Recipe: Chocolate Cherry Chia Protein Shake

by JJ Virgin on September 6, 2016

There’s no better way to start off your day than with the ultimate in morning nutrition and convenience: protein shakes!

This tasty smoothie recipe includes chia seeds, a superfood that provides both filling, heart-healthy fiber and fat-burning protein. Combine them with the immune-boosting power of cherries and dark chocolate, and you’ve got a delicious breakfast option that starts the day off right for the whole family.

Joining the Chocolate Cherry Chia Shake in our Back-to-School Breakfast is Hot Quinoa Cereal with Warm Berry Compote, Tex-Mex Scrambled Eggs with Avocado and Salsa, and Blueberry Power Muffins. Plenty of scrumptious choices to power up you and your kiddos!

Chocolate Cherry Chia Protein Shake


September 6, 2016

Chocolate, cherry, and nutritious chia seeds come together in this irresistible protein shake recipe. Protein and fiber in one yummy package, perfect for a meal replacement or after a workout.

Virgin Diet compliant: Cycles 1, 2, and 3
Sugar Impact Diet compliant: Cycles 1 and 3

  • Prep: 5 mins
  • Yields: 1 serving


2 scoops Chocolate All-In-One Protein Shake mix (your choice Paleo-Inspired Paleo-Inspired or Plant-Based)

1 cup frozen organic unsweetened dark cherries

1-2 tbsp chia seeds

1/2 cup unsweetened full-fat nut milk yogurt or Greek yogurt (if not dairy intolerant)

1/2 cup cold filtered water


1Blend the ingredients together until smooth. (If you’re using Paleo shake mix, ramp up the blender speed slowly to keep it creamy.)

2Your shake can be thickened by adding ice cubes or thinned by adding more cold water. So good!

Want to know more about rich chocolate JJ Virgin All-In-One Protein Shake powder? Check out our store to see product details, protein shake FAQs, and choose from Plant-Based or Paleo-Inspired protein

This recipe is part of the Back-to-School Breakfast menu, with Chocolate Cherry Chia Shakes, Hot Quinoa Cereal with Warm Berry Compote, Tex-Mex Scrambled Eggs with Avocado and Salsa, and Blueberry Power Muffins. Check out the Back-to-School Breakfast Menu and Guide for links to all the recipes, plus more handy tips and activities for happy, healthy mornings!

For more yummy, healthy recipes, go to


Please SHARE with this tweetable (just click!): This irresistible shake recipe combines superfood chia seeds with the immune-boosting power of cherries and dark chocolate.

Stay tuned for more back-to-school breakfast fun, including a helpful guide to ease your family into the new school year. We’ll give you tips to simplify your morning routine, fun and healthy lunchbox ideas, plus a great printable to help you stay in touch with your kids even when you’re apart during the day.

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