. How about that?
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: Yeah. Not by choice. That was one of those things. You know, our pain becomes our purpose, I guess.
So I’d been in practice for about 25 years and I was getting ready for work, jumped in the shower and. Was doing a breast self exam in the shower. And bam felt that lump, that changed the course of my life professionally and personally, you know, forever. And as I went through my first healing journey in 2004 through 2006, you know, the big question was, you [00:05:00] know, how could something like this happened to me?
You know, I thought I was doing everything right. I ate organic before organic was in style. I said my kids, you know, did everything right. But here I was facing a cancer journey. And so I had to really ask myself, you know, what were the pieces of the puzzle that I was missing? So I, you know, I dove into research and started looking at things and it was really, honestly, it was quite overwhelming for me, you know, even if I had, you know, You know, some professional experience after being in practice for 25 years.
So, you know, I had to really ask myself, you know, if I’m feeling this way, you know, how much more so would the average woman who’s facing a cancer journey. So I created a system I, that would simplify everything. You know, you look at an elephant, you know how you eat it, one bite at a time. So that’s what I did is I broke everything down into a seven step process called the 7 essential system, which brings you through.
Step-by-step through the journey. So it really, you know, makes it easy for you to, [00:06:00] you know, check off the boxes and say, okay, I’m doing this, I’m doing this, I’m doing this. And fast-forward several years, you know, nine years later I started I had started showing my healing journey. Online became known as the breast cancer conqueror.
Five years into that same situation. I wasn’t feeling well. I had pain in my left breast and bam, you know, and again, there, it was same spot, you know, it’s like a pit in my stomach. Spot. Yeah. Same spot, same area. And you know, so this time I was even more devastated because here I was the breast cancer conquerer and all these women were relying on me in my teachings and, you know, encouraging them that they can do it.
And yet I was facing cancer again. So it was really kind of a dark moment of the soul for me. I had to really face my demons and say, okay, am I a fraud? Is this really working? You know, what, what did I miss? So I just, you know, I had to say, [00:07:00] it’s okay, you know, you’re human look at what you look at, what you missed.
You know, I was working from sunup to sundown. I was doing one-on-one coaching, which, you know, I was absorbing all that cancer, energy, breast cancer, energy. I just realized I had to pull back and, you know, take care of myself, draw boundaries, learn to say no, manage my stress and look at the things that created the perfect storm for me to develop cancer again.
JJ Virgin: Well, and that actually, when you really look at these things, First of all creating the seven step system in the first place when people are faced with they’re so afraid they’re looking for answers and they’re overwhelmed was just fantastic so that people know exactly what they need to do. Go on that path, but also to show that if it does happen again, You know, here’s what you need to do and that if you aren’t practicing these things like you, you mentioned.
Okay. So I started letting things slip. I let the boundaries slip. I started overworking, you know, [00:08:00] the things that we kind of know we’re not supposed to do, but you, because of early detection, you were able to take a wake up call and put it to use, which is part of that story is. Ability to do breast self exams is early detection.
And, you know, I mean, we all, as women have been told to do breast self exams, I’ve never actually been taught how to do one. We’re given the little shower card. Right. And, you know, it’s something that prior to prior to your new, my breast friend, which I’m like beyond excited about, I think this is going to change the course of health for women worldwide
like we talk about making a, an impact and leaving a legacy. But let’s dig into this cause I’m one of those people, like, you know, Never learned how to do it correctly. I never really paid any attention to it. I figured it’s something you worry about later, you know, and you get a mammogram. And so why is it that for so many of us women, that’s just not something that we do, [00:09:00] even though we know how important it is.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: Well, you know, first of all, you mentioned, you know, we’ve never really been taught the importance of it. You know, you’re given that little pamphlets, stick it in the shower, put it by your bed. But nobody’s ever showed us how to do a proper breast self exam. And, you know, even if you do your yearly mammograms or thermograms and ultrasounds, It’s so important for you to understand that there’s a lot of things that can change from year one to year two, right?
There’s still 360 4 days of the year where your breast tissue can change. And you know, there’s actually a term called interval cancers where these cancers that develop in between those. The yearly screenings are much more aggressive because they start developing so rapidly. So it’s, so this whole thing about my breast friend is about empowering women to be in charge of their body.
You know, your doctor’s going to feel your breasts once a year. You get to feel them, you know, every day, if you want to, you know, so it’s [00:10:00] important to understand what is involved in a breast self-exam.
