Bridgit Danner is a functional health coach and detox expert, and she had to take her health into her own hands after developing an environmental illness due to toxic mold in her home. Listen as Bridgit reveals the top sources of toxins and how toxicity can not only interfere with your hormones and ability to lose weight, but also wreak havoc on your energy levels and your health.
Dr. Valter Longo is a world-renowned expert in the field of longevity, and he joins JJ in today’s podcast episode to share his science-based secrets to helping you live a longer, healthier life! Listen as Dr. Longo talks about the Fasting Mimicking Diet and how this revolutionary diet can help slow aging and fight disease, plus find out the steps you can take to incorporate the Fasting Mimicking Diet into your routine.
Katie Wells is known as The Wellness Mama for good reason! She’s a mom of 6, an award-winning blogger, and was recently named one of the 100 most influential people in health and wellness. In today’s podcast episode, Katie shares her personal story of how she turned to nutrition to find the solution to her own health struggles and along the way, created an amazing community with a wealth of information on natural living.
Veronique Cardon’s health and weight struggles started when she moved to the United States and began working in a high-stress job as a corporate executive. Realizing she needed to make a change, Veronique embarked on a journey to become a holistic nutritionist and heal herself.
Kathy Smith is a legend in the fitness and wellness industry, and she has influenced the lives of millions with her iconic exercise videos and bestselling books. Listen as Kathy explains the best types of exercise to help you strengthen your bones and prevent osteoporosis, as well as the effects of aging on your muscles and how burst training can help you maintain your explosive muscle fibers
Leanne Ely is the bestselling author of more than ten published books, and she joins JJ in today’s podcast episode to talk about The Hot Melt Diet: her newest eating plan that will help you melt unwanted pounds away.
With new episodes dropping frequently, you can count on Well Beyond 40 to separate fact from fiction and give you health advice you can trust to improve your life.
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