Recipe: Peppermint-Thyme Tea

by JJ Virgin on January 31, 2018

This easy homemade herbal tea is refreshing, and it’s great for your gut health!

In fact, studies have shown that peppermint is a natural antibacterial and can help reduce symptoms of SIBO. Thyme has been used to fight infection and treat nausea and stomach upset for centuries.

Bonus: peppermint can also help with seasonal allergies, and the scent has been proven to help with both short-term memory and stress relief. If you’re looking for a warm drink to lull you to sleep, you’ve found it!

To mix things up, try adding half a teaspoon of freshly grated ginger during the steeping time, or use a mix of spearmint and peppermint leaves. You can also add a green tea bag during steeping to make Peppermint-Thyme Green Tea. (Even better for you! This blog explains why…)

Peppermint-Thyme Tea


January 31, 2018

This simple herbal tea recipe is light, refreshing, and takes just minutes to make. It’s also a natural stress reliever that can help with your stomach upset.

Virgin Diet compliant: Cycles 1, 2, and 3
Sugar Impact Diet compliant: Cycles 1, 2, and 3

  • Yields: 1 Serving


7-10 fresh peppermint leaves

1 stem fresh thyme

8 oz. filtered or bottled water

lemon juice to taste (optional)


1Rinse the mint and thyme leaves well, then place on a saucer.

2Crush with the back of a spoon to bruise the herbs so they release their essential oils.

3Transfer the herbs to a mug and pour in 8 ounces of hot water.

4Allow to steep for 7-10 minutes. Strain out herbs, and add lemon juice if desired.

5Enjoy hot or pour over ice.

6Variations: Try adding a 1/2 teaspoon of freshly grated ginger during the steeping time or use a mix of spearmint and peppermint leaves.

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