JJ Virgin: So do you think, I mean, is some of the reason women aren’t doing this regularly? Is it either a it’s sort of like flossing, you just sort of forget or is it maybe it’s a little denial, scary?
Like why is it that we’re not, I mean, besides the fact of never even really being taught correctly you know, why are we not doing it?
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: Because women are in denial. That’s, that’s what I hear most of the time, you know, I don’t know what I’m feeling and if I feel something I’m going to freak out. Right.
And so, you know, it’s a matter of knowing the geography and the feel of your breast tissue, because every woman’s going to be different and learning to detect something that’s unusual. That’s not always there. That’s, that’s the big key. And that’s what this whole training system. For you, is it teaches you to understand what normal breast tissue feels like and, and what your normal breast tissue feels like.
And then [00:11:00] what an actual lump may feel like. And you learn that by. Using the breast model, because the breast model to silicone breast model that was developed with the grants from national cancer Institute and the national science foundation, and this model silicone breast model was, is so lifelike that it’s been used to calibrate imaging machines.
And so
JJ Virgin: God, wouldn’t it be great Veronique if this is like in high school. Yeah, this was part of high school education, you know, just like when you go to the dentist and I actually had my first dentist teach me how to floss a couple of years ago. I thought this is just ridiculous. Like, why weren’t we taught to floss?
And like, I mean, I was flossing, but he’s like, you’re not flossing. Right. And I’m like, what do you mean flop flossing? Right. You know, you know, Why aren’t we in high school or junior high or elementary school taught these things that are like the life-changing things. And, you know, I know that I’ve done like [00:12:00] random breast self exams on myself and sometimes felt things and not known it well, is this something, is this not something I’m like, you know, again, how would you know?
So yeah, let’s talk about this. I’m literally have one right down here in my hand, I’m pulling it out. So let’s talk about the, my breast friend. And, but before that, let’s just give a little bit more validity as to why, you know, if someone is just waiting and they’re doing their annual exam, whether it’s thermography or mammography or ultrasound or whatever they’re doing why is it so critical to do this in between, beyond those?
You talked about. Cancers that could come jump in between, but you know, what are the stats for breast self exam? And finding cancers
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: are very, very surprised when I pull out these numbers. So there was a 23 year study done on, I forget how many hundreds of women, it was over 300 women and they found that mammograms detected breast [00:13:00] tumors, 43% of the time.
That a breast self exam. And it just, I, you know, I just accidentally happened to find it type of exam was 43%. And then when you add a clinical breast exam on top of that, you know, your doctor, your nurse is feeling your breasts. It adds up to 56%. So touch is actually more. You know, is more perceptive and more accurate than a literal machine, the mammogram 56% compared to 43%.
And then when you add the issues with dense breast tissue, you know, Joan London, you know, really made dense breast tissue popular because, you know, she had a mammogram, everything was clear on the mammogram, but came to find out with an ultrasound. She had, you know, she had triple negative breast cancer.
So, so important to understand that touch, you know, once you train your fingers and your brain to understand the difference [00:14:00] between normal breast tissue and a suspicious lump, and you can feel them. And that’s silicone breast model that, you know, these lumps can hide a different areas and even as deep as the chest wall.
So there’s a whole method to doing a breast exam. It’s not just feeling around, but we teach you how to do this properly.
JJ Virgin: So let’s talk through it then this, this and we will in the show notes, we are going to include this. So you can see this. And I think you’ve got a video about it as well. Right? So you’re gonna, you’re going to get that.
You’re going to get the, my breast friend eBooks. So you’ll get all of this. So if you’re having trouble visualizing it it sort of looks like a breast implant. That I’m looking at right now. Right.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: It’s really, really
JJ Virgin: pretty. Yeah. So it’s purple don’t think probably breast implants are purple. I don’t know.
But it’s purple and it’s got some lumpies in it and which is a little scary. I must’ve been when I first looked at them like, you know so [00:15:00] walk us through this training system and you know, how, how it should be used, what, what people need to do with it.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: So half of the half of the model feels like regular breast tissue.
It’s very nodular. The other half is very smooth. So that teaches you the difference between, you know, what’s not normal breast tissue and what normal is, you know, the nodular. There’s three main components to a proper breast self exam. The first thing is you have to learn what to feel for, and that’s what the model teaches you because there’s four lumps, different sizes and different locations.
And as you watch the instructional video, when you purchase the model, then it teaches you how to do. The second aspect is, you know, what to feel for or where and how deep to feel, excuse me. So you have to use light, medium, and deep pressure all the way down to the chest wall. And the third is where to feel, you know, some women think, well, as [00:16:00] long as I’m helping my breasts, I’m okay.
