Pumpkin spice season is here! (Although, I would argue there’s never a bad time for pumpkin spice goodies…)
When I first published our Pumpkin Spice Latte Protein Shake recipe, it was an instant success. But if you’re yearning for something a little more warm and cozy, try this hot latte. Just like the smoothie, it’s still all-natural, tastes amazing, and is packed with impressive nutrition.
Better still, my Pumpkin Spice Latte recipe has just 2 grams of sugar, compared to 50 grams in the Starbucks version! In fact, no matter what coffee shop you pick, this fall favorite always has the same first ingredient: pumpkin syrup. Yikes. My recipe swaps out all that sugar for a fat-burning, energizing boost of protein.
You also get the incredible fiber and phytonutrients of pumpkin, which means you’re fighting aging on a cellular level, as well as ensuring you stay full and satisfied. And of course, you still get your coffee, plus the creaminess of coconut milk. (Feel free to substitute unsweetened almond milk, if you prefer.)
Not only does this easy drink stir together in less time than you’d spend in a coffee shop line, it also costs at least $1 less per cup – even with organic pumpkin and my high-quality protein shake powder. This Protein PSL recipe wins out every time!
So get one a Protein Pumpkin Spice Latte brewing now, then check out some more healthy, delicious recipes to get your pumpkin spice fix! You can’t go wrong with a batch of delectable Pumpkin Spice Protein Cookie Bites or yummy Paleo Pumpkin Spice Pancakes.

Protein Pumpkin Spice Latte
October 11, 2017
How about a scrumptious, all-natural Pumpkin Spice Latte full of protein and fiber and just 2 grams of sugar? (Compare that to 50 grams of sugar in theirs!)
Virgin Diet compliant: Cycles 1, 2, and 3
Sugar Impact Diet compliant: Cycles 1, 2, and 3
- Prep: 5 mins
- Yields: 1 latte
1Whisk the protein shake into the hot coffee until completely dissolved.
2Add remaining ingredients and whisk again until smooth.
*Find out more about JJ Virgin All-In-One Protein Shakes in our store, including FAQs and why our shakes are better than all the rest...
Want more healthy, yummy recipes? Check out jjvirgin.com/recipes.
Nutrition Facts
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