Classic Sunday Brunch Menu & Guide

by JJ Virgin on February 3, 2017

Your Classic Sunday Brunch Menu & Guide

Even if you’re a morning person, there’s something appealing about combining breakfast and lunch. Somehow the delay makes for an occasion worth celebrating, and it’s a better fit for a lot of schedules than getting together first thing Sunday.

The recipes below are all designed to mix sweet and savory for a classic brunch menu, minus the carb crash and hangover. The entertaining tips that follow will help you pull together a showstopping brunch in no time flat, leaving you plenty of time to enjoy yourself.

Remember, if you’re used to having breakfast at 7 AM and the guests aren’t due until noon, don’t go hungry! Drink a protein shake within an hour of waking to stay energized and focused.

Classic Sunday Brunch Menu

Classic Sunday Brunch Tips & Ideas

  • Think ahead and keep it simple. All four of the recipes above can be made the night before. Lay out serving dishes on the table so they’re ready to be filled before people arrive. Keep things easy by offering guests mason jars of flatware and stacks of plates so they can help themselves, rather than setting a formal table.
  • Don’t forget the coffee and tea. Caffeine is a must for some, but even the decaf versions of coffee and green tea still contain chemicals that naturally fight disease and help produce feel-good endorphins. A happy brunch is a good brunch.
  • Let people help. One of the signs of a healthy mindset is being able to accept help. So if your neighbor offers to bring a dish, say yes! If your best friend asks how she can help, ask her to arrange platters of Bloody Mary garnishes or make sure everyone’s mug is refilled. Even if you could manage it all yourself, it brings others joy to participate and helps build a feeling of community that will last long after brunch is over.

You’re ready for a scrumptious, nutritious brunch that’s low-stress and fun for everyone involved. If you try any of these recipes or tips, don’t forget to share on Facebook!

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