But tumors can hide in the armpit as high up as the collarbone, the chest wall, you know, the sternum. So you have. Follow the specific grid method that we teach you to cover all of that breast tissue and you don’t do it in the shower, standing up, you have to do it laying down and at a 45 degree angle.
So there’s two aspects to it, but the whole training system walks you through it. And once you learn that, you know, the first time it takes you, you know, maybe 15, 20 minutes to do the training, but once you do that, it literally takes you five minutes after that, you know, and I recommend that women do.
Every couple of weeks, wake up in the morning, you know, you check your breasts while you’re laying in bed or before you go to bed at night, it doesn’t take long once you know, the system.
JJ Virgin: So you just gotta put it in your. That’s right. Cause that’s what I literally look at. I look at the things that I have to do that I have to do.
Like every couple of weeks they just need to go in the calendar and then I get pinged about them and [00:17:00] that’s it. And what’s fantastic about this is there’s no side effects. I didn’t have to drive somewhere. It didn’t cost me a lot of money. Right. So my breast friend system costs probably less than the copay on a mammogram or a thermography.
So let’s talk about this and, you know, breast cancer, survival rates. You’re you’re you get this? My breast friend. And it teaches you how to look for these things. And before I go there, actually, so it’s teaching you, what does it talk about what to do? If you have implants,
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: same process it’s, it’s still learning, you know, whether you’ve had a lumpectomy, mastectomy, implants, it’s still the same process.
You have to learn what your normal breast tissue is versus what is not normal. And, you know, just a side note, as far as mastectomy women think, oh, well there’s no more breast tissue. Oftentimes lumps will reappear in the incision area. So in the, or in the axle and the armpit. [00:18:00] So you still have to practice that exam, even if you’ve had a
JJ Virgin: mastectomy.
Wow. Yeah. And you let’s go back to the other part. So let’s say that you notice something let’s talk about, you know, early detection because one of my very close girlfriends is a top-notch radiologist. And what she always told me was, you know, the biggest thing was breast cancer is early detection.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: Size matters, size matters when it comes to survival, you know, the average size lump that is found by somebody who’s not trained in a proper breast self exam is the size of the ping pong ball, you know?
JJ Virgin: Yes. How could you be walking around with a ping pong, ball sized lump, and not know it
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: you’d be surprised.
You’d be surprised. You know, they just, it may be it’s deep in the breast or they just happened to notice something different in the mirror. It happens
JJ Virgin: all the time. [00:19:00] Yes. Yeah.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: And once someone is trained in the proper method, you know, the, the mammy care method, which is now my breast friend, they can find something as small as a P just have, you know, 0.5 centimeters.
So that’s a huge difference. And statistically, if you find a tumor, that’s a centimeter or less. And it’s addressed, you know, quickly, the survival rate is 15 years and 88%. And so, you know, the numbers go up the smaller, the tumor once it’s found and the higher, the survival rates and the longer the, the life
JJ Virgin: expectancy.
Well, when they say those survival rates at what point after you’ve had cancer, does your chance of a reoccurance, you know, go down to close to.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: Well, the, you know, traditional medicine uses the five-year mark, but you know, that’s not very accurate because, you know, you could be half dead on, you know, [00:20:00] the day before five years and they still counted as, as survival.
But you know, really when it comes to. Survival rates and, and, you know, recurrence. My attitude is, you know, just be very diligent all the time. If you’ve had breast cancer or any type of cancer, once you’ve got to maintain your lifestyle so that you do everything you can. So to, you know, to prevent that from happening again.
You know, you, your body has, has dealt with cancer. It it’s kind of in the memory, right. Cellular memory. So you have to really stay on top of everything and, and use tools, you know, essential number seven is all about embracing very early detection. And that’s everything from tests inside traditional medicine to tests outside of traditional medicine, you know, various blood tests that can detect DNA, you know, cancer, DNA in the blood or cancer proteins in the blood.
You know, thermography ultrasound, you know, everything that’s out
JJ Virgin: there. What are the statistics [00:21:00] right now for women? I know that heart disease is our number one. Is breast cancer. Number two.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: Breast cancer is yes. The second leading cause of death in women. And unfortunately it’s not so much from the cancer itself.
Oftentimes it’s as a result of, you know, very aggressive treatments or. On the flip side, you know, they they’ve avoided it and they found it too late. You know, unfortunately, sometimes we hear those stories, you know, they, they go to the doctor and they’re already stage three or stage four and, and, you know, there’s just not enough time to get on top
JJ Virgin: of it.
So what are some of the risk factors for, you know, someone be more likely to be at risk for breast cancer?
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: There’s a lot of triggers as a matter of fact in the. Updated edition of my book heal breast cancer. Naturally I talk about the seven triggers. And so, you know, the triggers can be anything from diet [00:22:00] to, you know, obviously lifestyle stress management, exposure to toxins.
You know, we know we live in a very toxic world. We can’t live in a bubble, but there’s certain things that you can do to avoid, you know, the toxins in your home and on your body. You know, looking at your stress levels and we know that if you’re in stress mode and your adrenaline and cortisol are pumping, that’s going to increase your risk for breast cancer.
I mean, that’s a given fact you know, looking at your dental issues, make sure that there’s not a lot of infections in your mouth that you don’t have any metal fillings. You know, you don’t have root canals because root canals are a toxic side that drip, you know bacteria into your system and that can compromise your immune system.
And then, you know, look at your, your basic blood work, you know, stay on top of your blood work. You know, you obviously you understand this JJ, you know, as far as sugar levels, you know, make sure you’re not insulin resistant. You know, look at your vitamin D levels. If your vitamin D levels are [00:23:00] optimal, it reduces your breast cancer risk by over 83%.
JJ Virgin: Oh my gosh.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: Yeah. Something as simple as vitamin D. Yes.
JJ Virgin: Wow. That’s that is amazing. I had never heard that before and still it’s not standard to test vitamin D levels. It makes no sense to me. It’s crazy.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: I mean, these women who are under an oncologist’s care and they come to us and their vitamin D levels are a 20, you know, optimal range, therapeutic range should be between 80 and 150 minimally, you know, 50 and 60, but 20.
And they don’t, they don’t tell
JJ Virgin: them anything about. And what, what is the percentage of women now that will get breast cancer? Like it’s one
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: of the it’s one out of eight women are destined to develop breast cancer, but one out of three women. Will develop some form of cancer. What men will be one out of two and women.
It’s one out of three and soon it’s going to be 50% for everybody in another
JJ Virgin: 20 years. Gosh, that is [00:24:00] why, you know, I know that you have your program and you’ve written this bestselling book. That’s there to help people. Who’ve been diagnosed. They have the steps to walk them through so they can reclaim their health.
But I look at and go, you should be on this now. Like, you know, we just need to set up our body because I worry that a lot of it for a lot of us, the two that I see as big challenges for this audience, because you know, they’re doing the diet, they’re doing, they’re doing exercise and lifestyle and reducing sugar and optimizing vitamin D.
But you know, we’ve got to be dealing with the toxic burden that I think is driving so much of this. And the stress burden where like we have a society that still celebrates overworking and overdoing and, you know, especially for women, it’s like self care has got to be at the top and, you know, we’ve got to take time to putter and be a again.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: That’s right. That’s right. And, and that was really one of my biggest takeaways from my second healing journey was to learn to draw boundaries, learn [00:25:00] to say no, Self-nurture self-care always, you know, it’s in my calendar, you know, tennis, meditation, sauna, coffee, enemas, you know, just to make sure that I’m taking care of myself and, and stress is not part of my vocabulary anymore.
I refuse to be stressed
JJ Virgin: for that one. You know, it was interesting when my son was in the hospital, it was like the first night Dr. Hyla Cass came in with all these supplements to help with stress. I just reached out for help. And I’m like, I am not, I know what this could do, and I’m not going down with it.
Like, it’s you know, we are going to be able to get through this. And me being stressed out is not going to make it, you know, make me be able to get through it better. So you know, I look at everything you’re doing. And I think one of the challenges out there is we tend to want to pretend this isn’t something and ignore it.
When, if you just. Start to look at all right, I’m going to start doing this. And in fact, it’s sitting right here with me right now, my best friend. And this is [00:26:00] something that is, is empowering you. And that if you look right now and say, I’m going to, if I know that if you do get cancer, there’s all of these things that you can do to help you get through it.
But why not start right now with not just early detection, but early prevention. Right. And I know prevention is always tough to sell to people, but make your body inhospitable to it because of what you’re doing to detoxify because of what you’re doing with stress management in your life and because of how you’re, how you’re eating and living.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: That’s right. And there’s, you know, when you purchase the model, there’s actually an opportunity to get the online program. You know, it’s called your guide to preventing breast cancer naturally. And so it walks you through each of the seven essentials so that you can really stay on top of your health.
And it’s, it’s not a lot, you know, it’s just common sense things that you can do every day to nurture your body and nurture your soul so that your body stays healthy, healthy, and happy because cancer is just a tap on the [00:27:00] shoulder. And it’s just telling you, you know, something’s out of balance here.
You’ve got to, you know, change what you’re doing in your life.
JJ Virgin: So you are going to be able to get the ebook. And I’m going to put all of [email protected]/mybreastfriend, which I love the title of that my breast friend and what we’ll make sure to there is that we’ll put the video so you can see what this is.
Again, it just looks like a pretty purple implant and you’ll get the ebook as well. And then a link to be able to get this and this. Little unit here. How much is this little? My breast friend.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: 1 27. And we have, yeah, we have different packages because a lot of women want to get one for their daughter or their kids.
So we have community packs and bundles and, oh, that’s
JJ Virgin: fantastic. Yeah, because I look at this and I go, literally it’s less, it’s less than probably a copay, a lot of the doctors to go get the to go get these, any kind of testing. So this is the thing to [00:28:00] put in to your schedule. Again, you’re going to put it into your date book.
That’s what I’m doing along with my other stuff that I have to do periodically. You just put it on in there. So you remember to do it. And again, I mean, I think this is just piece of mind, this is my breast friend. It’s peace of mind. So I super appreciate all your work on it. Again, you can grab [email protected]/mybreastfriend.
And now after the break, I’m going to come back and give you a couple of my top takeaways. So stay with me.
Welcome back now. I will share with you that Dr. V gave me a, my breast friend. I just picked it up I’m looking at it right now. In fact, I was messing with it while I was interviewing her, which might seem a little bit strange. And I made the decision. I was like, I’ve I kind of looked at flossing.
Like I was always a bad flosser and a couple of years ago, I, this, I thought this is ridiculous and I’ve [00:29:00] become a, a super flosser ever since then. And now I’m making the same commitment and I’m making the commitment here on the show with all of you that I’m committing to my breast friend. And I know the way to make this happen is to put it in my book.
And commit to doing it. And so this is something that we know to be true. I, this is the part of the show where I talk about the action step. Well, the action step today is to commit to breast self exam because everything that you look at around breast cancer is that it all comes down to early detection.
And the statistics are super clear that breast self exam done correctly is a powerful, powerful way for you to have early detection. And I know that can be scary and kind of, some of it’s like denial. I don’t want to do that. I’ve now had a couple girlfriends, super close girlfriends go through breast cancer and early detection is [00:30:00] so key and critical.
And then doing some of these steps that Dr. V talked about now, if you’ve been around the, if you’ve been around the community, you know that how I feel about sugar. So we’ve talked a lot about lowering your sugar impact. We’ve talked about vitamin D and optimizing it. We’ve talked a lot about. And toxins and, and lifestyle.
We haven’t talked a lot about dental. I have done an interview with, with Trina Felber the natural health nurse. So I’ll post that into the Intel as well, because we definitely need to go deeper there and you can get more information I’d highly recommend when you get my breast friend to do a couple things, get my breast friend and get one for a friend as well.
I’ll get a couple last year I gave everyone Trina Felber. Teeth products, dental products for the holidays. And this year I may be given my breast friends, I must say. But this is definitely one you want to get out to as many friends as possible, and then also commit because, well, I find that it’s easier to be really clear.
Things like diet [00:31:00] and vitamin D and lowering sugar and exercising because they’re so tangible. It may not be as clear with things like watching your stress levels. So also commit there because I think one of the challenges, especially with women is we tend to put ourselves last on the to-do list and we overwork and over-do and we’ve got to take that time out for ourselves.
So the other thing I want to just pull out as a big action step is number one, breast self-exam. Put it into your calendar. I’m I have to do a testosterone shot every three weeks. So it’s going there with that. I’m going to put those two together. And then number two is to make sure that you’re taking some downtime for you some time to.
Goof off and have fun and play and do something for yourself all for yourself. Be selfish because by the way, that self-care is not selfish. And when you take some time for yourself, you’ll be better for everybody else. Alrighty I want to remind you one more time. Grab the show notes from today.
Lots of goodness. There at [00:32:00] And. Other important thing is go on over now. If you haven’t subscribed yet, subscribe and share this episode with every woman that you can think of and let’s get this message of self exam, breast, self exam, all over the place. All right, I’ll see you next time.
Bye .